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Related persons

Abbo, Cornelis* September 29th, 1916
† March 6th, 1944

Abcouwer, Adrian* January 1st, 1921
† February 10th, 1942

Abeelen, van den, Pieter* June 19th, 1921
† March 22nd, 1944
Plot: 3 Row: 11 Grave: 298

Adams, Andreas P.* June 10th, 1921
† September 15th, 1942
Plot: 12 Row: 1 Grave: 114

Adema, Gabriel* December 30th, 1921
† April 15th, 1942

Admiraal, Jan* September 24th, 1911
† May 14th, 1944

Adriaanse, Pieter* September 14th, 1921
† October 21st, 1942
Plot: 12 Row: 2 Grave: 175

Aengenend, Gerhard W.* August 1st, 1915
† March 7th, 1943
Plot: 12 Row: 4 Grave: 395

Aerts, Robert "Rob"* December 20th, 1920
† August 18th, 1942
Plot: 12 Row: 1 Grave: 72

Akker, van den, Hendrikus Franciscus* November 21st, 1916
† July 26th, 1942

Akkerman, Reiner P.M. Bob* September 12th, 1921
† February 12th, 1944

Albers, Charles* January 28th, 1924
† January 25th, 1944

Alberts, Jan* June 17th, 1918
† October 12th, 1941

Algera, Dirk* August 25th, 1918
† February 2nd, 1944

Algra, Dirk K.* August 25th, 1918
† February 2nd, 1944

Algra, Jacob* December 6th, 1921
† October 10th, 1942

Alkema, Pieter (Peter)* December 11th, 1922
† August 2nd, 1941

Allart, Hendrik Leonard* May 2nd, 1918
† March 5th, 1944
Plot: 3 Row: 5 Grave: 135

Amadio, Johannes Franciscus* September 20th, 1924
† September 23rd, 1943

Amelsbeek, Johan* February 1st, 1923
† August 23rd, 1941
Plot: 12 Row: 1 Grave: 26

Amstel, van, Frans* April 10th, 1925
† April 3rd, 1942

Analbers, Hendricus M.* April 10th, 1920
† September 28th, 1943

Appel, van, Cornelius Jan* December 28th, 1918
† November 24th, 1941

Appeldoorn, Teunis* February 6th, 1922
† February 24th, 1942
Plot: 8 Row: 1 Grave: 13

Ardenne, van, Johannes* September 25th, 1923
† September 6th, 1943

Arends, Roelof* January 20th, 1920
† October 10th, 1942

Ark, van, Albert* September 23rd, 1927

Arts, Johannes* January 3rd, 1923
† February 17th, 1942

Artz, M.J.* April 6th, 1920
† 1944

Asselt, van, Geerlig Pieter (Geo)* September 16th, 1922
† March 12th, 1944

Asten, van, Theodorus Emanuel* December 25th, 1922
† 1944

Baarsgarst, Christiaan* December 2nd, 1909
† December 28th, 1943
Plot: TC Row: 4 Grave: 40

Baartmans, Machiel* August 13th, 1918
† February 22nd, 1942

Baas, Ivan Hugo* October 18th, 1915
† 1943

Bakker, Albert* July 15th, 1923
† March 9th, 1945
Plot: CA Row: 7 Grave: 163

Bakker, Cornelis* April 15th, 1913
† April 4th, 1942

Bakker, Kurt Rudolf* December 30th, 1923
† January 28th, 1943

Bakker, Pieter* January 22nd, 1926
† September 24th, 1944
Grave: onbekend

Bakker, Siegfried* December 6th, 1924
† January 1st, 1943

Balder, Jan Cornelis* February 13th, 1900
† April 21st, 1943

Balk, Andreas Johannes* May 8th, 1917
† August 12th, 1942

Ballegooij, van, Wilhelmus Johannes* July 1st, 1919
† January 27th, 1944

Banken, Frans* September 14th, 1902
† August 16th, 1943
Plot: 6 Row: 14 Grave: 1029

Barbe, Bernardus* July 11th, 1920
† February 3rd, 1944

Barelds, Hendrik* June 9th, 1922
† March 27th, 1944
Plot: 3 Row: 54 Grave: 3000

Barend, Johan† August 1942

Barendse, Cornelis Johannes* March 8th, 1921
† August 9th, 1942

Barnhoorn, Leonardus Joannes Reinoldus* December 2nd, 1925
† October 31st, 1943

Beek, van, Abraham (Bram)* August 27th, 1924
† February 2nd, 1944

Beek, van, Gerrit* April 27th, 1909
† October 10th, 1942
Plot: 6 Row: 16 Grave: 1479

Beek, van, Theodorus A.* February 9th, 1922
† December 2nd, 1941

Beens, Herman* December 10th, 1917
† October 2nd, 1943

Bekendam, Albert Joseph Heinrich* March 19th, 1922
† July 7th, 1941

Belzer, Johan Herman* May 14th, 1917
† October 22nd, 1943

Bemelmans, Hubert* February 15th, 1921
† February 18th, 1942

Bennis, Arie* May 18th, 1920
† February 13th, 1942

Bentvelzen, Willem M. (Willy)* May 21st, 1922
† April 14th, 1944
Plot: 37 Row: 15 Grave: 472

