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Distinguished Service Cross (DSC)

This decoration was instituted in 1918 to award any person serving in the Army, or officers and men of military forces allied to the United States, for 'having distinguished himself by extraordinary heroism against an armed enemy in circumstances which do not justify the award of the Medal of Honor'. Further acts of gallantry justifying the grant of the decoration, a bronze oak cluster is awarded to be worn on the ribbon. The decoration can also be awarded posthumously.
The cross is made of bronze with the American spread eagle on it. Below the eagle is a scroll with the inscription: 'For Valor'. The ribbon is blue with narrow white and red stripes at either edge.
The first hundred decorations that were made had the arms of the cross decorated with oak leaves, in later models the leaves are omitted.

Grid List
NameDate of birthDate of deathAwards
Haag, William D. 06-12-1944
Hackett, Edward J.  
Hafner, Claude J.  
Hairston, Joseph W.  
Hajiro, Barney Fushimi16-09-191621-01-2011more
Hall, Charles Philip "Chink"12-12-188626-01-1953more
Hall, Earl O.  
Hall, Virginia06-04-190614-07-1982
Hambric, John A.  
Hamilton, Edward Smith "One-Eyed Dragon"00-00-191730-06-2006
Hamilton, Harry E.  
Hampl, Gus  
Hancock, Clarence Neville Bramley  
Hangartner, Elmer R.  
Hanna, Roy M.  
Hannum, Craig B. "Ben"  
Hansen, Harry F.  
Hansen, James L. "Jim"00-00-192504-02-2006
Hanson, Robert Taylor14-05-191613-12-1941
Hantlemann, Harold E.  
Harbert, John E.  
Harbeson, Joe R.  
Hardin, Hershel T.  
Harding, Horace00-00-189600-00-1991
Hardy, Herbert H.  
Hargrove, Robert C.  
Harper, Lee W  
Harris, Randall 19-02-2010
Harris, Vernon C.  
Harris, Wesley Dalton "Spike"08-10-191605-09-1962
Harrison, Bailey "Cowboy" 26-09-1944
Harrison, Willard E.  
Hartman, Harry  
Harvey, Frank Albert13-04-191608-01-1944
Harvey, Harry Aloysius09-01-189012-09-1918
Harvey, James R. 00-06-1944
Harvey, Raymond01-03-192018-11-1996
Hasemoto, Mikio13-07-191630-11-1943
Haughey, Wilfrid H., Jr.13-08-191021-01-1997more
Hayashi, Joe J.14-08-192022-04-1945more
Hayashi, Shizuya "Cesar"28-11-191712-03-2008
Hazlip, Glyn  
Heckard, George W.  
Hegarty, John P.  
Heim, Marcus 00-00-2003
Henderson, Alvin H. 17-09-1944
Henderson, Benedict A.  
Henderson, Gerald M.15-05-191906-06-1944
Henglein, Robert J.  
Henquet, Roger R.  
Henry, William J.  
Henstridge, Hector David13-10-191004-03-1973
Herkness, Lindsay C., Jr.  
Hernandez, William M.00-00-189620-08-1944
Herring, Edmund Francis02-09-189205-01-1982more
Herron, Edwin R. 06-10-1944
Hicks, Herbert C.  
Higgins, William J., Jr.25-03-1920 
Hightower, John M., III29-07-191612-06-2001
Hill, Christopher Eustace03-05-191300-08-1992
Hill, David Lee "Tex"13-07-191511-10-2007more
Hill, Robert H. 07-01-1945
Hiner, Clarence L.  
Hinkel, Clifford P.  
Hixon, Robert F.  
Hodges, Courtney Hicks05-01-188716-01-1966more
Hodgson, Fred  
Hoffmann, Albert J. 25-04-1983
Hoge, William Morris "Bill"13-01-189429-10-1979more
Holcomb, Roy E. 01-12-1944
Holland, James R.  
Holland, Robert H.  
Holmes, Walter T. "Tom"04-02-191925-05-2009more
Holmlund. Robert W.  
Holsti, Raymond S.  
Holt, Edward B.  
Honan, William J., Jr.  
Hopple, John Olin14-07-191418-02-1942
Hord, Shelby Robert26-04-192411-11-2013more
Horner, Charles Thompson, Jr. 04-04-1992more
Houston, Robert J.  
Howe, Merle H.11-04-189630-08-1945more
Howe, Wesley F. 29-07-1943
Hristik, Michael  
Huebner, Clarence Ralph24-11-188823-09-1972more
Huempfner, Milo C.  
Huggins, Meredith Miller "Hug"00-00-191500-00-1997
Hull, Clyde W.  
Humphrey, William B.  
Hunt, James I.28-04-1914 
Hutson, Robert J.  
Hyde, Louis Gérard-Varet02-06-192006-04-1999
