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Frontflugspange für Kampfflieger in Bronze

This medal, instituted January 30th, 1941 as "Frontflugspange für Kampf- und Sturzkampfflieger in Bronze" or Clasp in bronze for frontline service of fighterpilots and divebomberpilots, could be awarded after completion of 20 operational sorties.
The medal takes the form of a bronze coloured brooch made of tombak – a copper/zinc alloy – depicting a downwards pointing, winged bomb made of oxydized silver.

Grid List
NameDate of birthDate of deathAwards
Haas, Eduard (Kampfgeschwader 3 "Lützow")  more
Haase, Hans Eberhard21-01-191930-07-1942more
Habermann, Hans (Kampfgeschwader 55 'Greif')  more
Habermann, Waldemar (Kampfgeschwader 27)01-02-191419-11-1941more
Hackl, Leopold29-06-191615-11-2010more
Hafner, Ernst (Kampfgeschwader 51 "Edelweiss")  more
Hagen, Theodor (Lehrgeschwader 1) 28-03-1942
Haidle, Paul (Schlachtgeschwader 77)25-08-191926-11-1999more
Haidn, Karl  more
Haldimann, August17-02-1919 more
Hammerschmidt, Johann ( Kampfgeschwader 6)22-06-191713-07-1943
Hansen, Karl-August (Kampfgeschwader)  
Hansen, Willi (Kampfgeschwader 53 "Legion Condor")22-06-191405-11-1944more
Haring, Otto Wilhelm "Willi"26-07-190927-03-1971more
Harms, Otto-Bernhard02-06-191121-07-1941more
Härtl, Johann (Kampfgeschwader 27)30-12-191710-01-1944more
Hartmann, Heinz (Kampfgeschwader 2)26-08-192016-05-1942
Hartmann, Otto (Kampfgeschwader 51)  
Hättasch, Gerhard (Kampfgeschwader 3 "Lützow")  more
Haug, Wilhelm 'Willi'  more
Haugk, Gerhard (Kampfgeschwader 3 "Lützow")  more
Havighorst, Ludwig  more
Hegewald, Gerhard (Kampfgeschwader)  
Heider, Ritter von, Herwig, Eugen, Karl (LW)05-06-1915 
Heise, Hanns (Kampfgeschwader 76)01-02-191318-05-1992more
Heise, Siegfried (Kampfgeschwader 3 "Lützow")  more
Heiseler, Heinz (Kampfgeschwader 27)11-09-191907-01-1943more
Helfert, Clemens (Lehrgeschwader 1)23-11-191711-05-1942
Hellmann, Rudolf (Kampfgeschwader 2)21-07-191223-08-1942
Henne, Rudolf (Kampfgeschwader 51)08-12-191313-04-1962more
Herbert, Gerhard (Kampfgeschwader 27)  more
Herkner, Erich (Kampfgeschwader 55 'Greif')07-07-191517-01-1945more
Herrmann, Gerhard (Kampfgeschwader 3 "Lützow") 30-08-1942more
Herz, Antonius Felix 'Toni' (Kampfgeschwader 27)14-10-191914-10-1943more
Hilbich, Wolfgang (Kampfgeschwader 3)20-10-1918 more
Hildebrandt, Gustav (KG 1 'Hindenburg')06-10-191326-05-1944more
Hinrichs, Ernst10-03-191625-01-2009more
Hitz, Günther17-07-191611-04-1944more
Höbeler, Fritz  more
Hobohm, Günter10-06-1922 more
Hoffmann, Helmut (Kampfgeschwader 3)  more
Hofmann, Karl  more
Hofmann, Walter (Bm, Kampfgeschwader 27)  
Hofmann, Walter (Bo, Kampfgeschwader 51)  
Hofmann, Walter (F, Kampfgeschwader 27)21-07-192106-02-1944
Höhlein, Stefan (Kampfgeschwader)05-05-191305-03-1942
Holländer, August30-10-191812-09-1943more
Holst, Hasso Hermann Max18-07-192014-10-1942more
Honerjäger, Willi (KG 1 'Hindenburg')  more
Hönscheid, Johannes Matthias14-07-192202-03-2001more
Horeis, Walter Amandus August Wilhelm (KG 27)23-03-192019-04-1942
Hormann, Hans11-12-191309-12-2004more
Hörner, Willi (Sturzkampfgeschwader 2 "Immelmann")10-03-191221-07-1943more
Hoser, Paul24-02-191301-09-1943more
Huber, Franz (LW-Kampfgeschwader)13-04-192015-10-1943more
Hupas, Adolf21-11-1918 more
