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Marrone, Charles

Service number:
39 255 219/02 009 649


?: Technical Sergeant;
?: Staff Sergeant;
March 3rd, 1945: 2nd Lieutenant (Battlefield Comission).

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Second World War (1939-1945)
Technical Sergeant
Company I, 291st Infantry Regiment, 75th Infantry Division, U.S. Army
Awarded on:
"For gallantry in action in connection with military operations against the enemy while serving with Company I, 291st Infantry Regiment, 75th Infantry Division, in action at Wolfgantzon, France, on 4 February 1945. In the bitter fighting in the Colmar Pocket in the severe winter weather, Sergeant Marrone led the remnants of his platoon through intense enemy fire of all types. Upon contacting the enemy it became necessary for his men to close with bayonets. Moving out ahead of his men, Sergeant Marrone knocked out an enemy machine gun which had been inflicting many casualties upon our forces. Continuing, he worked from fox hole to fox hole, killing German soldiers as he went along. Later, with one of his men covering him with fire, he again advanced alone to knock out an enemy automatic weapon which had been holding his platoon's advance. Upon finding his rifle empty, Sergeant Marrone used the butt to knock a German to the ground and while the enemy was temporarily stunned, removed the German's pistol and killed him. Another enemy soldier sprang upon him. In the ensuing scuffle Sergeant Marrone killed him. During the entire action, Sergeant Marrone personally accounted for twenty of the enemy. The inspiring gallantry and indomitable leadership of Sergeant Marrone are in accordance with the highest traditions of the Infantry of the United States Army."

General Orders No.300, Headquarters, 75th Infantry Division (1945).
At the moment of the action he still held the rank of Staff Sergeant
Silver Star Medal (SSM)
Second World War (1939-1945)
Technical Sergeant
Company I, 291st Infantry Regiment, 75th Infantry Division, U.S. Army
Awarded on:
January 21st, 1945
Bronze Star  Medal (BSM)
"For heroic achievement in connection with military operations against the enemy on 21 January 1945, in Belgium. Staff Sergeant MARRONE, was a Squad Leader at a time when his Company was in the process of attacking the enemy held town of Aldrigen. He exhibited marked ability when he led his platoon and helped secure the first few buildings in entering the town. Through his bold actions and aggressive leadership this infantryman contributed materially in establishing a foot hold without loss of a single man and from which further advances were made. Staff Sergeant MARRONE's bravery and aggressive spirit in the face of the enemy are highly commendable, reflecting great credit upon himself and his unit."

At the moment of the action he still held the rank of Staff Sergeant

