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Ehrenblattspange des Heeres und Waffen-SS

Right after the German invasion of the Soviet-Union, Hitler introduced in July 1941 the "Ehrenblatt des Heeres". Until 30th January 1944 this only was a paper award. On 30th January, Hitler introduced the clasp to this decoration. Persons already mentioned in the "Ehrenblatt" before that date, also received the decoration.

The Honour Roll Clasp of the Army had following requirements:
1. Already been awarded with the Iron Cross 1st class 1939 or the Repetition-Clasp 1939 to the Iron Cross 1st class 1914,
2. Having performed an act of bravery above and beyond the call of duty, that did not justify the Knight Cross of the Iron Cross and had not been awarded with the German Cross in Gold,
3. Has got a special appriciation record from the supreme commander of the Heer (Anerkennungsurkunde des Oberbefehlshabers des Heeres für seine hervorragenden Leistungen auf dem Schlachtfelde),
4. To be named in the Honour Roll of the German Army.

The awarding of the Honour Roll Clasp of the Army took place in three Steps:
1. Be named in the Honour Roll of the German Army (Nennung im Ehrenblatt des deutschen Heeres - this is the date in the list),
2. Be awarded the Honour Roll Clasp of the Army (Verleihung der Ehrenblattspange des Heeres),
3. Get the Honour Roll Clasp of the Army presented (Überreichung der Ehrenblattspange des Heeres).

The Waffen-SS and its legions as well as the police troops, were not a part of the Heer (Army), but for this decoration they were treated as if they were a part.

