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Hobe, von, Cord Dietrich Bertram

Date of birth:
March 20th, 1909 (Gut Ohrfeld/Schleswig, Germany)
Date of death:
October 6th, 1991 (Niesgrau/Schleswig-Holstein, Germany)


Cord Dietrich Bertram von Hobe was born on March 20th, 1909 as the son to Bertram von Hobe and Alice von Hobe-Clemens. He married on August 22nd,1934 with Ruth Halder. The couple had two sons and a daughter.

?: Offizieranwärter;
February 1st, 1932: Leutnant (RDA: -10-);
November 1st, 1933: Oberleutnant (RDA: -5-);
March 1st, 1938: Hauptmann (RDA: -3-);
December 17th, 1941: Major (RDA: September 1st, 1941, -26a-);
April 20th, 1943: Oberstleutnant (RDA: January 1st, 1943, -163b-);
May 2nd, 1945: Oberst (m.W.v. May 1st, 1945, promotion not cetain);
April 16th, 1956: Oberst (Bundeswehr);
April 25th, 1958: Brigadegeneral (m.W.v. February 1st, 1958);
April 20th, 1961: Generalmajor (m.W.v. April 1st, 1961);
March 23rd, 1964: Generalleutnant (m.W.v. April 1st, 1964).

?: Benediktinergymnasium Ettal;
April 1st, 1927: 6. (Preußisches) Artillerie-Regiment;
October 1st, 1927: 5. Batterie, Artillerie-Regiment 6;
1928 - 1930: Infanterie- und Artillerieschule;
May 1st, 1932: 3. Batterie, Artillerie-Regiment 6;
April 1st, 1934: 9. Batterie, Artillerie-Regiment 6;
October 1st, 1934: Adjutant, III. Abteilung, Artillerie-Regiment 19;
October 15th, 1935: Adjutant, Artillerie-Regiment 19;
October 6th, 1936: Adjutant, Artillerie-Regiment 34;
November 10th, 1938: Kriegsakademie;
August 26th, 1939: O1, XII. Armeekorps;
October 1st, 1939: Ia, Artilleriekommandeur 108 (Arko 108);
February 1st, 1940: Offizier z.b.V., Inspektion der Artillerie;
May 17th, 1940: Führerreserve OKH;
June 4th, 1940: Ib, 23. Infanterie-Division;
April 1st, 1941: Id, 4. Armee;
March 6th, 1942: Führerreserve OH;
April 1st, 1942: Ia (Erster Generalstabsoffizier), Infanterie-Division "Grossdeutschland" (mot.);
December 15th, 1942: Führerreserve OKH;
January 25th, 1943: Ia, 161. Infanterie-Division;
October 5th, 1943: Führerreserve OKH;
November 1st, 1943: Hörsaalleiter, Kriegsakademie Hirschberg
1944: Taktiklehrer, Kriegsakademie, Hirschberg;
July 15th, 1944: Führerreserve OKH;
November 20th, 1944: Kommandeur, Volksgrenadier-Regiment 226;
February 24th, 1945: m.d.F.b. 276. Volksgrenadier-Division;
January 24th, 1945: stellvertretender Chef des Generalstabs, LIII. Armeekorps;
February 25th, 1945: Führer Kampfgruppe von Hobe;
March 3rd, 1945: Führer 79. Volksgrenadier-Division;
March 29th, 1945: Führer Division Bayern;
April 6th, 1945 - May 5th, 1945: Kommandeur, Panzerkampfgruppe XIII / Panzer-Brigade von Hobe;
April 16th, 1956: Chef des Stabes, Militärischen Führungsrat;
August 1st, 1957: Unterabteilungsleiter FüB III, Bundesministerium der Verteidigung;
January 1st, 1961: Kommandeur 11. Panzergrenadierdivision;
April 1st, 1964: stellvertretender Befehlshaber Allied Forces Baltic Approaches (NATO);
July 1st, 1965: Befehlshaber Alliierten Landstreitkräfte Schleswig-Holstein und Jütland;
July 31st, 1968: Retirement.

Von Hobe was recommended to receive the Ritterkreuz two times; the first proposal for a deed as Kommandeur Grenadier-Regiment 226 near Trier was denied by Hitler on April 10th, 1945 (existing documentation in the BA), the second proposal - deed near Marktbreit - presumably via "Fernschreiben" doesn't exist anymore, it is to state only an entry in the book "Verliehene Ritterkreuze" by Major Domaschk (Nr. 5102, no Karteikarte, no HVA-VV), this entry shows the troop proposal with income date May 9th, 1945, a handing over the same day (to Gen. Maisel ?), and the final awarding, which was reported to OB West in written form as well as per radio/telephone ; a second Karteikarte exists in the BA, this one was opened by the FRG ministry of defense in the 1960s based on the entry in the book "Verliehene Ritterkreuze".
The award has to be regarded as illegal for two reasons: 1) decided after 08.05.1945, 2) neither Maj. Domaschk nor Gen. Maisel had the authorization to decide at this respective time period.

Do you have more information about this person? Inform us!

Second World War (1939-1945)
Hauptmann (Captain)
Offizier z.b.V., Inspektion der Artillerie, Heer
Awarded on:
March 20th, 1940
Deutsches Schutzwall-Ehrenzeichen
Second World War (1939-1945)
Hauptmann (Captain)
Ib, Stab, 23. Infanterie-Division, Heer
Awarded on:
June 28th, 1940
Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse
Second World War (1939-1945)
Hauptmann (Captain)
Id, Stab, 4. Armee, Heer
Awarded on:
October 25th, 1941
Kriegsverdienstkreuz 1.Klasse mit Schwertern
Großes Verdienstkreuz mit Stern des Verdienstordens der BRD

