Wehrmann, Gerhard (Feldersatz-Bataillon 3)
- Date of birth:
- March 16th, 1914 (Eichenhagen/Posen, Germany)
- Date of death:
- December 24th, 1998 (Marktheidenfeld/Bavaria, Germany)
- Nationality:
- German
December 1st, 1944: Major.
September 1st, 1939: Zugführer, 12. Kompanie, Infanterie-Regiment 29;
June 26th, 1941: Adjutant, I. Bataillon, Infanterie-Regiment 29 (motorisiert);
December 20th, 1941: Lazerett;
July 14th, 1942: Fährichsvater, Ersatz-Bataillon (motorisiert) 29;
October 10th, 1942: Abteilungsführer, Schule IV, Fahnenjunker der Infanterie;
December 8th, 1943: Infanterie-Gefechtslehrer, Schule IV, Fahnenjunker der Infanterie;
February 26th, 1944: Regimentsadjutant/Bataillonsführer/Kommandant Grenadier-Regiment (motorisiert) 29;
?: Führer Panzergrenadier-Feldersatz-Bataillon 3;
December 1st, 1944: Stab, 3. Panzergrenadier-Division;
January 3rd, 1945: Führerreserve OKH/18. Adjutanten-Lehrgang;
March 4th, 1945: Führerreserve OKH;
March 10th, 1945: Adjutant, 3. Panzergrenadier-Division.
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- Period:
- Second World War (1939-1945)
- Rank:
- Hauptmann (Captain)
- Unit:
- Führer, Feldersatz-Bataillon 3, 3. Panzergrenadier-Division, Heer
- Awarded on:
- November 3rd, 1944
Awarded for distinguishing himself on the 29.05.1944. On this day Wehrmann defended Lanuvio with his reinforced Feld-Ersatz-Bataillon. 3 against an Allied force that had the support of 50 tanks. He was able to successfully repulse all attempts to seize the place, and in the process his Bataillon was able to capture 10 prisoners and destroy 8 tanks with close-combat weapons. Wehrmann would be recognized appropriately for holding onto this key point of the German defensive scheme.
- - FELLGIEBEL, W.P., Elite of theThird Reich, Helion & Company Limited, Solihull, 2003.
- PATZWALL, K. & SCHERZER, V., Das Deutsche Kreuz 1941-1945, Band II, Verlag Klaus D. Patzwall, Norderstedt, 2001.
- Karteikarte.
- Die Ordensträger der Deutschen Wehrmacht (CD), VMD-Verlag GmbH, Osnabrück, 2002
- Mitteilungsblatt FM, Heft 1, I/2007, Deutsches Wehrkundearchiv, Lage, 2007
- Dieckhoff, G., 3. Infanterie-Division, 3. Infanterie-Division (mot.), 3. Panzergrenadier-Division, 1960