Kleinheisterkamp, Matthias (Waffen SS)*
- Date of birth:
- June 22nd, 1893 (Elberfeld/Rhineprovince, Germany)
- Date of death:
- April 29th, 1945 (near Halbe pocket, Germany)
- Service number:
- SS-Nr.: 132.399 // NSDAP-Nr.: 4.158.838
- Nationality:
- German
Fahnenjunker: 2 August 1914
Leutnant: October, 1914
Oberleutnant: 1 February 1928
Hauptmann: 1 October 1929
SS-Anwärter: 8 January 1934
SS-Mann: 24 January 1934
SS-Sturmmann: 8 February 1934
SS-Scharführer: 10 February 1934
SS-Oberscharführer: 12 February 1934
SS-Truppführer: 14 February 1934
SS-Obertruppführer: 19 March 1934
SS-Sturmführer: 12 April 1934
SS-Obersturmführer: 17 June 1934
SS-Hauptsturmführer: 20 April 1935
SS-Sturmbannführer: 1 June 1935
SS-Obersturmbannführer: 20 April 1937
SS-Standartenführer: 18 May 1940
SS-Oberführer: 19 July 1940
SS-Brigadeführer und Generalmajor der Waffen-SS: 9 November 1941
SS-Gruppenführer und Generaleutnant der Waffen-SS: 1 May 1943
SS-Obergruppenführer und General der Waffen-SS: 1 August 1944
02.08.1914: Fahnenjunker - 1. Westfälische Pionier-Bataillon Nr. 7
00.10.1914: Leutnant, 1. Lothringische Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 130
00.00.1916-00.00.1918: Leutnant, Zug- and Kompanieführer then Bataillons- and Regimentsadjutant - Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 219
00.00.1918: Leutnant, severely WIA to the head and hospitalized
00.00.1919-00.00.1920: Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 55 then Adjutant, Freikorps 'Lichtschlag'
00.00.1920-00.12.1920: III. Bataillon, Schützen-Regiment 7, Freikorps Freiwilliges Garde-Landesschützen-Korps 'von Neufville'
01.01.1921: Leutnant, Zugführer, I. Bataillon, Infanterie-Regiment 17
00.00.1921: Adjutant, Reichswehr-Brigade 4
00.00.1925: MG-Offizier, II. Bataillon, Infanterie-Regiment 17, Göttingen
01.10.1929: Hptm, Chef, 5. Kompanie, Infanterie-Regiment 17
01.10.1933-01.02.1934: Hptm, Stab, Infanterie-Regiment 6
01.11.1933: joined the SS - SS-Abschnitt XIII, SS-Oberabschnitt Nord
01.02.1934: transferred to the SS-VT
01.04.1935: SS-Hstuf, Taktiklehrer, SS-Junkerschule Braunschweig
01.04.1936: SS-Stubaf, Chef des Stabes, Inspektion, SS-Verfügungstruppe
20.04.1937 or 01.05.1937: joined the NSDAP
04.08.1938: SS-Ostubaf, Stab, SS-Standarte "Deutschland", SS-VT
01.12.1938: SS-Ostubaf, Kommandeur, III. Sturmbann, SS-Standarte "Deutschland", SS-VT
00.00.1939-00.00.1940: campaign in Poland and the Netherlands
01.07.1940: SS-Staf, Kommandeur, SS-Totenkopf-Infanterie-Regiment 3, SS-Division 'Totenkopf'
00.06.1941: campaign in Russia : Lushno south of the Ilmen Lake
07.07.1941-15.07.1941: SS-Oberf, temp. Kdr, SS-Division 'Totenkopf'
31.12.1941: SS-Brif, Kommandeur, SS-Division "Das Reich"
20.04.1942-00.11.1943: SS-Brif, Kommandeur, 6. SS-Gebirgsdivision "Nord"
15.12.1943: Führer-Reserve, SS-Führungshauptamt
01.01.1944: Führer, creation of the VII. SS-Panzerkorps
25.02.1944-16.04.1944: SS-Gruf, Vertreter des Kommandierenden Generals, III. (germanisches) SS-Panzerkorps
01.05.1944: SS-Gruf, VII. SS-Panzerkorps
24.07.1944: SS-Gruf, Kommandierender General, XI. SS-Armeekorps - fightings in Galicia, in Slovakia and on the Oder
28.04.1945: awarded the RK with Eichenlaub per radio and captured by the Soviet near the village of Halbe, south-east of Berlin
29.04.1945: Soviet POW - committed suicide while in captivity
02.05.1945: other sources give KIA in the Battle of Halbe
Do you have more information about this person? Inform us!
