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Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 13. März 1938

The original design was to receive the portrait of Adolf Hitler with the text "EIN VOLK, EIN REICH, EIN FUHRER" on the front side and the German Eagle with Swastika on the obverse with the text "13 MARZ" above and "19 38" besides the eagle.
The final design received on the front two mens persons with flag, standing on the eagle with swastica. On the back was the text "EIN VOLK, EIN REICH, EIN FUHRER" and the date "13 MARZ 1938".

Grid List
NameDate of birthDate of deathAwards
Raab, Paul 23-10-1943more
Rainer, Hermann17-12-190825-05-1943
Raithel, Helmut09-04-190712-09-1990more
Rattenhuber, Johann 'Hans'30-04-189701-07-1957more
Rauter, Johann Baptist Albin "Hanns Albin"04-02-189525-03-1949more
Reber, Gustav-Peter (Waffen SS)05-06-191926-03-2000more
Reder, Walter "Bubi" (Waffen SS)04-02-191526-04-1991more
Rehm, Albrecht  
Rehrl, Matthäus23-05-191517-10-1941
Reichel, Erwin (Waffen SS)11-03-191128-02-1943more
Reimann, Dr. jur. Wilhelm (Jäger-Regiment 724)24-03-191430-12-1990more
Reinhard, Wilhelm Adolf18-03-186918-01-1955more
Reinhardt, Fritz (Militärverwaltungsvizechef)27-09-189830-09-1965more
Reitzenstein, Freiherr von, Albin (Waffen SS)04-03-191130-11-1943more
Rentrop, Fritz (Waffen SS)19-11-191702-02-1945more
Renz, Gottlieb (Waffen SS)12-09-191103-01-1945more
Rettlinger, Karl (Waffen SS)08-02-191314-06-1990more
Ribbentrop, von, Ulrich Friedrich-Wilhelm Joachim30-04-189316-10-1946more
Riedl, Hans (10. Infanterie-Division)21-09-189513-09-1945more
Rieflin, Fritz (Waffen SS)05-02-192001-02-1996more
Rinklef, Karl06-04-1914 more
Rittau, Stephan Georg Julius (Generalleutnant)27-12-189122-08-1942more
Rittberg, Graf von, Georg (88. Inf.Div.)30-05-189806-06-1973more
Rosenhahn, Walter Erich Karl08-09-1907 
Rossner, Erich Adam (Waffen SS)26-05-191830-07-1941
Rott, Rudolf (Waffen SS)21-01-191812-02-1945more
Roßmann, Karl Franz Joseph (Fallschirm-Pz-Reg. HG)23-11-191601-04-2002more
Rubatscher, Karl (Waffen SS)23-12-191203-08-1997more
Röttiger, Hans (General der Panzertruppe)16-04-189615-04-1960more