Benus, Jan* September 25th, 1915
† July 25th, 1944
Plot: 2 Row: 4 Grave: 161

Berendsen, Hendrik Fredrik* April 16th, 1909
† 1944

Berg, v.d., Albert* January 30th, 1924
† June 18th, 1944

Bergen, van, Tjapko Antoon* March 26th, 1903
† February 2nd, 1944

Bergers, Marinus Petrus* April 4th, 1924
† April 3rd, 1942

Bergh, van den, Hendricus Carolus Antonius Maria* July 29th, 1916
† November 19th, 1943

Berkhey, Arie* February 19th, 1926
† March 28th, 1944
Plot: 4 Row: 8 Grave: 469

Berlee, Gerard Reijer Berend* March 13th, 1921
† February 2nd, 1945
Plot: 1 Row: 9 Grave: 225 - 252

Berling, Robert Georg* August 20th, 1920
† March 21st, 1943
Plot: 12 Row: 4 Grave: 406

Berlips, Frans* April 8th, 1922
† February 20th, 1942

Bertens, Gerardus Cornelius Antonius* January 24th, 1924
† February 2nd, 1944

Bes, Jacobus* October 13th, 1912
† April 8th, 1934

Beumer, Sieger Gerlof* March 14th, 1915
† October 20th, 1942

Beute, Heinrich Riekend* October 15th, 1927
† March 11th, 1944

Beveren, van, Johannes "Jan"* May 29th, 1912
† June 22nd, 1942

Bevort, Jacobus* April 23rd, 1905
† February 14th, 1942

Bezooijen, Jacobus Cornelis* January 7th, 1924
† September 25th, 1944
Grave: onbekend

Biber, Christian Wilhelmus* November 16th, 1918
† May 11th, 1942

Biegel, Gerrit* May 10th, 1920
† September 30th, 1942

Bijland, Jan Dirk* September 20th, 1921
† January 10th, 1941

Bilt, van der, Cornelis* January 2nd, 1915
† June 22nd, 1942
Plot: 5 Row: 12 Grave: 472

Bink, Wilhelmus Peterus* October 15th, 1920
† 1944

Binnendijk, Dirk* August 6th, 1906
† September 18th, 1942
Plot: 12 Row: 1 Grave: 117

Bischoff, Bernard* April 10th, 1924
† 1944

Bisen, van der, Arnold Wilhelmus Jacobus* September 6th, 1919
† February 13th, 1942

Bisen, van, Gerard Christiaan* June 5th, 1922
† February 3rd, 1944

Bläcker, Johannes A.* July 19th, 1923
† September 14th, 1942
Plot: 12 Row: 1 Grave: 109

Bladt, Theodorus* July 23rd, 1924
† December 4th, 1942
Plot: 12 Row: 2 Grave: 242

Blanken, den, Johan* November 7th, 1924
† February 24th, 1942

Blankenstein, Willem* November 26th, 1914
† February 11th, 1945
Plot: BE Row: 5 Grave: 104

Blauw, Roelof* December 12th, 1914
† January 25th, 1945

Bloeming, Hendrikus* March 19th, 1921
† October 10th, 1943
Plot: 4 Row: 12 Grave: 1032

Bloemzaad, Johannes Franciscus* May 20th, 1922
† September 27th, 1941
Plot: CV Row: 9 Grave: 216

Blomhof, Albert* February 1st, 1923
† August 12th, 1943

Bloos, Arie* October 13th, 1907
† February 1st, 1942

Bode, Hendrik Pieter* March 17th, 1920
† March 3rd, 1942

Boekhout, Jacob† December 15th, 1942

Boelens, Bertus Johannes* April 26th, 1917
† November 21st, 1942

Boer, de, Anske* January 5th, 1922
† February 9th, 1943

Boer, de, Cornelius* June 16th, 1914
† March 7th, 1944

Boer, de, Jan Lambertus* July 9th, 1920
† August 7th, 1944

Boers, Dirk* March 9th, 1913

Boersma, Adrianus Wilhelmus* February 11th, 1925
† February 28th, 1945
Plot: 57 Grave: 651

Boersma, Simon* August 16th, 1918
† June 22nd, 1942
Plot: 5 Row: 13 Grave: 531

Boerssen, Hermanus* April 6th, 1923
† December 8th, 1942
Plot: 6 Row: 31 Grave: 2797

Boerssen, Johan* April 1st, 1920
† March 20th, 1942
Plot: 8 Row: 1 Grave: 26

Boeve, Steven Simon* April 3rd, 1922
† March 13th, 1942

Bol, Evert* February 24th, 1921
† March 6th, 1944

Bol, Robert* June 22nd, 1925
† March 8th, 1944

Bolder, Bernhard* October 8th, 1905
† January 16th, 1943
Plot: 12 Row: 3 Grave: 272

