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Distinguished Service Cross (DSC)

This decoration was instituted in 1918 to award any person serving in the Army, or officers and men of military forces allied to the United States, for 'having distinguished himself by extraordinary heroism against an armed enemy in circumstances which do not justify the award of the Medal of Honor'. Further acts of gallantry justifying the grant of the decoration, a bronze oak cluster is awarded to be worn on the ribbon. The decoration can also be awarded posthumously.
The cross is made of bronze with the American spread eagle on it. Below the eagle is a scroll with the inscription: 'For Valor'. The ribbon is blue with narrow white and red stripes at either edge.
The first hundred decorations that were made had the arms of the cross decorated with oak leaves, in later models the leaves are omitted.

Grid List
NameDate of birthDate of deathAwards
Caldwell, George J.  
Callaway, Howard E. 24-11-1944
Caminiti, Harry W. 19-03-1945
Campbell, John J. (US-121st INF) 18-01-2007
Campbell, Robert H.  
Canham, Charles Draper William26-01-190121-08-1963
Cano, Pedro19-06-192024-06-1952more
Capinpin, Mateo M.22-04-188728-12-1958
Cappoletti, Lawrence  
Carew, John J.00-00-189816-07-1980
Carlson, Franklin E. 04-11-1944
Carmichael, Hugh A.  
Carr, Wilson Raiford 03-08-1997
Carroll, Phillip H.  
Carruth, James E.  
Carswell, Horace Seaver "Stump" Jr.18-06-191626-10-1944more
Carter, Edward, A. Jr.26-05-191630-01-1963more
Casey, Charlie L. 25-07-1943
Cassady, Thomas Gantz05-01-189609-07-1972
Cassidy, Patrick J.  
Cates, Clifton Bledsoe31-08-189304-06-1970more
Cathey, John W.  
Ceffalo, John  
Champeny, Arthur Seymour13-08-189311-04-1979more
Chapin, Neil M.  
Chapman, Elbridge Gerry, Jr.20-11-189506-07-1954more
Chapman, James T.  
Chappuis, Steve Archie "Silent Steve"28-12-191319-08-2008
Charlton, Dorian Richard Wingate Graham30-07-191309-09-2007
Chase, William Curtis09-03-189521-08-1986
Cheek, Andrew Roy20-04-191420-02-1994
Chilson, Llewellyn M.01-04-192000-00-1981more
Clark, Mark Wayne01-05-189617-04-1984more
Clark, Rex D.  
Clark, William A.  
Clarke, Bruce Cooper29-04-190117-03-1988
Clarke, James A.  
Clarke, James F.26-06-192013-06-1944
Clarkson, David B.26-11-191722-04-1945more
Claybourn, Charles Vance "Chuck"10-11-192115-11-1986more
Claymore, Grant W.  
Cleaveland, Arthur Bernard18-04-191815-04-1951
Cleven, Gale Winston "Buck"27-12-191817-11-2006more
Clostermann, Pierre28-02-192122-03-2006more
Clough, Cameron A.  
Cobb, Robert B.  
Cocannouer, Raymond O.  
Coffman, Ralph S.  
Coker, James T.07-07-191703-05-1944
Coles, James W. "Red" 27-10-1968
Colgan, Aquinas T.20-02-191106-05-1945
Collette, Jack M. 26-04-1945
Collins, Jess W.03-05-191526-04-1945
Collins, Raymond H. 25-04-1945
Combs, John E.  
Combs, Pat G.  
Compton, Charles E., Jr.  
Conein, Lucien Emile29-11-191903-06-1998more
Conejero, Lino T.  
Conger, Almon Noah, Jr.  
Conger, Alwyn D.23-01-191410-01-1969more
Conley, Edward J.  
Conley, Samuel G.  
Conner, Garlin Murl02-06-191905-11-1998more
Cook, Julian Aaron "Joe"07-10-191619-06-1990
Cormier, Ray  
Cornell, John C.  
Cota, Norman Daniel "Dutch"30-05-189304-10-1971more
Cote, Roger E.00-00-192230-08-1944
Cotter, John J.  
Cotter, Lloyd H. 00-00-2004more
Counasse, Emile R.28-02-191913-09-1988
Courtney, William J.  
Cousineau, James F.  
Cox, George Emerson, Jr.16-10-191409-01-1972
Coyle, John J.  
Craft, Roy V.  
Crain, Rice E.  
Crawford, Joseph Brice02-07-190808-11-1987more
Crosbie, Maurice Gordon22-03-191915-10-2003
Crosby, Richard B.  
Crow, John W.28-02-190920-11-1942
Crowson, Edward R.  
Cunningham, Jack K.13-08-1916 
Cushing, James M.00-00-190826-08-1963
Cussans, Thomas L.09-06-191720-05-2000
Cutler, Robert R.  
Cymerys, Charles F. 10-07-1943
Cyr, Paul  
Czinki, John 00-09-1944
