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Gedenkboek Verzetsherdenkingskruis waarin opgenomen register dragers verzetsherdenkingskruis
Heuvel, C.C. van den e.a.
Aantal pagina's:
Samsom Uitgeverij
Jaar van uitgifte:

Related persons

Aa, Bernard* November 11th, 1915
† August 12th, 2000

Aalst, van, Geert* November 17th, 1916
† October 24th, 1999

Aangeenbrug, Willem* April 23rd, 1915

Aangeenbrug, Willem W.* February 19th, 1922

Aanholt, van, Wilhelmus M.S.K.* December 17th, 1912

Aantjes, Jan* August 5th, 1920

Aardema, Pieter* May 8th, 1923

Aarden, Johannes M.* August 15th, 1914

Aardoom, Aart* April 12th, 1906

Aarnoutse, Alphons J.P.* May 21st, 1920

Aarsen, Jan* April 30th, 1896
† October 30th, 1986

Aarsman, Hendrikus G.* May 19th, 1911

Aarst, van, Jacob* April 17th, 1907

Aart, van, Marinus A.A.* August 23rd, 1910

Aarts-Wolf, Reina* November 28th, 1913

Aarts, Gijsbertus* January 29th, 1916

Aarts, Johan J.H.* January 21st, 1907

Aarts, Johannes C.* April 9th, 1914

Abas - Acohen, Reina* January 5th, 1908

Abas, Rudolf* July 17th, 1918
† May 16th, 1944

Abbenbroek, Anton Willem Marie* December 9th, 1917
† July 29th, 1943
Plot: 12 Grave: 150

Abbenbroek, Teunis Johannes* March 16th, 1890
† March 12th, 1945
Plot: C Grave: 373