Bolk, Johannes* April 12th, 1920
† September 11th, 1941
Plot: 8 Row: 69 Grave: 6570

Bommel, van, Martinus Antonius* December 13th, 1914
† March 17th, 1942

Bönninghausen, von, Egon Lodewijk Maria Theresia* March 15th, 1899
† February 26th, 1943

Bont, de, Franz Joseph O.† August 10th, 1942

Bontenbal, Johannes G.* June 6th, 1922
† September 22nd, 1942
Plot: 12 Row: 1 Grave: 123

Boom, Johann H.* January 7th, 1922
† June 21st, 1942
Plot: 11 

Boon, van der, Frans* March 26th, 1920
† November 5th, 1942

Boon, Willem* December 17th, 1917
† February 3rd, 1942

Boos, Albertus Hermanus* March 10th, 1922
† June 22nd, 1942
Plot: 5 Row: 12 Grave: 509

Boot, Frans Marinus* August 19th, 1920
† February 23rd, 1942

Bor, Jacob Hendrik* October 25th, 1919
† September 11th, 1944
Plot: CR Row: 10 Grave: 231

Borgers, Johannes* January 24th, 1920
† November 25th, 1941

Borgers, Sander* September 13th, 1917
† 1985

Bos, Adriaan Pieter* September 4th, 1920
† August 18th, 1943

Bos, Adrianus* December 31st, 1922
† February 5th, 1944

Bos, Eppo* November 5th, 1925
† October 18th, 1944

Bos, Marten* July 28th, 1923
† September 6th, 1944

Bos, Rijk* January 14th, 1898
† December 15th, 1944
Plot: BP Row: 10 Grave: 237

Bos, van den, Frans* February 1st, 1921
† February 13th, 1945

Bos, van den, Jakob (Jan)* February 17th, 1921
† August 2nd, 1941

Bos, van der, ?* November 21st, 1918
† September 29th, 1943

Bosch, Jacob* December 16th, 1915
† September 5th, 1941

Bosch, Josef* February 2nd, 1915

Boshouwers, Petrus Paul* June 29th, 1918
† August 15th, 1943

Boshoven, Hermanus Hendrikus* January 31st, 1926
† January 14th, 1944

Boske, ten, Frederik Albertus* January 5th, 1922
† September 10th, 1943

Bosman, Jan Gerard* May 6th, 1921
† April 7th, 1942

Bosscher, Jacobus* April 12th, 1915
† November 28th, 1942

Bothof, Hendrik Nils* September 28th, 1922
† May 11th, 1942

Bots, Carel Johann Josef* April 1st, 1912
† May 21st, 1943
Plot: 39E Grave: 44

Bottema, Atze* November 21st, 1921
† April 2nd, 1943
Plot: 12 Row: 4 Grave: 482

Bouwman, Karel Hans Otto* January 22nd, 1920
† March 16th, 1942

Brakel, van den, Aart (Arie)* November 1st, 1920
† October 3rd, 1941
Plot: 8 

Braken, van der, Martin Petrus Xaverius* January 30th, 1923
† March 30th, 1942

Brasser, Gerrit* May 6th, 1911
† September 4th, 1943

Breda, van, Hermanns Johannes* May 25th, 1918
† May 3rd, 1944

Breemen, van, Johann Wilhelm* April 21st, 1909
† September 29th, 1941

Bremer, Aaldert Hillebardnienus Aaltienus* August 9th, 1923
† March 9th, 1945
Plot: CA Row: 7 Grave: 164

Brink, van den, Gijsbertus* May 15th, 1925
† July 19th, 1943

Brink, van den, Hendrik Anton* April 16th, 1915
† November 26th, 1941

Broecke, van der, Izak A.* November 28th, 1923
† November 15th, 1942

Broek, van den, Lodewijk Johan* September 12th, 1916
† September 5th, 1942
Plot: 12 Row: 1 Grave: 90

Broek, van den, Louis F.P.* December 9th, 1919
† April 3rd, 1942

Broekes, Lambertus Planter* August 18th, 1920
† February 19th, 1943

Broekhuis, Johann karel* July 24th, 1922
† September 6th, 1943

Broeksema, Geert* January 11th, 1916
† August 14th, 1941

Broer, Wilhelm* February 24th, 1921
† February 13th, 1942

Bronsema, Geert* April 19th, 1926
† February 4th, 1944

Brouwer, Hendrik* June 14th, 1924
† May 3rd, 1943

Brouwer, Hendrik (Henk)* June 5th, 1923
† March 16th, 1942

Brouwer, Nicolaas Franciscus Anthonius* April 10th, 1918
† February 13th, 1942

Bruggeman, Abraham Jacobus "Huib Jr."* June 19th, 1924
† June 16th, 1942

Bruggeman, Rutbregt* December 13th, 1920
† November 22nd, 1942

Bruigom, den, Dirk Johannes* May 27th, 1920
† December 10th, 1942
Plot: 12 Row: 3 Grave: 317

