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Deutsches Kreuz in Gold

The German Cross (Deutschen Kreuz) is build up out of 5 separate parts and although the name suggests otherwise, it has the shape of a large 8-pointed breast star with in the center a large black swastika which is outlined in silver. The name of this award comes from this 21,5 mm big swastika. This swastika is placed upon a red-bordered silver disk and upon this red border is a golden laurel leaf wreath mounted. The golden wreath measures 39 mm across and is made out of single laurel leaves that are bounded together with a silk lint. At the bottom of the wreath is a square box with the year 1941 impressed into it. This date refers to the year of institution and from underneath this wreath emerge the eight star points. These points are chemically blackened and have the appearance of sunrays. Underneath these points is a 63 mm large silver backing plate placed which has the same shape as the award, only it’s slightly bigger so it forms the outer line of the award. At the reverse are 4 or 6 rivets visible and through the number of rivets you can recognize if the award was made in Germany or Austria. The German Crosses with 4 rivets were made in Germany and the pieces with 6 rivets in Austria. Further is there at the reverse a large width pin with a standard hook construction placed. If the award is marked with the LDO-number of the producer, then it is stamped in either the front or backside of the pin. To prevent damaging the award during combat, there was also a cloth version made. This cloth version has a metal wreath and the backing cloth colour is the same as the tunic colour of the corresponding Army branch. Fieldgrey is for the Army (Heer) and Waffen-SS, bleu-grey for the Air Force, (Luftwaffe) Marine bleu for the Navy (Kriegsmarine) and black for the Armored forces.

The German Cross in Gold (Deutsches Kreuz in Gold) was awarded for bravery and outstanding achievements in combat but where the Knight’s Cross wasn’t awarded for. The recipient did however already had to own the Iron Cross 1st Class (Eisernes Kreuz 1 Klasse) or Kriegsverdienstkreuz 1.Klasse with swords. The exact number of times that the German Cross in Gold was bestowed is still unknow at this time.

The OKW barred/stopped by decree the awarding of the Gernan Cross in Gold for "multiple remarkable services in troop leadership" from March 10th, 1945 on.