Abbink-Roelofs, Dina T.* January 31st, 1925

Abbink, Herman* March 26th, 1906

Abbink, Johannes "Joop"* October 1st, 1916
† November 8th, 2013

Abbring, Simon* September 14th, 1919

Abcouwer, Albertus* February 11th, 1925

Abeln, Albertus J.L.* April 3rd, 1909

Abels, Jacob* April 14th, 1922

Aben-Fleurkens, Maria L.* December 12th, 1888

Aben, Marinus A.* June 17th, 1922

Aben, Peter J.* May 12th, 1885

Aben, Peter Johannes Cornelis "Cor"* April 1st, 1919
† July 13th, 2012

Abercrombie, Dirk J.* May 18th, 1918

Abercrombie, Lourens* April 4th, 1920

Aberkrom, Cornelis* March 19th, 1910
† December 20th, 1997

Aberkrom, Jan* October 10th, 1924

Aberson, Daniel F.W.* December 2nd, 1913

Abma, Karel H.G.* March 29th, 1914

Abma, Klaas* September 9th, 1901

Abrahams-Wijnen, Berta* March 10th, 1919

Abrahams, Petrus J.* November 6th, 1922

Acda, Hendrik A.* September 2nd, 1920
† April 20th, 2008

Acda, Marinus* February 13th, 1922
† December 14th, 2003

Achterberg-Lagerwey, Neeltje* December 16th, 1926

Achterberg, Elis C.* October 27th, 1907
† March 6th, 1945

Achterberg, Hendrikus G.* January 16th, 1920

Achterberg, Willem* July 7th, 1923

Achterbergh, Henri P.A.* February 27th, 1911

Achterkamp, Johannes M.* January 26th, 1919

Acker, Gerrit* February 23rd, 1918

Acker, van, Petrus E.J.* March 30th, 1920

Acker, van, Wouter Augustinus* July 9th, 1915
† March 20th, 2002

Ackerstaff, Bob A.G.* June 13th, 1918

Addink-Kronenburg, Antje* February 15th, 1917

Addink, Willem A.* September 12th, 1917

Adema, Siebolt* June 29th, 1904
† November 14th, 1993

Ader-Appels, Johanna Adriana* May 9th, 1906
† July 31st, 1994

Ader, Bastiaan Jan* December 29th, 1909
† November 20th, 1944
Plot: E Grave: 52

Admiraal-Meijer, Berendien* January 18th, 1908
† January 29th, 1992

Admiraal-van de Put, Berendina* May 20th, 1903
† August 13th, 1985

Admiraal, Adam* May 13th, 1925
† September 11th, 2011

Admiraal, Jacob* July 20th, 1897

Admiraal, Jan* February 28th, 1902
† August 28th, 1957

Admiraal, Jan W.* September 30th, 1919

Adriaansen, Lambertus W.* August 28th, 1922
† November 15th, 1975

Adriaens, Karel W.* July 1st, 1925

Adrichem, Johannes A.* April 13th, 1919

Aertsen, Servaas Klaas* January 26th, 1922
† December 25th, 1993

Affolter-van de Montel, Louise H.* February 2nd, 1926
† 1993

Afman, Johan Hendrik* January 16th, 1906

Ages, Alard B.* October 8th, 1924
† August 10th, 2011

Agteres, Albert* September 13th, 1919
† February 9th, 1989

Agtmaal, van, Johannes P.L.* February 23rd, 1927

Ahout, Wilhelmus Jacobus Josephus Theodorus* August 16th, 1921
† January 22nd, 2010

Aken-Renssen, van, Amalia* February 3rd, 1890

Aken, van, Lambertus J.* December 31st, 1904

Aken, van, Philippus E.* April 26th, 1884

Aker, van den, Petrus A.J.* January 9th, 1918

Akker, van den, Adrianus* February 29th, 1920

Akker, van den, Albertus L.* December 31st, 1920

Akker, van den, Gerdina W.* December 11th, 1924

Akker, van den, Jacob* September 9th, 1914

Akker, van den, Johannes C.* December 22nd, 1911

Akker, van den, Klaas* May 21st, 1919
† May 28th, 1985

Akker, van den, Pieter* June 24th, 1918

Akkerman, Klaas T.* December 3rd, 1918
† November 11th, 1987

Akkermans, Louis Prosper Ferdinand Johannes* January 23rd, 1905
† March 29th, 1999

Akse, Hendrik* July 2nd, 1919
† April 8th, 1945
Plot: M Grave: 387

Al - d'Aubioul, Paula M.M.* August 12th, 1926

Al, Maria* November 14th, 1920

Alberda, Ate* March 22nd, 1909

Albers - Voorhorst, Anna M.* August 5th, 1925

Albers Pistorius, François Jules Willy Alphonsus* July 23rd, 1913
† July 8th, 1981

