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Ehrenblattspange des Heeres und Waffen-SS

Right after the German invasion of the Soviet-Union, Hitler introduced in July 1941 the "Ehrenblatt des Heeres". Until 30th January 1944 this only was a paper award. On 30th January, Hitler introduced the clasp to this decoration. Persons already mentioned in the "Ehrenblatt" before that date, also received the decoration.

The Honour Roll Clasp of the Army had following requirements:
1. Already been awarded with the Iron Cross 1st class 1939 or the Repetition-Clasp 1939 to the Iron Cross 1st class 1914,
2. Having performed an act of bravery above and beyond the call of duty, that did not justify the Knight Cross of the Iron Cross and had not been awarded with the German Cross in Gold,
3. Has got a special appriciation record from the supreme commander of the Heer (Anerkennungsurkunde des Oberbefehlshabers des Heeres für seine hervorragenden Leistungen auf dem Schlachtfelde),
4. To be named in the Honour Roll of the German Army.

The awarding of the Honour Roll Clasp of the Army took place in three Steps:
1. Be named in the Honour Roll of the German Army (Nennung im Ehrenblatt des deutschen Heeres - this is the date in the list),
2. Be awarded the Honour Roll Clasp of the Army (Verleihung der Ehrenblattspange des Heeres),
3. Get the Honour Roll Clasp of the Army presented (Überreichung der Ehrenblattspange des Heeres).

The Waffen-SS and its legions as well as the police troops, were not a part of the Heer (Army), but for this decoration they were treated as if they were a part.

Bidermann, Gottlob-Herbert* August 28th, 1920
† September 1st, 2010

Grid List
NameDate of birthDate of deathAwards
Naacke, Günter  
Nädele, Wilhelm21-04-190306-07-1944
Naderwitz, Kurt28-03-191615-06-1999
Naegele, Hans  
Naether, Reinhard05-01-1914 
Nagel, Ernst  
Nägele, Dr., Karl  
Nagengast, Georg03-03-190904-07-1944
Nagler, Gerhard (Grenadier-Regiment 12)  
Nagy, Koloman  
Nanko, Karl  
Nass, Walter29-05-191006-10-1982more
Nauerz, Arnulf  
Naujoks, Fritz18-05-1908 more
Nautsch, Willi  
Nebe, Otto-Henning  
Neitzel, Walter09-05-191302-09-1944more
Nennstiel, Wilhelm  
Neppl, Reinhold  
Neßlinger, Georg17-10-1896 more
Neste, Helmut  
Nettmann, Heinrich  
Neu, Raimund  
Neu, Robert  
Neubeck, Günther  
Neubert, Rudolf08-09-191419-04-1995more
Neubert, Rudolf (WH-Füs.Rgt. 34)  
Neuendorff, Heinzeberhard  
Neuhauser, Johann10-04-1915 
Neumann, Georg  
Neumann, Hans-Ulrich  
Neumann, Helmut (Panzer-Aufklärungs-Abteilung 24)29-07-1916 
Neumann, Werner13-05-190504-07-1970more
Neumeister, Karl15-08-190302-10-1990more
Neumerkel, Richard  
Neumerkel, Walter  more
Neumüller, Ernst08-12-192007-05-1999
Neumüller, Franz  
Neuner, Martin  
Neupert, Günther  
Neustadt, Alfred (Grenadier-Regiment 11)  
Nickel, Alfred  
Nickenig, Herbert  
Nicklaus, Heinz  
Niclaus, Hans (Grenadier-Regiment 185)  
Nicolai, Günther  
Niebuhr, Helmut  
Niedenführ, Fritz  
Niederegger, x  
Niedieck, Werner  
Niegsch, Karl31-10-190604-07-1969
Niehoff, Hermann (General der Infanterie)03-04-189705-11-1980more
Nielsen, Johannes Just08-07-192028-05-1942
Niemack, Horst10-03-190907-04-1992more
Niemann, Walter  
Niermann, Karl11-02-1914 
Niesen, Stefan (Waffen SS)  
Niesmann, Karl  
Nikolaus, Arnold23-07-1913 more
Nikolaus, Herbert  
Nilatzny, Wilhelm  
Nilshon, Hans25-11-191611-05-2001
Nippgen, Oskar  
Nippraschke, Paul (Panzer-Regiment 29)  
Nitsche, Ernst Friedrich  
Nitsche, Heinz  
Nitzsche, Horst  
Noack, Erich (WH-Infanterie)  
Nöbel, Kurt15-02-191703-02-2000
Nocken, Johannes  
Noerren, Willi21-12-1916 
Noeske, Hubertus24-11-1911 more
Nogge, Wilhelm  
Nogly, Franz  
Noll, Heinz21-05-1910 
Nolte, Willi (WH-Grenadier-Regiment 58)  
Nordmeyer, Otto  
Noreisch, Kurt  
Nosek, Wilhelm  
Nöske, Johannes09-10-1910 
Nottbeck, von, Jürgen20-04-191728-08-1967more
Nowatschek, Karl  
Nuber, Eugen  
