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Nahkampfspange in Gold

The Close Combat Bar was initially made out of tomback an later also from zinc. After the badge was stamped out, it was gold plated. Most of these bars are zinc examples. These zinc examples are less of quality and nowadays have lost most of there finish. This award is long shaped with a length of a 9,7cm and a height of 2,6cm. The badge is slightly concave so it fits better to the chest of the recipient. The centre motive is made of a square with at the top a typical spread-winged Wehrmacht eagle and this eagle is clutching a swastika in its claws. Underneath this swastika are a crossed stick grenade and bayonet placed. The other three borders of the square consist of each two oak leaves. From either side of this central motive, emerges a single oak leaf with at the upper and lower corner an acorn. From underneath the tip of this single oak leaf, a spray of three other oak leaves emerges. Between the centre motive and the outer oak leaves are two striped areas, which you could see as sunburst rays. At the reverse is a long horizontally lying needle with a standard hook construction mounted. In the centre is a small black finished backing plate crimped into position. This was done to highlight the centre motive at the obverse. At the reverse is also usually the name or logo from the manufacturer stamped.

The golden grade (III Stufe) was awarded for 50 days close combat. These 50 days could be shortened to 40 days by the division commandant, when the recipient was to severely wounded to for fill the prescribed 50 days. When the recipient was awarded with the golden grade, he was normally also awarded with the German Cross in Gold (Deutches Kreuz ins Gold) , if this award was not already possessed by the recipient. This golden grade is probably 635 times awarded. Among these 635 recipients, there were only 7 Luftwaffe soldiers. The golden grade was awarded during official ceremonies by Hitler himself, or by Heinrich Himmler in name of Hitler. When Himmler was not able to present them, then Generaloberst Guderian awarded them.