Albers, Derk Hendrikus* February 18th, 1923

Albers, Dirk J.* June 18th, 1915

Albers, Hendrik W.* October 27th, 1899

Albers, Johannes P.* October 4th, 1913

Albers, Wilhelmus A.* October 20th, 1911

Alberts, Jan Stoffer* June 11th, 1904

Alberts, Pieter* July 5th, 1918
† December 5th, 1991

Alblas, Aart* April 13th, 1920

Alblas, Aart Hendrik "Aramis"* September 20th, 1918
† September 7th, 1944

Alblas, Gerrit* August 13th, 1916

Albrecht - Hurks, Brigitta M.* November 24th, 1898

Albrecht, Jan* February 14th, 1897

Aldendorff, Gerardus W.* August 3rd, 1914

Alderding, Jacobus* May 12th, 1921

Alebeek, van, Marinus W.* July 24th, 1919

Aleman, Cornelis* April 3rd, 1917

Alexander, Ferdinand J.* May 22nd, 1914

Alfen, van, Lamert* March 25th, 1911

Alferink, Hermannus W.* December 29th, 1905

Alferink, Hermanus A.* July 9th, 1910
† April 2nd, 2007

Algra, Douwe S.* August 28th, 1900
† May 19th, 1975

Alink, Wilhelmus* March 24th, 1922

Alkema, Tjomme* March 19th, 1920
† July 30th, 1993

Allers, Francisca M.I.* April 11th, 1920
† January 23rd, 2002

Allers, Johannes H.K.* December 18th, 1878

Allewijn, Pieter* June 1st, 1919

Alma, Jacobus J.P.* January 1st, 1910

Alphen-van Beusekom, van, Dina* November 17th, 1901
† November 3rd, 1993

Alphen, van, Adrianus* January 9th, 1903

Alphen, van, Johannes J.* February 7th, 1920

Alphen, van, Nicolaas* September 1st, 1919

Alphen, van, Wilhelm A.C.* July 24th, 1921
† May 10th, 1994

Alphen, van, Willem* December 16th, 1898
† July 13th, 1953

Alphen, van, Willem J.* June 25th, 1915

Alssema, Derk* April 12th, 1925

Altena, Jan M.* July 29th, 1889

Altena, van, Jacob* December 22nd, 1923

Altena, van, Jan* October 26th, 1918
† September 9th, 1998

Altena, Willebrordus M.* November 29th, 1918
† May 15th, 1985

Altenburg, Sieberen* April 11th, 1922

Alteren, van, Wiebe* March 20th, 1923
† January 20th, 1945
Plot: A Grave: 759

Althoff, Adrianus A.F.* September 12th, 1904
† July 29th, 1943

Althuis, Jan J.* July 6th, 1907

Althuisius, Gerardus* May 29th, 1915

Amama, Johan E.* June 28th, 1900

Ambrosius, Piet* May 27th, 1913

Amerika, Antonie Martinus* November 8th, 1924
† October 8th, 2010

Ameringen, van, Elias M.* April 26th, 1923

Amerongen, van, Adrianus Antonius* July 15th, 1902
† October 17th, 2001

Amerongen, van, Johannes C.* February 27th, 1920

Amerongen, van, Minukus H.* September 11th, 1921

Amersfoort-Vos, Berendina* April 8th, 1910

Amersfoort, van, Gerrit* September 10th, 1905

Ames, jan* August 21st, 1919

Ammerlaan, Adrian N.* April 24th, 1924

Ammerlaan, Antonius Wilhelmus* September 17th, 1899
† February 6th, 1945

Ammers, van, Hubertus* March 22nd, 1914

Andela, Folkert* July 12th, 1918
† March 29th, 1991

Andela, Pieter* August 15th, 1919

Andeweg, Teunis* November 5th, 1922

Andre-van der Woude, Sytske* November 4th, 1919

Andree-Wiltens, Dine J.* September 7th, 1924

Andriesse, Hartog Napoleon* April 1st, 1921
† February 4th, 1990

Andriessen-Geervliet, Maria* October 13th, 1903

Andriessen, Andrew* January 11th, 1922
† May 1st, 1997

Andriessen, Anthonius Jacobus Joannes* January 27th, 1887
† September 23rd, 1960

Andriessen, Theoodorus J.* November 6th, 1913

Andriessen, Willem Frederik* November 30th, 1918
† August 19th, 1944

Anger, Harry* June 27th, 1928

Angeren, van, Johannes* April 24th, 1900

Anjema, Jan* July 31st, 1918

Anker, Arie* October 25th, 1883

Anker, Hendrik* April 13th, 1918

Ankoné, Marinus Lambertus* February 11th, 1919
† April 6th, 1987

Anröchte, Johannes T.* July 24th, 1921

Ansems, Adriaan* February 14th, 1915

Ansems, Jan* October 21st, 1921

Ansems, Petrus Joseph Maria* March 18th, 1905

Anspach, Heiko J.* January 30th, 1913

Antheunisse, Cornelis* November 3rd, 1911

