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Medal Lotniczy za Wojne 1939-1945

This medal was instituted in 1945. It was awarded to personnel of the Polish Air Forces in active duty during the Second World War.
The 36 mm in diameter medal is silver with a so called French Ball suspension ring. In the centre of the medal the Polish Air Force insignia can be found. This is enamelled in red and white. This insignia is surrounded by an oak leaf wreath. On the reverse the words "POLSKA SWEMU OBRONCY" can be found, also surrounded by an oak leaf wreath. The ribbon is pale blue with a white stripe on each edge of the ribbon.
The medal could be awarded four times. Each additional awarding was noted with the addition of a clasp with oak leafs on the ribbon.

Grid List
NameDate of birthDate of deathAwards
Gębaczka, Czesław10-07-191425-11-1942
Gabszewicz, Aleksander Klemens06-12-191110-10-1983more
Gac, Jan28-07-189621-08-1960
Gagala, Edward15-09-191519-01-1945
Gajewski, Henryk Feliks16-12-191807-08-1944
Galat, Kazimierz28-03-192026-07-1944
Galiczyn, Stanislaw20-11-192020-07-1943
Garbacz, Wincenty08-07-191628-04-1942
Garby-Czerniawski, Roman "Brutus"06-02-191026-04-1985more
Garczynski, Edmund06-08-191826-07-1943
Gasecki, Jozef Stanislaw16-02-191918-09-1944
Gawlak, Feliks14-05-191828-08-1942more
Gebik, Karol Piotr04-11-191315-09-1943more
Germasinski, Karol24-09-191412-05-1943more
Getman, Stanislaw "Stan"02-12-192201-06-2011
Gidaszewski, Walerian Feliks16-11-191727-02-1942
Gierczycki, Jerzy Janusz27-02-191927-04-1943
Gierzod, Kazimierz  
Gil, Jozef14-01-193031-12-1942
Gissing, Waclaw25-07-190514-05-1944
Glass, Mieczyslaw16-11-191922-06-1943
Glof, Mieczyslaw02-06-191607-05-1943
Glowacki, Wincenty04-09-191702-06-1942
Glowacki, Witold Józef30-10-191324-09-1940
Godlewski, Brunon Julian (Bronislaw)07-01-192412-06-1989more
Godlewski, Sylwester Jerzy27-10-191529-05-1942
Golabek, Bogusław22-03-191416-12-1941
Golczewski, Aleksander Roman17-04-191127-02-1942
Goldhaar, Jerzy Mieczyslaw11-01-191520-02-1945more
Gorny, Kazimierz Maciej04-01-192028-08-1942
Gorski, Kazimierz Szczepan07-11-189213-11-1945
Gorzeński, Mieczysław14-09-190827-02-1942more
Gottowt, Eugeniusz13-01-191607-07-1943
Graff, Boleslaw02-08-192027-08-1944
Grajnert, Dominik Marian04-08-191906-04-1942
Gretkierewicz, Wladyslaw15-10-191629-05-1984more
Grobelny, Wladyslaw21-05-191931-12-2013more
Grochowski, Stanislaw Wojciech23-04-190416-06-1943
Grodzicki, Stanislaw01-03-190513-02-1946more
Grondowski, Stanisław11-04-190911-09-1943
Groszewski, Bernard09-10-190908-12-1941
Grzanka, Roman08-02-190327-06-1943
Grześkowiak, Stefan Marian03-09-191903-08-1943
Grzech, Jan21-06-191523-11-1941
Grzeszczak, Bogdan10-08-190828-08-1941
Grzeszczyk, Szczepan25-12-190105-05-1967
Grzybowski, Leszek 08-10-0000
Gusowski, Alojzy Pawel25-01-191620-06-1942
Gwozdz, Zdzislaw19-06-191409-05-1941
