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Flying Badge

Grid List
NameDate of birthDate of deathAwards
Haines, Leonard Archibald 30-04-1941
Hall, Peter Frank  
Halna du Fretay, Maurice08-05-192019-08-1942more
Hancock, Allan John 22-06-1944
Hancock, Norman Patrick Watkins04-08-191900-04-2003
Hanus, Josef11-09-191321-04-1992more
Harder, John Worthington27-07-192325-07-1977
Hardman, James Donald Innes21-12-189902-03-1982more
Hardy, George  
Harris-St. John, Charles Dugdale  
Harris, Sydney Herbert Verder  
Harrison, Harold William 22-07-1942
Harvey, Robert Bourne 29-08-1942
Haysom, Geoffrey David Laybourne00-00-191700-00-1979
Hayward, Eric Lewis 30-03-1943
Head, Laurence Walter George00-00-191029-04-1943
Healey, Harold Arthur09-10-191809-04-1943
Heath, Wilfred Clyde 18-11-1944
Hei, la, Gebines31-01-191814-02-1946
Heimes, Leopold30-08-191626-06-2009
Hemingway, John Allman00-07-1919 more
Hemptinne, de, Baudovin Marie Ghislain11-09-190905-05-1942
Henderson, Jack 22-12-1942
Herbert, George Racine 12-06-1943
Hess, Alexander04-05-189810-08-1981more
Hewlett, Colin Roy 12-12-1942
Hilken, Clive Geoffrey14-09-191930-06-2005
Hill, Roderic Maxwell01-03-189406-10-1954more
Hilton, Raymond 23-11-1943
Hodgson, William Henry30-09-192013-03-1941
Hogg, Richard Malzard02-07-191925-08-1940
Holder, Maurice Henry 27-08-1942
Holl, Štepan20-12-191928-11-1985more
Holland, Robert Hugh "Bob" 17-11-1954
Hollander, den, Leendert02-01-192320-06-1944
Holmes, Melville Percival Conrad "Jacko"00-00-191924-01-1944
Holmes, Raymond Towers "Ray"20-08-191427-06-2015
Horbaczewski, Eugeniusz "Dziubek"28-09-191718-08-1944more
Houlston, Jack Edward 20-12-1942
Humphreys, Jack David00-10-191902-08-1942
Hunter-Blair, David Gaspard20-09-192223-02-1942
