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3 June 1944 WO 171/1397 - 2 East Yorkshire Regiment
Weather was fine freshening towards evening. Rt Hon W.S. Churchill P.C. M.P. and Gen Smuts reviewed the invasion fleet. Lt Col C.F. Hutchinson presented Capt. Hutchinson with a silver bugle inscribed with the Regtl crest and in return the ships company* presented the Bn with a pike which bore the Regtl badge of the Royal Marines. The Bn H.Q. Flag made by the ladies of WATERLOOVILLE was then attached to the pike and an anchor signifying the part played by the H.M. Navy sewn to the flag.
7 May 1945 WO 171/5292 - 1 Worcestershire Regiment
Mr. Churchill's radio announcement that all hostilities in Europe would cease as from 08.00 hrs 8th May and that tomorrow would be VE day was received. Great rejoicing in the Bn. during the evening.
Instructions received that Bn. would leave present area tomorrow 8th May and proceed to LUNEBURG area.
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