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Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2.Klasse mit Schwertern

The War Merit Cross second class bronze with swords (Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2. klasse mit Schwertern) also know as the KVK 2 was instituted on 18-10-1939 by Hitler. This award could be awarded to military personal as well as to civilians (m/f) for bravery not directly connected with frontline actions. For example: maintenance of frontline vehicles and equipment, outstanding performance by the civil defence and security tasks. (For more information see also the War Merit cross second class without swords.)

This award is shaped like a large Maltese cross and measures 1.9" across. The cross is struck in different metals, but mostly in zinc. The crosses made of zinc were subsequently bronze washed. Some specimens were struck in bronze, but these are very rare. The Maltese cross has a raised border, with a pebbled surface within these borders. In the middle of the cross lies a wreath of oak leaves with a knotted ribbon on top and bottom. A swastika is placed in the center of the wreath. The reverse of the badge has a smooth surface and shows the same wreath, except for the inscription 1939 instead of the swastika. The wreath measures 0.6" in width. In this version of the War Merit Cross two swords are placed diagonally through the cross. These swords are broad double-edged, as in the Roman military design.
On top of the upper arm of the cross, an eyelet is mounted with a ring attached to it.
The badge is suspended from a ribbon, passing through this ring. The ribbon is 1.18" wide and is the reverse of the ribbon used for the Iron Cross 1939, e.g. a central black vertical stripe .55" in width , flanked by a thin white and a thin red stripe, each .15" in width.
The mint mark was usually stamped on the ring; some well known manufacturers were: Steinhauer & Lück from Lüdenscheid,(4) L. Chr. Lauer LL. from Nürnberg, (14) Karl Wurster KG from Markneukirchen, (18) E. Fred Weidmann from Frankfürt am Main, (19) Willy Annetsberger from München, (34) Julius Bauer& Söhne from Zella-Mehlis, (43) Jakob Bengel from Idar-Oberstein, (44) Frans Jungwirth from Vienna, (45) Robert Hauschild from Pforzheim, (56) Karl Hensler from Pforzheim, (57) Rudolf Tham from Gablonz ad N. (101) and Hermann Aurich from Dresden. (113)

The War Merit Cross with swords was awarded in a blue, red or buff coloured paper bag, with the name of the award printed on it. It was awarded with a standard citation. It is estimated that this version of the War Merit Cross has been awarded 6.134.950 times during the WWII period.

On official occasions or military parades the cross was worn suspended from its ribbon or as part of a group. During active duty only the ribbon was worn through the second buttonhole or as part of a ribbon bar. When it was worn through the buttonhole, it was put behind the ribbon of the Iron Cross 2 and before the Eastern Winter Campaign Medal. (Ostmedaille) but among combat troops it is often seen after the latter because of the higher prestige of the Eastern Winter Campaign Medal.

Achatz, Johann (Unteroffizier)† November 24th, 1943

Adam, Wilhelm (Generalmajor)* March 28th, 1893
† November 24th, 1978

Grid List
Valet, Hans-Joachim* February 18th, 1918
† December 3rd, 1944

Vandieken, Otto (Transportgeschwader 3)* October 28th, 1908
† February 29th, 1944
Grave: UNK

Vatterodt, Friedel* June 21st, 1920
† December 14th, 1944
Plot: 3 Row: 3 Grave: 63

Veesenmayer, Edmund, Dr.* November 12th, 1904
† December 24th, 1977

Velmann, Rudi* June 26th, 1914

Verlei, Rudolf* October 27th, 1920

Vetter, Alfred* May 24th, 1923
† May 15th, 1984

Vetter, Hellmut Waldemar "Beast of Auschwitz"* March 22nd, 1910
† February 2nd, 1949

Vitali, Viktor* April 3rd, 1920
† January 6th, 2012

Vock, August* March 27th, 1913

Vodepp, Felix* October 20th, 1896
† April 18th, 1967

Vogel, Walter (Generalmajor)* August 19th, 1889
† December 1st, 1974

Vogelgesang, Richard* February 10th, 1913

Vogt, Hermann* August 28th, 1914

Volkmann, Richard* March 30th, 1911
† April 12th, 1965

Vollard-Bockelberg, von, Helmut (Waffen SS)* October 20th, 1911
† March 29th, 1996

Vollmers, Helmut* June 14th, 1911

Volquardsen, Hans-Walter (Grenadier-Regiment 89)* May 6th, 1914
† June 27th, 1944
Grave: UNK

Vorwald, Wolfgang* May 8th, 1899
† June 1st, 1977

Voß, Bernhard* June 29th, 1892
† February 4th, 1947