Bruijning, François Otto* 1893
† March 18th, 1944

Bruin, de, Arie† August 14th, 1942

Bruinier, Cornelius (Kees)* October 18th, 1920
† October 4th, 1941
Plot: 8 Row: 23 Grave: 2246

Bruins, Derk Elsko* March 20th, 1923
† February 5th, 1986

Bruins, Siert "Siegfried"* March 2nd, 1921
† September 28th, 2015

Bruller, Pieter† May 22nd, 1942

Brune, de, Henrique* November 26th, 1919
† October 5th, 1942

Brunenberg, Otto* June 5th, 1919
† August 28th, 1943

Buik, Simon* May 4th, 1917
† August 25th, 1943
Plot: 8 Row: 2 Grave: 152

Buil, Theodor* April 23rd, 1913
† February 12th, 1943

Buitink, Willem* July 20th, 1920
† March 8th, 1944

Bulten, Elbert* July 6th, 1916
† 1943

Bunschoten, Baldus Cornelis* June 30th, 1922
† 1943

Burcksen, Johannes Hendrikus* August 1st, 1923
† 1944

Buren, van, Anton M.* March 7th, 1911
† September 28th, 1942

Burg, van den, Wilhelmus Jeannettes* September 2nd, 1921
† October 1st, 1942

Bus, Herman L.* March 28th, 1924
† October 23rd, 1941
Plot: 31 

Butten, E.† 1943

Buttinger, Leonardus (Leo)* February 1st, 1925
† February 19th, 1943
Plot: 3 Row: 30 Grave: 2423

Buuren, van, Gerard J.* April 1st, 1926
† March 22nd, 1944

Buwalda, Klaas* June 30th, 1918
† October 4th, 1941
Plot: 8 Row: 23 Grave: 2248

Calliber, Joel Konrad* October 5th, 1911
† February 24th, 1942

Capelle, Johan* January 30th, 1918
† March 1944

Christiaens, Wilhelmus Gerardus* January 15th, 1918
† June 16th, 1942

Christis, Josef J.* May 17th, 1922
† February 20th, 1942

Clarisse, Anthonie Levinus* August 31st, 1914
† June 22nd, 1942
Plot: 5 Row: 13 Grave: 534

Coenen, Josefus Jakobus Antonius* February 28th, 1920
† August 7th, 1942

Coolen, Christinanus† July 19th, 1942

Cordes, Jan* July 14th, 1916
† December 8th, 1942

Cramer, Bastiaan* November 27th, 1922
† January 21st, 1943
Plot: 12 Row: 3 Grave: 270

Crans, Pieter Johannes* August 31st, 1922
† February 22nd, 1943
Plot: TC Row: 6 Grave: 68

Cupers, Matheus Hubert* September 25th, 1915
† February 2nd, 1942
Plot: 8 

Cuypers, Johannes "Joop"* August 1st, 1920

Daalen, van, Franciscus Andries (Frans)* May 10th, 1902
† July 6th, 1941

Daalen, van, Gerardus Jozef† July 15th, 1944
Plot: TA Row: 3 Grave: 25

Dalhuisen, Gerrit H.* May 9th, 1921
† August 19th, 1942

Dallinga, Gerrit* January 7th, 1923
† January 17th, 1943

Dallinga, Pieter Harm (Piet)* August 29th, 1914
† February 16th, 1943

Damsma, Dirk* May 7th, 1915
† September 19th, 1941
Plot: 12 Row: 3 Grave: 501

Daniels, Hendrik* October 10th, 1915
† August 2nd, 1941

Daniëls, Leonardus Marinus* October 4th, 1923
† October 30th, 1942
Plot: 12 Row: 2 Grave: 186

