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Lett, Stephen McLeod

    Date of birth:
    July 1908 (Cobourg/Ontario, Canada)
    Date of death:
    January 1992 (Grimsby/Ontario, Canada)


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    Second World War (1939-1945)
    Queen's Own Rifles of Canada/ 8 Cdn Infantry Brigade
    "During the operations carries out between 17 to 22 Sep 44 against BOULOGNE, the Queen's Own Rifles of Canada and aother battalion were given the main task of breaking through the defences to landward and capturing the northern part of the city, the main forts to the North and the strong points covering the seaward approaches.

    On the 20 Sep 44, while commanding the Queen's Own Rifles of Canada, Major (A/Lt.Col.)Stephen McLeod LETT carried out a personal reconnaissance of enemy positions was the keystone upon which rested the plans of attack against a coastal point and which led to the capture of PORT DE LA CRECHE, the final enemy bastion North of the LIANE RIVER.

    So complete and accurate was Major (A/Lt.Col.) Stephen McLeod LETT's reconniassance and so contagious were his qualities of cool courage, initiative and leadership that his battalion was able to quickly secure its objective, thus greatly facilitating the completion of the brigade task.

    This officer's cheerful initiative, his dash and his steadying influence when frequently under enemy artillery, mortar and small arms fire were refelcted by his battalion's brilliant action."

    Investiture at Buckingham Palace 4 July 1945
    Distinguished Service Order (DSO)
    Second World War (1939-1945)
    Lt Col
    Queen's own Rifels 1st Battalion
    Canadian Volunteer Service Medal (1939-1947)
    Second World War (1939-1945)
    Queen's Own Rifles of Canada/ 8 Cdn Infantry Brigade
    Awarded on:
    October 1944
    "Lt-Col Stepend MacLeod Lett has commanded the Queen's Own Rifles of Canada since 26 Aug 44.
    During this entire period he has displayed leadership and initiative of the highest order and undoubtedly has been responsible for the constant success of his bn in action.

    During the advance towards DEVENTER on 12 Apr 45 the bn was ordered to clear the town of SNIPPERLING (Sheet 3703 MR 945072) and force a crossing over the canal to enable 7 Cdn Inf Bde to pass through. The leading coys came under intense shell fire and the adv was temporarily held up. Lt-Col LETT immediately went fwd, reorganized the attacking forces and led them fwd to the objective. This action broke the main enemy resistance and enabled later advances to take place against relatively light opposition.

    On several occasions during the ebsence of the bde comd, Lt-Col LETT hass assumed comd of the bde and carried out his duties with outstanding skill and daring. There can be no doubt that this offr has at all times been a major factor contributing to the success of The Queen's Own Rifles of Canada and 8 Cdn Bde."
    Bronzen Leeuw (BL)