- Awarded on:
- December 16th, 1935
- Rank:
- SS-Obersturmbannführer (Lieutenant-colonel)
- Awarded on:
- 1939
- Rank:
- SS-Obersturmbannführer (Lieutenant-colonel)
- Awarded on:
- 1939
- Rank:
- SS-Obersturmbannführer (Lieutenant-colonel)
- Awarded on:
- 1939
- Rank:
- SS-Obersturmbannführer (Lieutenant-colonel)
- Awarded on:
- 1939
- Period:
- Second World War (1939-1945)
- Rank:
- SS-Brigadeführer / Generalmajor der Waffen-SS (Brigadier)
- Unit:
- Kommandeur, SS-Division "Das Reich"(motorisiert), 9. Armee, Heeresgruppe Mitte
- Awarded on:
- March 31st, 1942
Kleinheisterkamp’s first Knight’s Cross recommendation highlighted his bravery and energy during the capture of the causeway from Bevelund to Walcheren. This was however turned down. The second Knight’s Cross recommendation was on the grounds of his swift capture of Rosenow and its undamaged bridges on the 04.07.1941 as well as his breakthrough of the Stalin Line with the subsequent capture of Sebesh on the 06.07.1941. This too was turned down.
It was only after a third Knight’s Cross recommendation, which covered his fighting in the area of the XXXXVI. Panzerkorps during early 1942, that he was finally decorated with the high award. This last recommendation reads as follows…
“I fully endorse this favourable assessment. As the acting divisional commander of the SS-Div. ‘Das Reich’ during the especially hard winter fighting in the time period 10.01.-15.03.1942, Brigadeführer Kleinheisterkamp repeatedly distinguished himself. He is a commander that can be depended on in every situation and I recommend him for the Knight’s Cross.
Did his job very well. Is totally suited to be the divisional commander.”
943rd Award.
- Period:
- Second World War (1939-1945)
- Rank:
- SS-Brigadeführer / Generalmajor der Waffen-SS (Brigadier)
- Awarded on:
- May 16th, 1943
other sources mention 13.05.1943
Awarded with swords.
- Period:
- Second World War (1939-1945)
- Rank:
- SS-Obergruppenführer / General der Waffen-SS (General)
- Unit:
- Kommandierender General, XI. SS-Panzerkorps, Heeresgruppe 'Weichsel'
- Awarded on:
- May 9th, 1945
Awarded for his multiple acts of excellence during the bitter fighting on the Oder front east of Berlin, where his conduct was characterized by great personal bravery and prudent leadership.
posthumously awarded
Recomended by telegram on 19th April 1945. Received at the OKH on 23rd April 1945 and awaiting further awarding thrue proper channels. The official numbering stopped at 843. Formal presenting is uncertain, but according to the procedures and the last awarding date this should have been the 871st Award.
- Photo 1: Wehrkundearchiv
- Photo: Deutsches Wehrkundearchiv
- - MOONEY, PETER, Waffen-SS Knights and their Battles, Schiffer Pub Ltd, 2008.
- THOMAS, FRANZ & WEGMANN, GüNTER, Die Eichenlaubträger 1940-1945, Biblio-Verlag, 1997.
- Kwasny A., Kwasny G., Die Eichenlaubträger 1940-1945 (CD), Deutsches Wehrkundearchiv, Lage-Waddenhausen, 2001
- Fellgiebel W.P., Elite of the Third Reich, The recipients of the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross 1939-1945: A Reference, Helion & Company Limited, Solihull, 2003, ISBN 1-874622-46-9
- Microfilm Publication A3343. US National Archives.