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Tapferkeitsauszeichnung für Angehörige der Ostvölker 2. Klasse in Silber

The 2nd Class with swords of the Ostvolk medal could be awarded for bravery. German military that served within the so called "Ostvolk" units could receive the decoration as comemmoration when, serving with the units, at the same time or before, they had been awarded the Iron Cross 2nd Class 1939 or the Clasp for the 2nd class Iron Cross 1914.

The award measured 40x40 mm and was hanging on a green ribbon with two white bands. The ribbonbar bears the same colors as the ribbon but has two silver swords.

Grid List
NameDate of birthDate of deathAwards
Rebane, Alfons Vilhelm Robert 'Alf'24-06-190808-03-1976more
Röseke, Erich24-01-192102-05-1994more
