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Distinguished Service Medal - Army (DSM)

This decoration was instituted by Congress on July 9, 1918 for the Army.

Awarded for exceptionally meritorious and distinguished services to the Government of the United States, in a duty of great responsibility. It may be awarded to both military and civilians, foreign and domestic.
For follow-up actions that qualify for this award, a bronze and/or silver oak cluster is awarded, to be worn on the ribbon.
The "C" Device, or "Combat Device" may be placed to denote meritorious service or achievement while in combat.

The medal is a circular design containing the U.S. Coat of Arms encircled by a blue ring with the inscription, “FOR DISTINGUISED SERVICE MCMXVIII”.
In the center of the reverse of the medal, amidst several flags and weapons , is a blank scroll for engraving the awardees name.
The ribbon has a central wide white stripe edged with blue and an outer red band representing the colors of the U.S. flag.

Grid List
NameDate of birthDate of deathAwards
Mabry, George Lafayette, Jr.14-09-191713-07-1990more
MacArthur, Douglas "Gaijin Shogun"26-01-188005-04-1964more
MacNider, Hanford02-10-188918-02-1968more
Macon, Robert Chauncey12-07-189020-10-1980
Magruder, John L.03-06-188730-04-1958
Maistre, Paul André Marie20-06-185825-07-1922more
Malony, Harry J.24-08-188923-03-1971
Mangin, Charles Emmanuel Marie06-07-186612-05-1925more
Marcus, David Daniel "Mickey"22-02-190110-06-1948
Marks, Edwin Hall02-07-188719-12-1967
Marshall-Cornwall, James Handyside27-05-188700-00-1985more
Marshall, George Catlett31-12-188016-09-1959more
McAuliffe, Anthony Clement02-07-189811-08-1975more
McBride, Allan Clay30-06-188509-05-1944
McClure, Robert Battey15-09-189615-09-1973
McCreery, Richard Loudon "Dick"01-02-189818-10-1967more
McKenna, James E.  
McNair, Lesley James25-05-188325-07-1944more
McNarney, Joseph Taggart28-08-189301-02-1972more
Menninger, William Claire15-10-189906-09-1966
Merrill, Frank Dow04-12-190311-12-1955more
Meyer, Charles Robert 'Monk' (US-Army)01-05-191311-08-2001more
Michaelis, John Hersey "Iron Mike"20-08-191211-11-1985more
Middleton, Troy Houston12-10-188909-10-1976
Miltonberger, Butler Buchanan31-08-189723-03-1977more
Mitchell, Ralph Johnson25-09-189131-05-1970more
Montgomery, Bernard Law "Monty"17-11-188724-03-1976more
Moore, George Fleming31-07-188702-12-1949more
Morgan, Frederick Edgeworth "Freddie"05-02-189419-03-1967
Morris, William Henry Harrison, Jr.22-03-189030-03-1971
Mountbatten, Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas25-06-190027-08-1979more
Mueller, Paul John16-11-189201-01-1964
Mulcahy, Francis Patrick09-03-189411-12-1973more