Datema, Pieter Gerrits* June 20th, 1916
† July 20th, 1943

Deen, Christian* November 19th, 1910
† February 23rd, 1942

Dekker, Jan* August 4th, 1917
† March 3rd, 1942

Dekkers, Gerardus Nicolaas Marie* September 16th, 1915
† May 18th, 1944

Denderen, van, Willem Hooite (Wim)* February 27th, 1920
† 1944

Derks, Simon Cornelis* 1923
† 1944

Determan, Karel Louis Gerard* July 21st, 1916
† 1943

Deuling, Johannes Jan* March 4th, 1922
† September 29th, 1942

Deursen, van, Louis* May 4th, 1922
† June 15th, 1942

Deutekom, van, Hans Johannes Leonardus* October 13th, 1923
† December 27th, 1941

Deventer, van, Hendrik Leonhard* July 8th, 1916
† February 2nd, 1944

Dieters, Johannes* August 5th, 1924
† 1943

Dietrich, Philip† February 10th, 1942

Dijk, van, Charles Sybren Adrianus* November 18th, 1915
† July 29th, 1941

Dijk, van, Hendrik* January 16th, 1918
† 1943

Dijk, van, Johannes Gerardus* October 28th, 1917
† July 24th, 1941

Dijk, van, Johannes H.* October 28th, 1918
† July 24th, 1941

Dijk, van, Wilhelmus* May 27th, 1905
† April 4th, 1942

Dijk, van, Willem (Wilhelm)* August 20th, 1917
† August 4th, 1941

Dijkema, Gerard Nico Sebo* March 6th, 1911
† May 7th, 1945
Plot: 4 Grave: 15

Dijkman, Dick* February 15th, 1913
† September 8th, 1941

Dijkman, Dirk* February 1913
† September 8th, 1941
Plot: 12 Row: 3 Grave: 523

Dijkstra, Dirk* February 8th, 1921
† February 1st, 1942

Dijkstra, Jurgen Christiaan (Jurien)* May 5th, 1917
† October 12th, 1941

Dijkstra, Simon* December 19th, 1917
† October 5th, 1942

Dikkentman, Pieter* March 21st, 1922
† July 30th, 1941

Dingen, Jan J.* December 18th, 1922
† February 28th, 1942

Dirks, Jan* September 29th, 1922
† June 18th, 1944

Doedens, Harm* March 15th, 1921
† March 19th, 1943
Plot: 12 Row: 4 Grave: 465

Doesburg, van, Arie* July 21st, 1924
† September 21st, 1944
Plot: STA Row: 5 Grave: 60

Donker, Jan Arie Nicolaas* December 29th, 1915
† February 11th, 1942

Doorn, Franciscus A.* December 5th, 1909
† April 4th, 1942

Doorn, van, Jan A.* September 1st, 1916
† April 22nd, 1942
Plot: 46c Row: 16 Grave: 18

Doppenberg, Jan* October 18th, 1920
† February 19th, 1943
Plot: 12 Row: 3 Grave: 361

Doppenberg, Reier* November 17th, 1922
† October 25th, 1942

Drenth, Fokke Geert* September 24th, 1920
† March 30th, 1944

Droog, Bernard Willem Frederik* October 22nd, 1913
† August 6th, 1941
Plot: 4 Row: 3 Grave: 224

Duijkers, Johannes Hubertus* February 13th, 1921
† June 17th, 1942

Duijn, van, Dirk* June 13th, 1914

Duijn, van, Willem* July 22nd, 1922
† July 27th, 1944

Duijsters, Hendrik Th.* August 3rd, 1924
† March 14th, 1942

Duiker, Wilhelmus J.* October 18th, 1924
† January 6th, 1943

Duinhof, Johan Quirijn* April 24th, 1918
† December 1st, 1942

Duisen, van, Cornelis Hendrik* July 10th, 1922
† February 23rd, 1943
Plot: 12 Row: 15 Grave: 2784

Duyters, Hendrik T.* August 3rd, 1924
† March 14th, 1942

Echteld, van, Laurens Antonius* November 19th, 1922
† April 2nd, 1945
Plot: CK Row: 4 Grave: 91

Eeden, van, Henry* October 1st, 1923
† March 23rd, 1943
Plot: 8 Row: 42 Grave: 1841

Eekendam, Albert Joseph Heinrich* March 19th, 1922
† July 7th, 1941

Eenkhoorn, Wicher Gijsbert* May 19th, 1919
† July 22nd, 1944

Eerden, van, Peter Cornelus* January 19th, 1921
† July 19th, 1943

Eijkenboom, Hans* January 8th, 1926
† October 5th, 1944
Plot: Q Row: 7 Grave: 162

Eijkenboom, Johannes* December 27th, 1913

Eikenaar, Gerrit Jan* November 30th, 1908
† February 7th, 1942

Elen, van, Hendrikus Lambertus Franciscus* November 29th, 1922
† March 13th, 1942

Elferink, Marinus* May 13th, 1921
† July 19th, 1943

Elias, Jozef Johannes Wilhelmus* June 16th, 1908
† October 7th, 1943
Plot: 4 Row: 12 Grave: 986

Elshout, Johannes (Johan)* March 6th, 1920
† September 6th, 1943

Elzinga, Fedda* October 26th, 1920
† October 22nd, 1943
Plot: 57 Grave: 336

Elzinga, Roelof* April 8th, 1922
† August 10th, 1943

Endenburg, Alphonse Joseph† January 13th, 1944

Engel, Wim* November 28th, 1921
† 1944

Engelen, Johannes* November 4th, 1916
† January 25th, 1944

Ephraim, Bartholomeus Cor* December 12th, 1921
† September 8th, 1941
Plot: 8 Row: 69 Grave: 6577

Eriks, Johan* October 23rd, 1914
† February 11th, 1942

Erkelens, Adrianus* 1918
† 1944

Esseling, Jacques Jr.* July 31st, 1921
† August 28th, 1942
Plot: 12 Row: 1 Grave: 83

Feenstra, Otto Earnest Adolph* July 2nd, 1919
† September 8th, 1941

Feigl, Oskar* May 5th, 1915
† August 22nd, 1941
Plot: 12 Row: 1 Grave: 52

Feldmeijer, Johannes Hendrik (Henk)* November 30th, 1910
† February 22nd, 1945

Fernhout, Gerhard (Eddie)* September 2nd, 1919
† May 2nd, 1942
Plot: 8 Row: 2 Grave: 41