Grid List
NameDate of birthDate of deathAwards
Sablotny, Herbert20-07-1920 
Sailer, Adalbert02-01-192023-07-1944
Saller, Franz (Panzergrenadier-Regiment 79)06-09-1915 
Salzmann, Walter12-12-191320-02-2000more
Sassenberg, Willi10-06-1921 
Sauer, Johann03-10-191519-05-1944more
Sauerland, Heinz15-02-1923 
Sawatzki, Otto19-07-191715-08-1944more
Schacht, Emil (Grenadier-Regiment 76)18-08-1912 
Schade, Engelbert23-10-1912 more
Schaedler, Karl24-05-1920 
Schasche, Wilhelm "Willi"06-01-192121-11-2012more
Schaub, Adam28-03-191628-07-2003
Scheffler, Joachim18-01-1920 
Scheit, Adolf22-07-1918 
Schember, Fritz30-01-1918 
Schenk, Ernst  
Scherer, Philipp11-12-1921 
Scherhans, Erwin11-04-1922 
Schick, Karl  
Schiedl, Walter06-03-1921 
Schiffczyk, Emil01-09-1918 more
Schindler, Martin26-07-1912 
Schlags-Koch, Jakob Emil Walter "Walter"07-09-189817-10-1983more
Schlegel, Helmut30-05-1908 
Schlitt, Alfred25-12-1920 
Schlotter, Hans25-08-1921 
Schlüchter, Theodor13-07-1921 
Schlösser, Ernst Georg Rudolf14-02-191301-05-1999
Schmaloske, Heinz24-08-1913 
Schmelzer, Heinrich (Waffen SS)14-03-191404-07-1985more
Schmid, Franz20-10-1920 more
Schmid, Karl Heinz (Grenadier-Regiment 62)14-06-192000-00-1960more
Schmidinger, Karl (SS-Pz.Gren.Reg.6 'TE')28-01-1925 
Schmidt, Armin (Panzer-Grenadier-Regiment 33)23-09-1919 
Schmidt, Fritz (Fhr.-Begl.-Regiment "GD")05-12-1921 
Schmidt, Kurt (Panzer-Grenadier-Regiment 33)18-08-1920 
Schmidt, Traugott (SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 1)18-01-192431-07-2003
Schmidt, Walter (SS-Pz.Aufklär.Abt. 3)06-03-1924 
Schmitt, Franz28-05-1924 
Schmitt, Hugo27-02-1924 
Schneck, Ernst14-09-191723-10-1999more
Schneider, Helmut (Grenadier-Regiment 412)09-04-1919 
Schoch, Alfred (Jäger-Regiment 228)03-01-191529-08-1944
Schoierer, Johann05-02-192307-05-1969
Schrade, Ernst17-04-1916 
Schreiber, Gustav (Waffen SS)25-12-191605-03-1995more
Schreiber, Helmut (SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 3)25-03-191706-12-2008more
Schröder, Hans (Gren.Rgt. 333)30-04-1922 
Schuhardt, Karl14-04-1921 more
Schulz, Fritz (WH-Jg.Rgt. 229)18-04-1910 
Schulz, Willi02-04-1914 
Schulze, Erich (Grenadier-Regiment 411)24-09-191208-03-1945more
Schulze, Heinrich Herbert "Vati" (Waffen SS)01-04-191402-02-1992more
Schulze, Willi (Panzergrenadier-Regiment 21)10-01-1916 
Schulzer, Johann (Waffen SS)31-05-191803-01-1983more
Schwabe, Heinrich12-05-1909 
Schwanbeck, Walter02-11-192130-08-1944
Schwanczar, Adalbert30-04-1924 
Schwarzkopf, Josef (Aufklärungs-Abteilung 94)15-09-192219-01-2009
Schweikowski, Franz Josef18-04-191924-07-1944more
Schwekendick, Max24-08-1919 
Schwertfeger, Karl19-07-1915 
Schwetzke, Henry29-07-1916 
Schwindhammer, Karl18-11-191728-06-1987
Schütz, Karl (Panzergrenadier-Regiment 111)02-10-1919 
Schütze, Günther (Panzer-Pionier-Bataillon 92)19-06-1921 
Schäfer, Ernst (Jäger-Regiment 228)15-04-1914 
Schäfer, Ferdinand12-03-192205-04-1964
Schäfer, Hans (Panzeraufklärungs-Abteilung 17)16-04-1915 
Schäfer, Karl13-08-1914 
Schäfer, Kurt19-08-191315-05-1995more
Schöntaube, Karl10-05-1912 
Sdunek, Walter01-01-1922 
Seber, Anton12-08-1915 
Sebode, Erwin17-09-1909 
Seebach, Walter05-11-192104-07-2004more
Seibert, Josef (Grenadier-Regiment 45)04-03-192127-04-1945
Seitz, Andreas29-10-192024-04-2003
Seitz, Josef12-01-191413-07-1945
Sellmons, Otto13-12-1914 
Senkel, Otto10-03-1916 
Siebert, Heinrich24-10-1920 
Sieding, Gerhard (Grenadier-Regiment 492)04-12-1920 
Siegrist, Karl22-07-1913 more
Sievers, Franz25-02-1915 more
Sinautzki, Georg25-10-1919 
Singer, Herbert09-08-191921-03-1998
Skowasch, Ewald11-04-1920 
Sobieralski, Hans23-01-1920 more
Sonntag, Gerhard (Panzergrenadier-Regiment 12)09-01-1921 
Spinner, Philipp03-05-191107-08-1944
Springwald, Rolf  
Stadler, Sylvester "Vestl"30-12-191023-08-1995more
Staffen, Robert13-10-1921 
Stahl, Albert24-12-1921 
Stahl, Johann Maximilian (Grenadier-Regiment 245)17-01-191207-03-1993
Stanek, Horst08-07-1924 
Stanglmair, Johann  
Starha, Friedrich05-02-191505-04-2002
Stark, Josef26-06-191502-02-1975
Stegk, Artur30-12-1919 
Stegmeier, Johann16-12-1909 
Steindreischer, Ferdinand25-02-191402-02-1944
Steiner, Georg14-10-192202-04-1945more
Steiner, Ludwig11-03-1914 
Steinhoff, Horst12-03-1920 
Steininger, Erich28-10-1923 
Stelmaszyk, Viktor12-03-191725-05-1989
Stichnoth, Erich10-12-191414-07-1996more
Stienen, Peter21-02-191101-10-2001more
Stix, Otto (Waffen SS)16-10-191922-04-1945
Straub, Johann00-00-1924 
Strehlau, Otto22-11-1915 
Streit, Nikolaus (Grenadier-Regiment 529)24-02-192400-00-2012
Susky, Vinzenz04-10-1921 
