20. Panzer-Division, Heer
| Name | Date of birth | Date of death | Awards |
 | Scheffler, Kurt | 20-08-1897 | 06-05-1955 |        more |
 | Schmidt, Anton (Panzergrenadier-Regiment 112) | | |    |
 | Schmidt, Helmut (Schützen-Regiment 112) | 11-01-1917 | |       |
 | Schmutte, Hans-Georg | | |  |
 | Schöllkopf, Karl | | |    |
 | Schulze, Paul Joseph (Panzer-Abteilung 21) | 06-01-1913 | 28-07-1980 |        more |
 | Schumacher, Rudolf (PGR 59) | 23-04-1916 | 12-10-1944 |     |
 | Schütz, Günther (Panzer-Pionier-Bataillon) | 21-08-1912 | 06-08-1943 |      |
 | Spiess, Wilhelm | | |  |
 | Stettin, Günter | 11-02-1912 | 16-02-2001 |      |
 | Stumpff, Horst (General der Panzertruppe) | 20-11-1887 | 25-11-1958 |        more |