Fintelman, Egbert* June 11th, 1922
† October 10th, 1942

Flentge, Johannes Cornelis Leendert* January 29th, 1916
† 1944

Flikweert, Klaas* July 16th, 1913
† August 30th, 1942
Plot: 12 Row: 1 Grave: 84

Floren, Cornelis* January 13th, 1923
† August 12th, 1943

Fransen, Martin Peter Wilhelm* August 3rd, 1922
† November 16th, 1942

Franssen, Johannes* September 17th, 1920
† March 15th, 1944

Friebel, Arnold* April 13th, 1923
† August 15th, 1943

Frijlink, Pieter† February 27th, 1942

Fris, Frans* April 3rd, 1919
† March 17th, 1942
Plot: 8 Row: 1 Grave: 22

Fronczek, Heinrich* November 29th, 1900
† February 24th, 1942

Froom, Jan* March 9th, 1922
† May 29th, 1942
Plot: CB Row: 1 Grave: 5

Furrer, Jacobus Franciscus* February 28th, 1926
† February 26th, 1943

Furrer, Max* August 26th, 1925
† 1944

Gaag, van der, Willem "Wim"* August 3rd, 1923
† May 7th, 1944

Gankema, Hendrik Berend* October 2nd, 1917
† December 27th, 1942
Plot: 6 Row: 16 Grave: 1548

Geelkerken, van, Willem* February 16th, 1922
† March 9th, 1944

Geerts, Geert Klaas Johannes* June 15th, 1910
† March 20th, 1943
Plot: 8 Row: 42 Grave: 1806

Gemerden, van, Teunis Jacob* March 27th, 1924
† February 13th, 1942

Gemeren, van, Willem* December 10th, 1922
† January 4th, 1943

Geraedts, Erich K.A.J.* March 8th, 1920
† February 24th, 1943

Geurs, Reindert* September 29th, 1916
† June 15th, 1942

Gewald, Hendrik* November 17th, 1921
† October 12th, 1942

Gier, de, Nicolaas* November 17th, 1920
† October 13th, 1942

Gillich, Cornelis Johannes* April 18th, 1923
† July 22nd, 1941

Gilligh, Cornelis Johannes* April 14th, 1923
† July 22nd, 1941

Ginkel, van, Willem* January 11th, 1917
† September 18th, 1944
Plot: BP Row: 1 Grave: 21

Ginneken, van, Christian J.A.* August 30th, 1920
† June 6th, 1942

Goedhart, Arend Arie* September 25th, 1915
† May 22nd, 1942
Plot: 8 Row: 2 Grave: 43

Goeij, de, Johan* September 2nd, 1908
† April 3rd, 1942

Goeree, Geert* December 1st, 1915
† February 11th, 1944

Goethem, van, Herman P.L.* April 26th, 1923
† December 4th, 1942
Plot: 12 Row: 44 Grave: 2407

Gokke, Nicolaas Dominicus Antonius* November 25th, 1912
† March 9th, 1945

Gomes, Reinier Petrus* December 24th, 1908
† June 13th, 1942
Plot: UNK 

Gorissen, Michael Hubert* March 19th, 1904
† March 16th, 1942

Gort, Cornelius* January 28th, 1917
† February 13th, 1944

Goutier, Jan* May 2nd, 1919
† July 2nd, 1945
Plot: STA Row: 10 Grave: 109

Graaf, de, Johannes Petrus M.A.* December 20th, 1904
† October 10th, 1942
Plot: 12 Row: 2 Grave: 153

Graaf, de, Wim* August 10th, 1923
† 1943

Gravestein, Peter* April 22nd, 1919
† October 13th, 1942
Plot: 12 Row: 2 Grave: 165

Greef, de, Franz Günter* February 5th, 1922
† October 3rd, 1943

Greven, Wilhelmus* July 22nd, 1907
† September 29th, 1944
Plot: CK Row: 7 Grave: 167

Griekspoor, Jan* March 31st, 1916
† 1944

Grievink, Heinrich Johann* September 11th, 1911
† March 14th, 1943
Plot: 8 Row: 40 Grave: 1741

Grijsen, van, Gerard Johan* March 2nd, 1922
† December 1st, 1944
Plot: 10 Row: 7 Grave: 157

Grimm, Samuel* May 17th, 1920
† March 9th, 1944

Grob, Johannes Nicolaas* January 27th, 1919
† October 7th, 1942

Groen, de, Th.† December 17th, 1943

Groeneveld, Johannes* December 9th, 1917
† January 16th, 1943

Groenewegen, Harry* July 26th, 1926
† 1945

Groffen, Marinus* October 18th, 1925
† March 9th, 1944

Groneman, Frank* August 14th, 1913
† May 3rd, 1945

Groot, de, Evert* December 19th, 1912
† February 16th, 1944

Groot, de, Hermann* August 21st, 1916
† October 7th, 1943
Plot: 5 Row: 8 Grave: 11

Groot, de, Peter-Hubert* January 20th, 1918
† August 10th, 1944
Plot: 36 Grave: 143

