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Verzetsherdenkingskruis (VHK)

The Resistance Memorial Cross was instituted on December 19th, 1980 by Royal Decree No. 104 at the commemoration of 35 years of liberation. The decoration was meant for those who participated in the resistance against the occupation of the Netherlands. Those who wanted to receive the decoration needed to apply for it themselves and show enough proof of their deads of resistance. A total of 15.300 crosses were awarded.

The silver cross was produced by the Rijksmunt and follows in wear after the War Commemorative Cross but stands before the Honorable Medal for War and Peace. The resistance is being shown on the medal with the text "de tyrrany verdryven" (forcing the tyrranny to go), taken from the Dutch National anthem the Wilhelmus. In a vertical beam is shown the sword of physical resistance and the flame of mental resistance. The colors of the ribbon symbolize the unity of the Netherlands and the Royal House of Orange, placed in a black background of grief.

Grid List
NameDate of birthDate of deathAwards
Odenkirchen, Bernard J.06-08-1921 
Olsman, Gerrit Jan12-01-189530-01-1962
Omvlee-Bekhuis, Jacoba M.07-07-1885 
Onnen, Max17-11-192126-11-2015more
Oosterwijk, van, Johannes M.02-05-1892 
Oosterzee, van, Christiaan Vincent Gradwell "Chris"20-03-192218-04-1989
Oosthoek, Bob25-06-191212-10-1944
Oranje, Jacobus27-07-189806-04-1946
Oranje-Nassau, van, Wilhelmina31-08-188028-11-1962more
Oud, Johannes12-04-1905 
Ouden, van den, Jan02-11-191909-11-2012
Ouwehand, Teunis16-12-189800-00-1949
Ouwens, Klaas K.07-10-1917 
Oversier, Cornelis Laurens "Kees"02-10-192014-07-2019more
