Kurt Bennecke entered service as Fahnenjunker on February 18th, Until the First World War he raised in the ranks to Leutnant.
The First World War he entered as Leutnant and Adjutant II. / Infanterie-Regiment 15. For his services during WW1 he received the Eisernes Kreuz 2.Klasse (October 16th, 1914), Eisernes Kreuz 1.Klasse (October 30th, 1915), the Königliche Bayerische Militär-Verdienstorden IV. Klasse mit Schwertern (December 21st, 1914), the Fürstliche Lippisches Kriegsverdienstkreuz (September 26th, 1915) and the Schaumburg-Lippisches Kreuz für treue Dienste 1914 (July 18th, 1915) and was awarded the Verwundetenabzeichen, 1918 in Schwarz for a wound received.
After the First World War he remained in the Army, reaching the rank of Generalmajor and Chef des Stabes 4. Armee.
During the Second World War he kept climbing the ranks, reaching that of General der Infanterie and became POW to the US Forces on May 8th, 1945 He remained POW until March 31st, 1948.
After WW2, Kurt Brenecke was involved in buiding the new Bundeswehr. For his services he was awarded the Grosses Verdienstkreuz des Verdienstordens der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.
February 18th, 1910: Fahnenjunker-Unteroffizier;
? : Fähnrich;
August 18th, 1910: Leutnant;
August 18th, 1915: Oberleutnant;
August 18th, 1918: Hauptmann;
January 1st, 1929: Major;
April 1st, 1933: Oberstleutnant;
April 1st, 1935: Oberst;
August 1st, 1939: Generalmajor;
August 1st, 1940: Generalleutnant;
February 1st, 1942: General der Infanterie.
February 18th, 1910: 2. / Westfälisches Infanterie-Regiment "Prinz Friedrich der Niederlande" Nr. 15;
?: Adjutant 2. / Westfälisches Infanterie-Regiment "Prinz Friedrich der Niederlande" Nr. 15;
1915: Adjutant Westfälisches Infanterie-Regiment "Prinz Friedrich der Niederlande" Nr. 15;
1916: Adjutant 26. Infanterie-Brigade;
?: Reichswehr-Infanterie-Regiment 14;
?: 17. Infanterie-Regiment, Braunschweig;
1921: Nachrichten-Offizier Stab 17. Infanterie-Regiment;
October 1st, 1923: Chef 2. / 17. Infanterie-Regiment, Braunschweig;
October 1st, 1924: Ausbildungs-Eskadron / 2. (Preuß.) Reiter-Regiment, Allenstein;
October 1st, 1925: Generalstab 2. Division Reichswehr, Stettin;
?: Führergehilfenausbildung;
October 1st, 1930: Lehrer für Kriegsgeschichte M.Frunse Kriegsakademie, Russland;
?: Heeres-Ausbildungsabteilung (T 4);
October 1st, 1933: 2. (Preuß.) Kraftfahr-Abteilung, Stettin;
February 1st, 1934: Kommandeur 2. (Preuß.) Kraftfahr-Abteilung;
?: Kommandeur Kraftfahr-Abteilung, Stettin;
June 1st, 1935: Chef des Generalstabes VII. Armeekorps;
November 24th, 1938 - 26 augustus 1939: Chef des Stabes Heeresgruppen-Kommando 6;
August 26th, 1939 - October 25th, 1940: Chef des Generalstabes 4. Armee;
October 25th, 1940 - June 21st, 1941: Chef des Generalstabes Heeresgruppe C;
June 21st, 1941 - January 17th, 1942: Chef des Stabes Heeresgruppe Nord;
January 17th, 1942: Führerreserve;
August 15th, 1942 - January 23rd, 1943: Kommandierenden General XXXXIII. Armeekorps;
January 23rd, 1943: Führerreserve;
July 1943 - May 8th, 1945: Leiter Kurse für Divisionskommandeure und Kommandierende Generale;
May 8th, 1945 - March 31st, 1948: POW to the US Forces.
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