Bidermann, Gottlob-Herbert* August 28th, 1920
† September 1st, 2010

Grid List
NameDate of birthDate of deathAwards
Paech, Wilhelm  
Paetow, Hans-Joachim15-11-1915 
Paetwo, x (Artillerie-Regiment 337)  
Pagels, Christian17-06-190001-01-1944
Pamletschka, Michael  
Pampel, Heinz  
Pantenburg, Kurt  
Pape, Günther14-07-190721-01-1986
Papen, von, Hans-Lothar  
Papin, Horst  
Parakenings, Horst-Willi02-08-1923 
Parhofer, Ludwig  
Parys, Theodor  
Päschel, Werner  
Paschke, Rudolf  
Pasdzior, Johannes  
Pasternack, Gerhard (Artillerie-Regiment 161)  
Patorra, x  
Pätzold, Günter  
Pätzold, Kurt-Adolf  
Pauker, Hans15-12-1913 
Paul, Ernst25-03-1916 
Paul, Karl23-07-191203-09-1944
Paul, Karl (WH-Gren.Rgt. 133)  
Paul, Otto  
Paul, Willi  
Paulick, Gerhard (Festungs-MG-Bataillon 55)  
Pauls, Friedrich  
Paulsen, Hans (Grenadier-Regiment 585)  
Paulsen, Henning (Grenadier-Regiment 376)  
Pawel, Richard  
Pean, Ernst01-02-190011-02-1966
Pech, Jakob  
Pechmann, Freiherr von, Hellmut  
Pèe, Herbert  
Peek, Wilhelm12-03-191823-10-1944
Pehrsson, Hans-Gösta10-10-191016-03-1974
Peichel, Alfred  
Peiler, Herbert  
Perner, Willi (Panzer-Abteilung "Großdeutschland")13-12-191129-11-1942
Perpeet, Hans  
Perrey, Ernst  
Persson, Joachim18-03-191725-02-1944
Peschke, Gustav Theodor07-05-190910-12-1943
Pestoller, Richard  
Peter, August  
Peter, Ernst  
Peter, Kurt  
Peter, Rudolf  
Peterhoff, Franz  
Petermann, Horst  
Petermann, Josef  
Peters, Hans-Eberhard17-10-191614-01-1945
Peters, Robert (Grenadier-Regiment 166)  
Peters, Werner  
Peters, Wilhelm  
Petersen, Boy-Friedrich30-11-192120-11-1943
Petersen, Franz (Grenadier-Regiment 173)  
Petersen, Karl Eduard (Grenadier-Regiment 154)08-02-191123-02-1945
Petter, Dietrich  
Petter, Hubert  
Petter, Joachim  
Peuker, Friedrich-Wilhelm  
Peyk, Walter  
Pfaff, Otto (Panzergrenadier-Regiment 40)15-10-191319-04-1945more
Pfaff, Wilhelm (Panzergrenadier-Bataillon 106)  
Pfändtner, Georg (Panzerjäger-Lehr-Abteilung 130)  
Pfannschmidt, Franz (Artillerie-Abteilung 400)22-01-1915 
Pfeffer, Hermann  
Pfeffer, Julius  
Pfeifer, Hermann (Grenadier-Regiment 459)  
Pfeiffer, Hans (Panzergrenadier-Regiment 104)  
Pfeiffer, Helmut  
Pfeiffer, Karl (WH-1.Panzer-division)26-06-1922 
Pfeiffer, Manfred  
Pfeiffer, Martin  
Pfeiffer, Xaver  
Pfenning, Gerhard (Grenadier-Regiment 167)  
Pfitzer, Max  
Pfizenmayer, Paul13-02-191309-03-1984
Pflanz, Horst (Grenadier-Regiment 697)26-09-191825-09-1944
Pflaum, Karl17-11-189018-12-1957more
Pflaume, Alfred  
Pflugfelder, Hermann  
Pflumm, Wilhelm  
Pfründer, Wilhelm  
Philipp, Christian03-09-189316-10-1963more
Philipp, Karl  
Philipps, Karl08-05-192005-05-1982
Philipsen, Johannes16-12-192116-06-1944
Pichler, Josef  
Picht, Alfred10-01-191416-12-1978
Pickel, Wilhelm  
Piehl, Max  
Piehler, Franz07-10-191307-12-1994
Pieper, Heinz (Panzerjäger-Abteilung 19)25-07-191607-09-1943
Pieper, Walter  
Pieper, Willi  
Pietruska, Kurt  
Pietrzyk, Ewald  
Pietsch, Erich  
Pils, Erich  
Pils, Josef  
Pilz, Felix (Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 100)25-01-192017-12-1943
Pinckert, Gerhard  
Pingel, Heinrich  
Pinkl, Johann  
Pinsker, Wolfgang (Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 141)  
Pipkorn, Dr., Udo13-04-191400-06-1982
Pirich, Hermann  
Piterâns, Vilhelms (Waffen SS)08-07-191609-05-1945
Pitschmann, Hans  
Placzek, Josef  
Platho, Max  
Pleiner, Franz24-09-191609-01-1945
Pleines, Willi  
Plettenbauer, Alfred21-02-192118-03-2019
Plettenberg, Graf von, Josef  
Plewka, Karl  
Plinzner, Peter-Paul19-12-191517-10-1941
Pliska, Fritz20-12-191528-08-1995more
Plöger, Karl-Heinrich27-04-191405-04-1996
Plücker, Wilhelm  
Poch, Herbert  
Podloucky, Franz  
Pofand, Erich  
Pogatschnig, Oskar  
Pohl, Erich04-11-1920 more
Pohl, Friedrich-Karl  
Pohl, Georg  
Pohl, Gerhard (Artillerie-Regiment 223)30-09-191120-08-1943
Pohl, Günther15-11-190908-11-1968
Pohl, Helmut  
Pohl, Max (Jäger-Regiment 56)  
Pohl, Siegfried  
Pohla, Kurt  
Pohle, Erich14-03-1895 
Pohlenz, Traugott  
Pöhlmann, Otto  
Pokorny, Robert  
Pollack, Helmut18-07-1920 
Pollinger, Karl  
Polzin, Werner (Panzergrenadier-Regiment 90)  
Pommeränicke, Heinz  
Ponath, Georg  
Popisch, Herbert  
Popp, Hellmut28-06-1914 more
Popp, Hermann  
Poppel, Waldemar09-12-1916 
Poppenhusen, Heinrich  
Poppensieker, Ewald  
Porsch, Frithjof-Elmo (SS-Pz-jagd-Komp. "Dora")19-10-1924 
Pöschl, Franz02-11-191725-01-2011more
Poschmann, Josef  
Pösse, Heinrich  
Pössl, Walter16-09-190925-09-1944
Post, Eduard06-10-191201-02-2005
Post, Martin26-06-192005-09-2011
Poth, Herbert  
Pototzki, Karl  
Pötschke, Werner (SS-Panzer-Regiment 1)06-03-191424-03-1945more
Potthoff, Fritz  
Prachowsky, Raimund  
Prange, Günther  
Prast, Heinz  
Praudins, Gustavs (Waffen SS)30-01-189909-10-1965more
Praxmarer, Ottmar  
Preß, Heinrich27-03-191330-05-1995more
Pretzl, Otto  
Preu, Heinrich  
Preussler, Wilhelm03-12-191909-04-1944
Preußner, Heinz  
Priebe, Erich  
Prien, Peter09-06-192228-09-2006more
Prien, Walter  
Prigge, Kurt  
Prill, Friedrich  
Prill, Heinrich-Eberhard  
Prinz von Buchau, Freiherr, Kurt  
Prinz, Johannes  
Prittwitz und Gaffron, von, Karl Wilhelm (SR 375)06-05-189904-11-1972more
Priwall, Fritz  
Pröbstle, Lorenz01-07-191329-08-1942more
Prohaska, Max  
Pröscholdt, Hans-Joachim (Pz.jäg.Abt.43)05-05-191624-04-1945
Prösl, Willi  
Prüfer, Herbert  
Przygodda, Hans  
Przyklenk, Wilhelm  
Pscheidl, Otto  
Puchalski, Willi  
Püchler, Carl13-05-189405-02-1949more
Puchta, Erwin  
Puder, Peter  
Puff, Karl  
Puhl, Robert  
Puls, Lothar  
Puritz, Gustav  
Purschwitz, Ernst30-01-191425-03-1947
Pusch, Bruno  
Pusch, Hans  
Püschel, Hellmut31-07-1916 
Putze, Max (Jäger-Regiment 38)  
Puxkandl, Peter  
Pypetz, Johann  
Pyyhtiä, Yrjö  