Antheunisse, Johannes* October 5th, 1909

Antheunisse, Piet* November 29th, 1898

Anthing Vogel, Willem H.F.* December 16th, 1904

Antoine-Mingelers, Helene* July 30th, 1914

Antoni, Jean Louis Hubert Antoine* May 25th, 1896
† November 6th, 1982

Antonides, Johannes* March 2nd, 1912

Antwerpen, van, Adriaan Leendert* May 14th, 1911
† February 16th, 1998

Apeldoorn, Nicolaas Gerardus "Victor"* February 15th, 1908
† November 10th, 1982

Apeldoorn, van, Johannes L.* January 25th, 1882

Aperlo, van, Jacob* March 7th, 1919

Apers-Grond, Anna M.G.* April 2nd, 1921

Apers, Jan A.V.* January 25th, 1921

Appel, Huibert N.* April 16th, 1922

Appelboom, Machiel "Max"* March 7th, 1924
† November 5th, 2003

Appeldoorn, Pieter Hendrik* March 2nd, 1914
† May 2nd, 1984

Appels, Nelly Margot* January 4th, 1925
† February 27th, 1992

Appleby, John L.* July 5th, 1916

Aquin, D', Willem Johan Marie Joseph* April 22nd, 1904
† August 3rd, 1956

Ardenne, van, Dirk Boudewijn Willem* February 5th, 1920
† December 14th, 2013

Ardon, Jan* July 21st, 1920

Arendse, Hendricus J.J.* March 15th, 1912

Arendse, Johannes Carel Hendrikus* March 19th, 1914
† June 22nd, 2001

Arendshorst, Hendrik* January 21st, 1899
† April 28th, 1945

Arendsman, Antonie J.* March 20th, 1925
† May 23rd, 1983

Arendz-Muysson, Johanna C.* September 17th, 1912

Arentsen, Everhardus* October 4th, 1906

Arentz, Cornelis* February 1st, 1900

Arentzen, Jan* August 8th, 1906

Ariaans, Nico* November 24th, 1915

Ariens, Johannes Johan* August 2nd, 1915

Arkel, van, Enoch J.* June 21st, 1919

Arkel, van, Gerrit Pieter* July 3rd, 1914
† August 5th, 1944

Arkel, van, Huibert Johannes* October 16th, 1911
† August 29th, 1987

Arkel, van, Marinus G.* August 14th, 1925

Arkenbout, Cornelis* September 7th, 1924

Arkenbout, Gerardus C.H.* May 10th, 1903

Arnhem, van, Jan* January 22nd, 1914

Arnhem, van, Jan J.* January 17th, 1881

Arnold, Cornelis* June 11th, 1907

Arnts, Johannes Jacobus Theodorus* December 15th, 1906
† January 20th, 1989

Arondeus, Willem Johan Cornelis* August 22nd, 1894
† July 1st, 1943
Plot: 18 

Arons-Biallosterski, Elizabeth* May 30th, 1911
† November 9th, 1979

Arons, Andreas T.* May 17th, 1919

Arons, Rob* April 22nd, 1911

Arpels-Jensen, Margje Hendrika* June 6th, 1920
† October 29th, 2014

Arpots, Jean* August 3rd, 1919
† January 25th, 2002

Arts, Bernard W.J.* January 5th, 1912

Arts, Johannes H.J.* January 2nd, 1913

Arts, Piet* April 21st, 1892

As-Riemers, van, Henrica D.* January 21st, 1926

As, van, Adrianus* April 16th, 1919
† January 23rd, 2014

As, van, Huibert* December 10th, 1910
† May 3rd, 1942

As, van, Jacobus M.W.* April 22nd, 1922

As, van, Pieter* January 25th, 1899
† December 29th, 1942
Plot: CC Grave: 3536

Asbeck-Pannenborg, van, Henriette Louise* October 18th, 1916
† July 20th, 2007

Asma, Pieter* September 29th, 1889

Asmussen, Erik* February 1st, 1924

Asperen, van, Gerardus W.* November 11th, 1921

Asperen, van, Teunis C.* May 25th, 1915

Ass-Maessen, van, Helena Gertrudis* November 13th, 1897
† December 23rd, 1988

Ass, van, Cornelia C.H.* November 8th, 1928
† April 24th, 2014

Asselberghs, Edgard* January 9th, 1925
† November 10th, 2005

Asseldonk, van, Marianus M.* September 8th, 1909

Asselt, van, Jacobus A.* May 30th, 1915

Asselt, van, Willem* May 6th, 1906

Assem, van den, Cornelis* October 15th, 1916
† November 8th, 1996

Assen, van, Gerrit* May 24th, 1923

Assen, van, Jan* March 5th, 1920

Assenberg, Willem* August 17th, 1915

Asser, Johan Rudolf* December 20th, 1907
† June 4th, 2009

Assies, Gerrit* May 18th, 1914

Assink, Johannes H.C.* January 27th, 1920

Assum, van den, Josephus J.* January 1st, 1922

Athmer, Johan Hendrik* December 2nd, 1918
† November 22nd, 2002

Attema, Meindert* April 13th, 1911

