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Verwundetenabzeichen 1939 in Gold

This award is slightly different than the Spanish Wound Badge, because the crossway placed swords are somewhat broader and the new steel helmet type, the M35 model is used for this badge. The swastika on the helmed is slightly lager and the dots on the intermediary fields are on this badge placed in horizontally lines. Further is the badge oval shaped with a laurel leaves wreath at the outer edge of the badge. At the base of the badge is a knot and at the top are three berries underneath each other placed. The golden version has a solid reverse and is the gilded version of the silver wound badge. The pin with hook construction can just as with the silver version be a thin round pin or a broad flat one. The broad flat pin is the most common pin with hook construction with the golden version. The golden version was awarded for 5 or more wounds or for a single wound that resulted in the loss of manhood, blindness or total disability.

Grid List
NameDate of birthDate of deathAwards
Gabriel, Erdmann07-11-191128-01-1996
Gagneron, Jacques Marie Henri21-03-192529-04-1997
Gaigals, Roberts (Waffen SS)16-03-191315-04-1982more
Gallien, Gilbert  
Gareis, Martin (General der Infanterie)06-10-189126-02-1976more
Gaupp-Berghausen, Reichsfreiherr von, Georg12-01-191823-03-1985more
Gebhard, Georg (WH-Sturm-infanterie-Regiment)18-07-190129-06-1945
Gebhardt, Georg29-04-190107-07-1975more
Gehl, Paul27-10-191803-12-1994more
Gehrke, Kurt ("Großdeutschland")13-01-190324-10-1944more
Geier, Franz Xaver (Art.Rgt. 212)29-08-191419-09-1944
Geil, Jakob04-10-1913 
Geisendorf, Fritz-Adolf07-12-1909 more
Geißler, Gottfried17-10-191421-07-2006more
Gerhardt, Paul (Grenadier-Regiment 31)  more
Gerhardt, Rudolf Karl Hermann (Panzer-Regiment 7)26-03-189610-11-1964more
Gerlach, Clemens30-06-1916 
Gerlach, Karl09-12-191414-11-1995more
Gerlach, Karl05-08-191419-03-1991more
Gerth, Walter (SS-Artillerie-Reg. 3 "Totenkopf")14-12-191410-01-1995more
Gliemann, Paul01-09-190903-03-1945more
Glosse, Dr., Hermann  more
Glätzer, Karl01-02-191513-09-2013more
Gordner, Karl-Heinz (Grenadier-Regiment 485)17-01-192100-03-1945more
Grascher, Simon (Waffen SS)18-12-192014-07-1943more
Greiter, Hans26-08-192001-10-2002more
Griesbach, Franz21-12-189224-09-1984more
Grill, Richard 25-07-1944
Grillenberger, Rudolf (Panzerjäger-Abteilung 653)21-03-1914 more
Groeben, von der, Walther  
Grohmann, Franz (Waffen SS)16-10-191907-04-2000more
Grolig, Oswin (Generalmajor)06-01-189418-08-1944more
Groß, Alois  more
Groß, Martin (Waffen SS)15-04-191101-03-1984more
Großrock, Alfred (Waffen SS)02-01-191805-04-1945more
Grunau, Ernst28-09-191908-07-1989more
Grübing, Ferdinand Hermann (Flak-Regiment 38)27-09-1919 more
Grüner, Hans (Grenadier-Regiment 42)00-00-1919 more
Grüter, Cor02-02-1923 
Gräser, Fritz-Hubert (General der Panzertruppe)03-11-188804-10-1960more
Grögler, Ernest08-07-191804-09-1972more
Guhl, Paul (Waffen SS)01-06-191616-04-1997more
Göbel, Karl (Grenadier-Regiment 420)20-01-190002-03-1945more
Görger, Oskar27-03-189519-11-1973more
Göstl, Erich (Waffen SS)17-04-192527-10-1990
