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l' Ordre de la Libération

This Order was created by General Charles de Gaulle, November 16th, 1940, to reward distinguished services to the cause of the liberation of France and her colonies. The recipients are known as 'Compagnons de la Libération' (compagnions of the liberation). Charles de Gaulle became the only 'Grand Seigneur de l' Ordre', (Grand Master of the Order) on August 31st, 1947.
The badge is made of bronze and depicts a sword on a square shield with a black Lorraine cross on it. The reverse bears the inscription 'PATRIA SERVANDO VICTORIAM TULI' which means 'He brought victory by liberating his country'. The ribbon is green, edged with black and with two narrow black stripes down the centre; the black representing the mourning over the occupation, the green the hope of liberation.
This Order is to be worn directly between the Légion d'Honneur and the Médaille Militaire and is held in high regard in France.
A total of 1061 crosses were awarded in the order, 1038 to persons, 18 to military and 5 to French cities.

Grid List
NameDate of birthDate of deathAwards
Sabot, Raymond10-12-191907-08-2008more
Saint-Hillier, Bernard29-12-191128-07-2004more
Saint-Mart, de, Pierre12-07-188516-09-1965more
Sainteny, Jean29-05-190725-02-1978more
Saliège, Jules24-02-187005-11-1956more
Salvat, André16-05-192009-02-2017more
Sammarcelli, Marcel01-09-190503-07-1978more
Santini, Charles30-04-191218-05-1986more
Sarazac, Maurice17-12-190828-10-1974more
Sartin, Jean-Pierre14-04-191715-02-1993more
Sassoon, Philippe03-07-191313-12-1983more
Saunal, Robert02-11-192019-12-2008more
Sautot, Henri05-05-188523-03-1963
Sauvalle, Michel12-01-192030-10-1978more
Savary, Alain25-04-191817-02-1988
Savary, Albert29-05-192109-01-1975more
Savelli, Horace27-11-190602-06-1998more
Savey, Jacques09-10-191011-06-1942
Scamaroni, Fred24-10-191420-03-1943
Schaerrer, Henri13-10-191613-11-1941
Schamphelaëre, de, Alfred06-03-191502-12-1944more
Schloesing, Jacques-Henri12-12-191926-08-1944more
Schlumberger, Etienne20-03-191509-09-2014more
Schmidt, Paul22-09-191730-07-1983more
Schock, André22-04-191413-10-1973more
Schrimpf, Pierre14-11-190519-08-1944
Schumann, Maurice10-04-191109-02-1998
Scitivaux de Greische, de, Charles Philippe11-11-191110-08-1986more
Scitivaux de Greische, de, Xavier02-08-191013-03-1978more
Seferian, Roger16-12-191513-06-1942
Segrais, de, Jacques13-03-190821-06-1941
Seité, François12-02-192317-11-1944more
Sère, Maurice24-05-190429-01-1985
Serizier, Henri Bernard14-10-191611-06-1952
Serre, Charles25-09-190102-04-1953
Sevestre, Jacques02-06-190815-12-1940
Sicé, Adolphe23-12-188521-03-1957more
Silvy, Henri05-09-192006-06-1944
Silvy, Jean14-06-191028-09-1971more
Simon-Dubuisson, Henri26-04-191215-11-1972
Simon, Henry25-09-189609-06-1987more
Simon, Jean30-04-191228-09-2003more
Simon, Jean Salomon Julien05-06-190811-04-1945more
Simonet, Pierre27-10-192105-11-2020more
Sinaud, Roger Aimé12-07-191106-04-1976more
Sommer, François25-12-190408-01-1973more
Sonneville, Pierre18-01-191109-04-1970more
Sorret, André29-05-191802-10-1949more
Souberbielle, Jean-Marie15-08-189924-10-1942
Soufflet, Jacques04-10-191209-01-1990more
Soulat, Henri16-12-191823-05-1989more
Souques, Albert06-02-189013-03-1952more
Sourbieu, Jean-Louis14-05-190304-07-1957more
Speich, Roger25-04-191023-11-1984more
Spencer-Churchill, Winston Leonard30-11-187424-01-1965more
Stadieu, de, Jacques17-01-191421-01-2010more
Stahl, Michel01-06-191430-09-1989more
Starcky, Jean03-02-190909-10-1988more
Suarès, Marcel06-08-191409-12-2004more