Groot, de, Simon* April 11th, 1924
† April 23rd, 1944

Grooten, Cornelius Jozef Hubertus* June 24th, 1923
† January 17th, 1943

Groswarth, Wilhelm Joseph (Willy)* February 16th, 1916
† February 21st, 1944
Plot: 1 Row: 3 Grave: 41

Grüter, Cor* February 2nd, 1923

Grüter, Frederik J.* March 16th, 1924
† 1943

Haaften, van, Pieter* July 17th, 1919
† March 8th, 1944

Haagsma, Gerrit* June 19th, 1913
† March 8th, 1944

Haan, Johannes Rienko (Jarl)* March 16th, 1912
† August 2nd, 1941

Hafkamp, Hendrik Antonius* January 27th, 1916
† January 17th, 1943

Hage, Jacob Willem* July 5th, 1923
† April 17th, 1943
Plot: 6 Row: 21 Grave: 1984

Hagebeuk, Karel* March 26th, 1922
† November 19th, 1942
Plot: 3 Row: 21 Grave: 1029

Haisma, Jan† May 25th, 1942

Hakken, Gerhard Heinrich* June 4th, 1909
† March 22nd, 1942

Hakstege, Gerrit Jozef* February 13th, 1924
† February 20th, 1942

Halteren, van, Willi* December 14th, 1910
† June 24th, 1942

Ham, Heike* September 28th, 1922
† April 13th, 1945
Plot: 2 Row: H-2 Grave: 005

Hankel, Rinze* December 30th, 1919
† November 1944

Hardeman, Jan* March 6th, 1921
† April 27th, 1942

Hardsteen, Abraham (Ab)* August 26th, 1918
† February 7th, 1943
Plot: 12 Row: 3 Grave: 296

Haren, van, Gerhard Franz* November 19th, 1920
† February 21st, 1942

Haren, van, Lambertus* April 16th, 1921
† February 2nd, 1944

Harmelink, Conrad Engbert Abraham "Cornelis"* February 18th, 1914
† July 4th, 1942

Harms, Johannes* May 1st, 1922
† November 25th, 1942

Hartenhof, Kornelis* February 14th, 1920
† May 12th, 1944

Hartevelt, van, Cornelis Johannes (Cor)* January 9th, 1914
† February 24th, 1942

Hartman, Hendrikus* March 25th, 1919
† March 10th, 1944

Have, ten, Menno Bernardus* October 12th, 1919
† October 12th, 1942

Haverius, Martin Petrus* January 30th, 1923
† March 3rd, 1942

Haverkamp, Lambert* April 20th, 1921
† December 9th, 1942

Haverkoek, Johann* November 22nd, 1919
† December 4th, 1942
Plot: 12 Row: 2 Grave: 241

Havik, Johan Wijnand "Joop / Hans"* May 5th, 1923
† September 21st, 1997

Hazeweijer, Jan* July 6th, 1917
† August 12th, 1942

Heemskerk, Reinier* November 14th, 1916
† February 4th, 1944

Heeren, Gerard Willibrordus* October 1st, 1920
† November 5th, 1942

Hees, van, Julius J.* June 18th, 1908
† August 1st, 1943

Heesterman, Hermann* June 23rd, 1909
† October 7th, 1942

Heida, Jelle* July 18th, 1921
† February 13th, 1943

Heijden, van der, Cornelis (Cornelius)* October 14th, 1923
† August 20th, 1943
Plot: 11 Row: 20 Grave: 1843

Heijnekamp, Dirk* September 7th, 1915
† December 12th, 1944
Plot: V Row: 12 Grave: 507

Heinink, Wilhelm* October 7th, 1920
† October 15th, 1942
Plot: 12 Row: 2 Grave: 164

Hellebrand, Leo* July 21st, 1921
† March 17th, 1942

Helvoirt, van, Hubert* August 1st, 1923
† August 24th, 1942
Plot: 12 Row: 1 Grave: 79

Hemert, van, Johannes* December 15th, 1923
† August 2nd, 1941

Hendriks, Franz* March 17th, 1917
† January 21st, 1943
Plot: 7 

Hendriks, Gerhard* November 9th, 1910
† January 1st, 1943

Hendriks, Johannes H.* December 9th, 1919
† September 6th, 1942
Plot: 12 Row: 1 Grave: 92

Hendriks, Willem* December 1st, 1916
† 1944

Hendriksen, Gerrit Jan* August 16th, 1922
† July 11th, 1944
Plot: TC Row: 5 Grave: 53

Henewaer, Richard* August 19th, 1924
† February 1st, 1944

Hengstmengel, Pieter Jan* March 16th, 1922
† April 3rd, 1942

Hest, van, Cornelius Johannes Maria* August 1st, 1916
† February 3rd, 1942

Heubel, Willem Johannes "Wim"* June 7th, 1910
† April 28th, 1945
Plot: CC Row: 6 Grave: 146