Attinger, Leonardus M.* March 30th, 1916

Aubel, van, Marie P.L.A.R.J.* January 16th, 1920

Auceps, Jan C.* October 6th, 1901

Auée, Wilhelm* March 6th, 1905

Aufdemkampe, Johan W.* May 15th, 1923

Augustinus, Aldert W.* July 8th, 1913

Augustinus, Willem* February 3rd, 1915

Aussems-Baars, Hermina Catherina* September 9th, 1919
† April 30th, 2011

Aussems, Jan* March 24th, 1919

Austie, Jan Hendrik Johannes Bernardus* April 8th, 1917
† January 23rd, 2003

Autsema-Jager, Martje* May 29th, 1903
† April 5th, 1987

Autsema, Derk Jan* April 5th, 1903
† December 22nd, 1986

Avé, Johannes B.* July 11th, 1923

Avest, ter, Jan* December 1st, 1922
† July 11th, 2011

Avontuur, Reinhard N.J.* April 3rd, 1919

Awater, Bernardus* January 21st, 1920

Ayal-Nahuwae, Costavina "Coosje"* April 15th, 1926
† March 28th, 2015

Aziria, Juan* January 23rd, 1913

Baak, Johannes P.* July 30th, 1916

Baalbergen, Willem* May 4th, 1901
† November 27th, 1996

Baalen, van, Wouter* December 17th, 1917

Baan, de, Hendrik J.* February 8th, 1924

Baan, de, Jan J.* September 2nd, 1915

Baantjer, Alida Sophia* August 11th, 1921
† December 8th, 2001

Baar, van, Willem* September 11th, 1918

Baarbé, Christina Sophia* September 11th, 1909
† 1994

Baarda, Gerard* February 24th, 1915

Baarda, Klaas* May 9th, 1912
† February 22nd, 1997

Baaren, van der, Klaas* October 6th, 1918
† March 27th, 2001

Baaren, van, Hendrik K.* December 25th, 1882

Baarle, van, Maarten* January 23rd, 1899
† January 13th, 1944

Baarle, van, Rudolf* June 30th, 1918

Baars-Kroeze, Maria G.J.* October 9th, 1916

Baars-Wehman, Hendrika F.* October 21st, 1905

Baars, den, Dirk* January 4th, 1924
† November 11th, 2003

Baars, Evert W.* July 30th, 1924

Baars, Frederik Christiaan* May 30th, 1926
† November 16th, 2010

Baars, Jacob* March 1st, 1907

Baars, Joannes A.* June 30th, 1903

Baarschers, Gerrit J.* September 18th, 1917

Baart, Matthijs* February 4th, 1914

Baartse-van Langen, Harmpje* February 8th, 1928

Baartse, Adriaan* September 12th, 1916
† May 24th, 1996

Baas, Adriaan* May 29th, 1913
† August 1st, 1943

Baas, Charles* October 17th, 1922
† December 19th, 2009

Baas, de, Leendert* July 19th, 1925

Baast, van, Wilhelmus Petrus* November 27th, 1922
† August 1st, 1975

Bachrach-Jacobs, Alijda* June 7th, 1917
† April 26th, 2005

Backer, Gerardus J.* October 5th, 1911

Backer, Herman H. Ph.* January 27th, 1908

Backer, Jan Dam* October 19th, 1916
† February 8th, 2000

Backer, Johan Quirijn Bas* March 17th, 1906
† November 9th, 1985

Backerra, Lambert E.* June 7th, 1915

Backers, Leonardus H.* March 29th, 1926

Backus, Louis* July 13th, 1921

Baerends, Jetta Johanna* August 29th, 1920

Baerends, Paul D.* March 26th, 1907

Baeten, Gerard H.* February 9th, 1910

Baeten, Wilhelmus A.* May 24th, 1919

Baetsen, Johan T.* June 16th, 1911

Baggen, Johannes H.A.* March 23rd, 1912

Baggerman, Reinier* January 8th, 1915

Baghus, Frederik* July 16th, 1914

Bahnen, Jozef* January 26th, 1921

Bak-van Gijzen, Trijntje* January 29th, 1918

Bak, Johan* October 5th, 1915

Bakels, Floris Bertold* July 19th, 1915
† April 15th, 2000

Bakema-Vroom, Hendrika* March 8th, 1909
† September 24th, 1972

Bakema, Jan* June 8th, 1907
† July 16th, 1999

Bakhausen, Maria W.* April 3rd, 1892

Bakkenes, Henricus* November 4th, 1918
† July 4th, 1975

Bakker-Alblas, Margaretha* September 11th, 1919

Bakker-Avé, Adriana* January 10th, 1909
† January 20th, 1999

Bakker-Bosschieter, Aaltje* March 1st, 1922
† August 5th, 1987

Bakker-Broerse, Gesina* August 21st, 1911
† October 2002

Bakker-de Groot, Janny* August 13th, 1916

Bakker-Goos, Wilhelmina H.* December 20th, 1922

Bakker-Metz, Neeltje J.* November 26th, 1919

Bakker-Stein, Gerdina F.* December 1st, 1909

