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Patton, George Smith Jr.

Date of birth:
November 11th, 1885 (San Gabriël/California, United States)
Date of death:
December 21st, 1945 (Heidelberg, Germany)
Buried on:
Luxembourg American Cemetery and Memorial


George Smith Patton jr. was born November 11th, 1885, in San Gabriël, California to a wealthy family. His interest in war was sparked by stories of his grandparents who had taken part in various wars. Patton was a gifted athlete during his years in school. In 1904, he enrolled in West Point Military Academy, graduating in 1909 in the rank of 2nd Lieutenant. He married Beatrice Ayer on May 26th, 1910. 1912 saw him participating in the Olympic Games in Stockholm, Sweden. In 1915 in Mexico, he got his first experience in battle. He was promoted to 1st. Lieutenant after having shot a general of the rebel's army with his Colt .45. Patton embarked for France when the United States got involved in WW 1. In France he was named deputy commander of an armoured corps and at the end of the war he had risen to the rank of Lieutenat-colonel. After having been injured several times and having fought frequently in the frontlines, he was promoted to the temporary rank of Colonel. After the war, this promotion was amended and he became a Major.
Patton wanted to develop the tank arm further after the war but permission was withheld. During the 20's he served in various staff functions. In 1935 he was promoted to Lieutenant-colonel definitely, in 1939 to Colonel and on October 1st, 1940, to Brigadeer-general and was transferred to Fort Benning, Georgia, where he was given command of 2 Tank Brigade and simultaneously promoted to Major-general.
The United States were drawn into WW 2 after the infamous Japanese attack on the US naval base at Pearl Harbor in the Pacific. Patton was to play a distinctive role in the conflict. November 8th, 1942, Patton was given command of Operation Torch, the Allied invasion of North-Africa. After this succesful operation, he was promoted to Lieutenant-general on March 12th, 1943 and put in command of 7th Army. From this point in time, Patton's career continues to be succesful but did not remain unblemished. From one of his speeches, 37 Italian POW's were executed in cold blood. General Omar N. Bradley initiated an investigation but broke it off prematurely to save Patton's skin. During the invasion of Sicily, Patton was compromised again for having slapped a soldier, suffering from shellshock in the face, believing him to be a coward. Patton even went so far as to issue a memo stating that 'those cowards should be court martialled'. Patton, under great pressure from his superior, General Dwight Eisenhower, offered his apologies but one week later, it happened again. This time, a furious Eisenhower relieved him of his command over 7th Army, replacing him by General Mark Clark. Patton was relegated to headquarters where he sat dragging his heels for almost a year until he was put in command of the US 3rd Army in 1944 on the eve of the Normandy invasion. Patton himself arrived in France, August 1st, 1944 and by December 13th, his troops had advanced as far as the Belgium-Luxemburg border. At that moment, Germany was preparing for her final convulsion, the Ardennes offensive. Partly due to Patton's committment, this offensive was repulsed and he even managed to drive the Germans back. After Patton's 3rd Army had linked up with 7th Army, both armies pushed on towards Germany and on March 22nd, 1945, his troops crossed the river Rhine near the village of Oppenheim. In April he was promoted to the rank of 4-star General.
At the end of WW 2, the American 3rd Army under George Patton had liberated or captured an area of some 100.000 square kilometres. September 1945, he was relieved of his command over 3rd Army for his sympathic attitude towards former Nazi's. His request to be transferred to the Pacific to fight the Japanese was rejected.
After the German surrender, he held the post of military governor of Bavaria for some time but he disliked the job. Although in the post-war years, several political functions had been offered to him, including that of Secretary of War, he accepted none of them.
December 9th, 1945, while still in Germany, Patton was involved in a serious car crash and broke his neck. He was taken to a military hospital in Heidelberg and there, General George S. Patton Jr. died from his injuries December 21st, 1945. His remains were buried in the American Military Cemetery of Hamm in Luxemburg.

1909: Cadet Adjutant;
1915: Lieutenant;
?: Captain;
?: Major;
?: Lieutenant Colonel;
?: temporary Colonel;
?: Colonel;
?: Brigadier General;
April 4th, 1941: Major General;
1943: Lieutenant General;
April 14th, 1945: General.

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First World War (1914-1918)
Lieutenant Colonel
Tank Corps, American Expeditionary Forces (AEF), U.S. Army
Awarded on:
June 3rd, 1919
"For gallantry in action and a silver star may be placed upon the ribbon of the Victory Medals awarded him. Lieutenant Colonel (Armor) Patton distinguished himself by gallantry in action while serving with the Tank Corps, American Expeditionary Forces, in action near Cheppy, France, 26 September 1918, in reorganizing and leading forward in the attack and infantry detachment."