Heufke-Kantelaar, Kornelius (Kees)* May 8th, 1921
† August 13th, 1941

Heuker, Michael* December 27th, 1916
† May 25th, 1942

Heuvel, Jan* August 22nd, 1922

Heuvel, Johan* August 22nd, 1922
† November 1st, 1941

Heyhoff, Hendrik A.* January 13th, 1926
† December 2nd, 1943
Plot: 82 Row: 4 Grave: 28

Hilgevoort, Louis J.* March 14th, 1923
† February 1st, 1942

Hindriks, Hendrik* April 16th, 1921
† November 8th, 1941

Hindriks, Lammert* August 24th, 1921

Hippe, Frans H.* November 23rd, 1907
† February 4th, 1944

Hoek, van der, Bruno Gustav* January 21st, 1915
† June 20th, 1942

Hoeks, Hendrikus Leonardus* November 17th, 1920
† August 14th, 1943

Hoffman, Hendrik W.* June 5th, 1919
† November 25th, 1942

Hofkamp, Gerhard* April 8th, 1923
† February 13th, 1942

Hol, Peter Jan (Piet)* February 7th, 1921
† July 18th, 1943

Hollander, den, Willem* December 12th, 1919
† March 3rd, 1942

Holtzappel, Bertus J.* November 29th, 1923
† December 5th, 1942
Plot: 6 Row: 30 Grave: 2787

Holzendorff, Ernst* July 31st, 1907
† March 6th, 1944

Hölzenspies, Paul* October 1st, 1919
† January 23rd, 1944

Hommes, Egbert* April 6th, 1926
† April 13th, 1945
Row: 1 Grave: 16

Hondelink, Henri* December 15th, 1892
† March 28th, 1957

Honings, Henri* July 18th, 1920
† February 20th, 1942

Hoof, van, Lambertus Johannes* November 18th, 1913
† April 9th, 1943
Plot: 12 Row: 4 Grave: 428

Hoogendoorn, Pieter G.* December 31st, 1917
† September 4th, 1943
Plot: 6 Row: 13 Grave: 991

Hoogeveen, Wiebe* April 4th, 1920
† January 31st, 1944

Hork, van, Albertus* December 22nd, 1921
† February 27th, 1942

Horst, ter, Gerrit Jan* November 26th, 1916
† September 15th, 1942

Horstman, Gerrit Jan* December 18th, 1921
† May 4th, 1944

Horstmans, Johannes* February 4th, 1925
† January 18th, 1943

Hosemans, Hubertus Augustinus* December 3rd, 1916
† April 24th, 1945
Plot: BY Row: 9 Grave: 201

Hottentot, Hendrik* July 15th, 1921
† March 12th, 1943

Hout, van der, Cornelis Nicolaas "Dick"* May 21st, 1917
† March 1st, 1943
Plot: 6 Row: 19 Grave: 1815

Huisinga, W.Ch.† October 9th, 1942

Huizer, Joop* June 26th, 1924

Huizinga, Folkert* 1906
† August 2nd, 1944

Hulleman, Andries* March 7th, 1912
† March 29th, 1943

Hulst, van de, Hendrikus Cornelis (Harry)* July 27th, 1920
† January 18th, 1943

Hünen, van, Dirk* October 15th, 1925
† January 6th, 1944
Plot: 4 Row: 10 Grave: 820

Hüning , Alfons* September 24th, 1908
† February 3rd, 1942

Hunnik, van, Johannes* March 28th, 1920
† June 17th, 1943

Husers, Jan Harm* September 27th, 1925
† August 1st, 1943

Huurnink, Johan George* September 30th, 1920
† April 1st, 1944
Plot: 3 Row: 53 Grave: 2939

Huyberts, Hoebert* April 20th, 1922
† 1944

IJpeij, Bernhard* February 18th, 1917
† November 18th, 1941

IJssel, van den, Nicolaas* August 2nd, 1921
† February 10th, 1942

Iren, van, Hendrik Martinus* January 4th, 1914
† September 20th, 1943

Jaarsma, Yke* January 6th, 1919
† August 23rd, 1942
Plot: 12 Row: 1 Grave: 75

Jager, de, Bote Izaak* December 11th, 1920
† April 14th, 1943

Jager, Lammert* January 7th, 1924
† March 12th, 1944

Jagt, van der, Johannes* August 18th, 1914
† December 4th, 1942
Plot: 12 Row: 2 Grave: 229

Janse, Bernhardus Jacobus* December 6th, 1920
† October 3rd, 1942

Jansen, Gerardus* October 18th, 1921
† August 15th, 1943

Jansen, Herman* August 13th, 1918
† November 24th, 1941

Jansen, Hubertus (Hubert)* January 16th, 1922
† August 24th, 1941

Jansma, Walter* August 31st, 1918
† October 7th, 1941

Janssen, Adrianus Marinus* November 28th, 1916
† March 18th, 1943
Plot: 12 Row: 4 Grave: 466

Janssen, Antonius Johannes* April 24th, 1925
† March 8th, 1943
Plot: 6 Row: 20 Grave: 1838

Janssen, Gradus Johannes* December 9th, 1923
† February 15th, 1943

Janssen, Johannes H.* September 22nd, 1922
† 1944

Grid List Map