Bakker-van 't Roth, Gerritdina W.* April 26th, 1898
† December 26th, 1965

Bakker-van Rheenen, Cornelia Johanna* October 29th, 1900
† April 8th, 1989

Bakker, Albert* June 10th, 1919
† December 28th, 1944

Bakker, Alexander W.* June 30th, 1903

Bakker, Arie C.* March 6th, 1897

Bakker, Cornelis* November 5th, 1921

Bakker, Cornelis* February 6th, 1899

Bakker, de, Cornelis* June 1st, 1910

Bakker, de, Johannes* June 8th, 1912

Bakker, de, Josephus Petrus* March 18th, 1911
† November 30th, 1993

Bakker, Dionisius Dirk* October 1st, 1879
† March 2nd, 1945
Grave: 375

Bakker, Dirk* December 19th, 1898

Bakker, Dirk* October 3rd, 1896

Bakker, Dirk B.* May 10th, 1914

Bakker, Evert* April 4th, 1916

Bakker, Fokko* February 21st, 1906
† August 30th, 1987

Bakker, Franciscus J.M.* August 27th, 1918

Bakker, Frans G.A.* April 15th, 1915

Bakker, Frederik* December 29th, 1906

Bakker, Fridjov J.* March 1st, 1918
† November 4th, 1979

Bakker, Geert* July 22nd, 1910

Bakker, Gerardus* May 14th, 1918

Bakker, Gerrit* June 11th, 1920

Bakker, Gerrit* April 19th, 1915

Bakker, Gerrit H.* December 21st, 1902

Bakker, Gerrit Jan* October 1st, 1903

Bakker, Gijsbertus* June 30th, 1916

Bakker, Hendrik* August 14th, 1901

Bakker, Hendrik* October 14th, 1920

Bakker, Hendrik* November 30th, 1918

Bakker, Hubertus A.* December 7th, 1919

Bakker, Iman* June 27th, 1914

Bakker, Jacob* December 28th, 1906

Bakker, Jacob* January 31st, 1922

Bakker, Jacob* May 6th, 1917

Bakker, Jacob* April 27th, 1911

Bakker, Jacob* May 4th, 1908

Bakker, Jacob "Jan Willems"* May 1st, 1917
† April 30th, 1944

Bakker, Jacobus* September 11th, 1924

Bakker, Jakob* June 11th, 1908

Bakker, Jan* March 11th, 1909

Bakker, Jan* October 3rd, 1919

Bakker, Jan* February 27th, 1889

Bakker, Jan H.* July 20th, 1908

Bakker, Jantinus* March 29th, 1914

Bakker, Johannes August* August 12th, 1922
† May 7th, 2016

Bakker, Johannes J.* September 27th, 1921

Bakker, Klaas* June 6th, 1923

Bakker, Lambertus* July 10th, 1911

Bakker, Maarten* May 15th, 1912

Bakker, Marinus* January 2nd, 1900

Bakker, Meeuwis* May 15th, 1910

Bakker, Simon* January 6th, 1919

Bakker, Sipke Cornelis* May 3rd, 1911
† August 11th, 2000

Bakker, Trijntje* June 27th, 1909

Bakker, Willem* February 6th, 1917
† May 7th, 1945

Bakker, Wouterus* September 20th, 1909

Bakkeren, Willem Johannes* November 10th, 1906
† February 12th, 1942

Bakkum, Johannes P.* October 15th, 1920

Bakx, Johannes C.* December 5th, 1920

Bal, Adriaan J.* August 22nd, 1918

Balder, Jacob* August 7th, 1900
† July 16th, 1944
Plot: 26 

Baljé, Christiaan L.* June 21st, 1907
† June 26th, 1996

Baljé, Cornelis C.* July 22nd, 1911
† December 24th, 1992

Balk-Klumper, Maria* June 19th, 1898
† January 23rd, 1975

Balk, Cornelis* March 22nd, 1920

Balk, Jacobus J.A.* January 10th, 1898
† June 24th, 1962

Balk, Maartje* September 16th, 1923
† 2016

Balk, Machiel* July 12th, 1925
† November 9th, 1944
Plot: 3B Row: HH Grave: 17

Balkom, van, Peter* October 1st, 1905

Ballegooijen, van, Albert "Ab"* November 24th, 1924
† July 4th, 2012

Ballieux, George C.J.* February 14th, 1921

Balster-Terstall, Geertruida* June 10th, 1900
† October 22nd, 1991

Balter, Hendrik Hubert* August 6th, 1917
† April 18th, 1945

Baltink-van de Pol, Aaltje* January 10th, 1904

Baltink, Gerhard H.* February 19th, 1898

Bamberg, Donald E.* January 30th, 1920
† January 31st, 2013

Bandringa, Martinus K.* July 7th, 1912

Bandringa, Tjidsger* January 18th, 1902

Bangma, Jelle* August 19th, 1919
† June 29th, 1994

Bangma, Pieter J.* May 29th, 1922

Bangma, Reinder Lieuwes* January 4th, 1921
† 2005

Bannink, Gerrit* April 6th, 1904

Bannink, Hendrik Gerrit Willem* October 28th, 1896
† March 29th, 1945
Plot: A Grave: 19