GHQ, American Expeditionary Forces, Citation Orders No. 4

[This award was rescinded under GHQ, American Expeditionary Forces, Citation Orders No. 8 (March 1, 1920) as the recipient has been awarded a Distinguished Service Cross for deed including this act.]
Silver Citation Star
"For extraordinary heroism in action while serving with Tank Corps, A.E.F., near Cheppy, France, 26 September 1918. Colonel Patton displayed conspicuous courage, coolness, energy, and intelligence in directing the advance of his brigade down the valley of the Aire. Later he rallied a force of disorganized infantry and led it forward, behind the tanks, under heavy machine-gun and artillery fire until he was wounded. Unable to advance further, Colonel Patton continued to direct the operations of his unit until all arrangements for turning over the command were completed."

War Department, General Orders No. 133
First World War (1914-1918)
Awarded on:
"For exceptionally meritorious and distinguished services to the Government of the United States, in a duty of great responsibility during World War I. By his energy and sound judgment, Colonel Patton rendered very valuable services in his organization and direction of the Tank Center at the Army schools at Langres, France. In the employment of Tank Corps troops in combat he displayed high military attainments, zeal, and marked adaptability in a form of warfare comparatively new to the American Army."

War Department, General Orders No. 103
Distinguished Service Medal - Army (DSM)
Second World War (1939-1945)
Major General
Awarded on:

AF, General Orders No. 28

George S. Patton had already received a DSM during the First World War and received this second decoration as his first Oak Leaf Cluster to be worn on the ribbon of the first DSM.
Distinguished Service Medal - Army (DSM)
Second World War (1939-1945)
Lieutenant General
Seventh Army, U.S. Army
Awarded on:
August 19th, 1943
Distinguished Service Cross (DSC)
"For extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations against an armed enemy while serving as Commanding General of the 7th Army, in action against enemy forces at Gela, Sicily, on 11 July 1943. When American forces landed at Gela they found the town in control of two German tank regiments. Twice the Germans were driven from the town and twice the Americans were forced back on to the beaches. At this point General Patton leaped into the surf from a landing barge and waded ashore to take over personal commend. Step-by-step the enemy was driven back from the beaches as wave after wave of American troops landed from the troopships. By sunset the bridgehead was well established and the Germans were pushed back to a few miles beyond the town. Lieutenant General Patton's heroic leadership, personal bravery and zealous devotion to duty exemplify the highest traditions of the military forces of the United States and reflect great credit upon himself, the 7th Army, and the United States Army."

Headquarters, U.S. Army-North African Theater of Operations, General Orders No. 80

George S. Patton had already received a DSC during the First World War and received this second decoration as his first Oak Leaf Cluster to be worn on the ribbon of the first DSC.
Second World War (1939-1945)
Lieutenant General
Awarded on:
For erceptionally meritorious and distinguished service to the Government of the United Staes of America in a period of great responsibility as Commanding General Western Task Force, Sicilian Landings on July 10, 1943, and the amphibian operations during the advance from Palermo to Messian.

George S. Patton had already received a DSM during the First World War and received this third decoration as his first Oak Leaf Cluster to be worn on the ribbon of the first DSM.
Distinguished Service Medal - Army (DSM)
Second World War (1939-1945)
Third Army, U.S. Army
Awarded on:
July 27th, 1945
Ceskoslovenský vojenský rád Bilého lva
Second World War (1939-1945)
Seventh Army, U.S. Army
Awarded for:
Operation Husky
"For exceptionally meritorious and distinguished services to the Government of the United States, in a duty of great responsibility as Commanding General, Western Task Force, Sicilian Landings, on 10 July 1943, and the Amphibious Operations in the advance from Palermo to Messina."
Distinguished Service Medal - Navy/USMC
First World War (1914-1918)
Lieutenant Colonel
Tank Corps, American Expeditionary Forces (AEF), U.S. Army

With bronze star
Croix de Guerre (1914-1918)
Second World War (1939-1945)

Posthumously awarded
Reconnaissance de la France Libérée

War Diary mentions

15 November 1944 WO 171/838 - 4/7 Royal Dragoon Guards
The Brigade Comd (Brig G.E. Prior Palmer) visited Sqns in turn and gave the men an informal talk outlining the plans for the moment – 8 and 12 Corps offensive just started in VENLO sector, Americans under General Patton fighting for METZ, another big American push to start any day now south of 30 Corps sector, and 30 Corps with 84 US Div also u/c to start soon afterwards with our own show in GEILENKIRCHEN sector and then WALDENRATH (we making things nice and tidy for the Gds Armd Div to start!). He also spoke about the coming winter, warning us that it will be hard: leave was not on but all the Brigade would have had a go at the Bde Rest camp at LOUVAIN (near BRUSSELS) by 29 Nov 44.