Bidermann, Gottlob-Herbert* August 28th, 1920
† September 1st, 2010

Grid List
NameDate of birthDate of deathAwards
Ubben, Kurt18-11-191127-04-1944
Übelhack, Friedrich06-10-190702-11-1979
Überheide, Heinz  
Uberig, Eugen  
Überschär, Günter  
Ubländer, Peter  more
Ubrich, Alfred  
Ücker, Paul  
Uckermann, Freiherr von, Walther03-03-190422-04-1945
Uckermann, Hermann  
Uckrow, Wilhelm04-02-191529-08-1944
Uebe, Friedrich  
Uebe, Joachim  
Uebe, Klaus15-01-190903-02-1968
Uebel, Albert  
Uebel, Bruno  
Uebel, Harry  
Uebele, Friedrich  
Uebele, Hermann  
Ueberschär, Bernhard10-05-189814-02-1974more
Uecker, Otto  
Uetz, Karl  
Uetzmann, Fritz  
Ufer, Rudolf  
Ufermann, Fritz06-10-191226-11-1996
Uhde, Heinz  
Uhl, Fritz (Transportfliegergruppe 10)09-07-1908 
Uhl, Heinrich-Wilhelm  
Uhl, Hermann16-08-1911 more
Uhl, Rudolf02-04-191627-03-1965more
Uhlemann, Heinz  
Uhlemann, Werner (Grenadier-Regiment 188)  
Uhlemann, Werner (Lw-KG x)  more
Uhlig, Gottfried30-09-191521-12-2002
Uhlig, Heinz (Grenadier-Regiment 666)  
Uhlig, Lothar  
Uhlmann, Herbert  
Uhr, Johannes  
Ulbrich, Heinrich  
Ulbrich, Hermann21-12-189407-06-1944
Ulbrich, Walter  
Ulbricht, Gerhard (Kampf-Geschwader 27)03-02-1901 
Ulbricht, Gottfried  
Ulbricht, Hellmut  
Ulbricht, Kurt Martin04-02-191600-02-1988more
Ulbricht, Wolfgang  
Ulich, Max25-03-189627-05-1964more
Ullersperger, Wilhelm06-08-189416-05-1978more
Ullmann, Erwin  
Ullmann, Rudolf  
Ullmer, Karl01-03-1896 
Ullmer, Ludwig  
Ullrich, Erich13-11-1916 
Ullrich, Ernst  
Ullrich, Helmut  
Ullrich, Johannes  
Ullrich, Lorenz  
Ullrich, Martin  
Ullrich, Paul  
Ullrich, Robert  
Ullrich, Werner (Flak-Bataillon 22)27-05-1915 more
Ullrich, Werner (KG 53 "Legion Condor")20-10-1913 
Ulmenstein, Freiherr von, Günter Julius Lukas26-11-191523-04-2013
Ulmer, Alfred04-12-191423-08-2005
Ulmer, Gustav13-05-191328-03-1944
Ulmer, Wilhelm (Infanterie-Regiment 186)  
Ulms, Ulrich (Oberst i.G.)22-08-190823-02-2000more
Ulrich, Bernhard  
Ulrich, Friedrich  
Ulrich, Fritz  
Ulrich, Fritz (Waffen SS)19-06-1916 
Ulrich, Horst23-01-1917 
Ulrich, Otto  
Ulziffer, Hans24-11-191312-10-1944
Umland, Günter  
Ummenhofer, Karl  
Ungemach, Wilhelm  
Unger, Hermann (Kradschützen-Bataillon 20)  
Unger, Karl (Füsilier-Regiment 34)  
Unger, Otto (U-125)16-06-191625-07-1998
Unger, von, Werner (19. Panzer-Division) 07-08-1943
Unger, Werner (Artillerie-Regiment (mot) 90)  
Unger, Willi (Jagdgeschwader 3 "Udet")27-03-192023-06-2005more
Unger, Wolf (Flak-Regiment 5)  
Unold, von, Georg23-12-190518-10-1946
Unrasch, Roland  
Unrau, Heinz25-02-191621-01-2004
Unrein, Martin Friedrich Karl (Generalleutnant)01-01-190122-01-1972more
Unruh, Gustav  
Unruh, Kurt28-07-192011-03-1989more
Unruhe, Johannes20-10-191611-03-2004more
Unterstein, Hans  
Uphoff, Horst03-10-191624-08-1943
Urabl, Georg  
Urban, August  
Urban, Erich  
Urban, Ernst  
Urban, Ewald  
Urban, Günther  
Urban, Herbert  
Urban, Karl  
Urban, Rupert  
Urban, Vinzens  
Urban, Walter  
Urban, Wilhelm  
Urbanczyk, Rudolf Max (Sturmgeschütz-Brigade 203)03-03-191525-10-1944more
Urbani, Georg  
Urich, Ernst  
Urmoneit, Fritz  
Urner, Hans-Joachim  
Uschmann, Georg  
Uschner, Ernst  
Usdrowski, Franz  
Usedom, von, Horst09-03-190614-10-1970more
Usinger, Christian21-08-189402-04-1949
Uslar-Gleichen, Freiherr von, Harald  
Ustarbowski, Theodor03-01-1920 
Utecht, Günter  
Utecht, Joachim  
Utermann, Dr., Julius  
Uteseny, Franz  
Utgenannt, Richard (Waffen SS)15-02-191514-02-1968
Uthe, Kurt  
Utracik, Werner  
Utter, Werner14-02-192129-11-2006
Utz, Willibald "Willi"20-01-189320-04-1954more
Utzschneider, Johann (Aufklärungsgruppe 32)  
Üxküll, Graf von, Eduard  