Bantzinger, Hendricus Bernardus Anthonius* January 25th, 1917
† December 7th, 2004

Bar, Hendrik* January 1st, 1906

Baracs-van Lennep, Hester Juliana Octavia* July 6th, 1916
† January 1st, 2000

Baracs, Sandor* November 17th, 1900
† August 5th, 2002

Barbuio, Giovanni Alessandro* August 23rd, 1923

Barendrecht, Adrianus* September 25th, 1916
† January 10th, 1992

Barendrecht, Dirk* January 17th, 1913

Barendrecht, Nico* April 19th, 1913
† September 2nd, 1987

Barendse, Jozef* June 27th, 1898

Barendse, Martinus* March 8th, 1916

Barendse, Michael* February 21st, 1917

Barendsma, Jan* October 19th, 1916
† November 21st, 1988

Barentsen, Cornelis Leendert* October 1st, 1892
† July 1st, 1943

Barentsen, Willem* February 11th, 1902

Bark, Jan* June 25th, 1900

Barkey, Johan A.* August 22nd, 1898

Barkmeijer-Staal, Willempke* December 23rd, 1909
† July 16th, 1987

Barkmeijer, Jan* December 2nd, 1900
† February 17th, 1988

Barmen 't Loo, Reynoud E.D.* August 31st, 1910

Barneveld, van, Gijsbert* March 3rd, 1912

Barneveld, van, Willem* June 25th, 1888

Barneveldt, van, Teunis* October 26th, 1895

Baron, Foppe* May 6th, 1908
† March 21st, 1945
Plot: B Grave: 573

Bart-Boer, Kaatje* January 17th, 1920

Barteling, Simon* April 21st, 1904

Bartelings, Charles Herman* December 5th, 1921
† May 12th, 2019

Bartelings, Willem* April 9th, 1919
† July 15th, 2019

Bartels-Lezer, Alida S.* December 28th, 1913

Bartels-Striethorst, Johanna Antonia Maria* March 26th, 1886
† January 29th, 1945

Bartels, Elisabeth G.* November 26th, 1920

Bartels, Johan Jacobus Franciscus* May 11th, 1890
† April 24th, 1945
Plot: E Grave: 761

Bartels, Michel C.M.H.* March 29th, 1902
† June 10th, 1979

Bartels, Roelf H.* September 25th, 1888
† December 14th, 1942

Barten, Johannes P.* October 21st, 1921

Barthel, Frederik W.* May 7th, 1915

Barthel, Johannes J.* December 11th, 1903

Baruch, Izak Zacherias* November 3rd, 1917
† February 13th, 1996

Barzilaij, Jacob* March 2nd, 1897
† April 26th, 1945

Bas Backer, Jonkheer, Johan Quirijn* March 17th, 1906
† December 4th, 1985

Basart, Frans* February 24th, 1917

Bastemeijer, Jan F.* June 20th, 1914

Bastiaan, Wilhelm* June 30th, 1910

Bastiaans, Corry* April 16th, 1920
† November 21st, 1998

Bastiaans, Hendricus* December 28th, 1914

Bastiaans, Jules Frederik* February 2nd, 1923

Bastiaans, Steven* February 7th, 1891
† August 10th, 1944

Bastiaanse, Hendrikus J.* October 15th, 1896

Bastiaanse, Johannes Cornelis* April 22nd, 1922
† July 12th, 2009

Bastiaenen, Adrianus J.* December 5th, 1924

Bastian, John C.* August 12th, 1918

Batenburg-Hoogervorst, Margrietha Johanna Cornelia* December 17th, 1917
† September 29th, 2004

Batenburg, Izak E.* April 11th, 1918

Bati, Klomang* June 15th, 1904

Batist, Hubertus H.* November 30th, 1901