Died in Berlin on 28th April 1945 as Kommandeur Panzergrenadier-Regiment 51 with the rank of Oberstleutnant.
1929: entered the Reichswehr
1930: Unteroffizier - Infanterie-Regiment 6
1935: Feldwebel, Heeresfachschule in Ratzeburg
1938: Oberfeldwebel - Infanterie-Regiment (mot.) 90 in Hamburg-Harburg
Campaigns in Poland and in Western Europe
07.1940: Fahnenjunker-Stabsfeldwebel
08.1940: Offiziersausbildung - Truppenübungsplatz Döberitz
01.11.1940: promoted to Leutnant der Reserve and Führer - 7. Kompanie / IR 90 - 20. ID
18.01.1942: Kompanieführer - promoted to Oberleutnant d. R.
01.02.1943: Kompaniechef - promoted and activated to Hauptmann
End 1943: Bataillonsführer-Lehrgang in Paris
01.1944: Führer, II. Bataillon / Grenadier-Regiment 90 / 20. Infanterie-Division
engaged with the Kampfgruppe „von Manteuffel" in the Kesselschlacht in Kamenez-Podolski
01.02.1944: promoted to Major and Kdr - Pionier-Bataillon 20 - 20. ID
20.07.1944: WIA for the 15th times to the lungs and the both thighs and sent to the Lazarett
10.1944: sent as instructor to the Panzerschule 1 - Truppenübungsplatz Bergen
11.1944: Regimentsführer-Lehrgang
12.1944: Erster Nationalsozialistischer Führungsoffizier (NSFO) - Oberbefehlshaber des Ersatzheeres
01.04.1945: promoted to Oberstleutnant and Kdr Panzer-Grenadier-Regiment 139 - Panzer-Division „Holstein"
Campaigns region Stargard, Plöne-See and Kolberg
04.1945: Kdr, Panzer-Grenadier-Regiment 51 - 18. Panzer-Grenadier-Division
Campaigns region Greifenberg, Berlin
28.04.1945: KIA during the harsh fightings near Pichelsdorf
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