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Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer

Formally this version is known as Ehrenkreuz des Weltkrieges, mit Schwertern.

This bronze coloured version carries swords to the common design and a Laurel wreath.
It was awarded tot those who were in active military duty during battle on land, by sea or in the air. Known is that 6.202.883 examples were awarded, not included those who were still in active duty. Therefore the total number must be much higher. Until 1944 the award was still awarded. There are black versions of the decoration known.

Grid List
NameDate of birthDate of deathAwards
Caanitz, Hugo Dr. med. (Admiralarzt)09-05-189528-02-1968more
Cabanis, Ernst (Generalleutnant)12-10-189007-03-1968more
Canaris, Wilhelm (Admiral)01-01-188709-04-1945more
Capelle, Roland Franz Otto19-11-1897 more
Capito, Paul (Infanterie-Regiment 57)15-09-189619-07-1942
Carls, Rolf29-05-188515-04-1945more
Carp, Georg16-05-188606-05-1983more
Casper, Carl22-02-189324-08-1970more
Castell-Castell, Graf zu, Constantin Friedrich27-10-189802-11-1966more
Cetto, Walther Ernst Ignaz14-05-189520-08-1988more
Chamier-Glisczinski, von, Wolfgang (General)16-04-189422-08-1943more
Chappuis von, Friedrich-Wilhelm13-09-188627-08-1942more
Chevallerie, von der, Hellmut09-11-189601-06-1965more
Chevallerie, von der, Kurt Wilhelm Gustav Erdm.23-12-189118-04-1945more
Chevallerie, von, la, Botho Hermann Ludwig01-08-189816-11-1943more
Chill, Kurt Erich01-05-189505-07-1976more
Choltitz, von, Dietrich Hugo Hermann09-11-189405-11-1966more
Christiansen, Friedrich12-12-187903-12-1972more
Chrobek, Bruno09-10-189510-12-1942more
Claus, Johannes (Grenadier-Regiment 273)21-02-189931-07-1944more
Clausen, Ernst Nicolai (Grenadier-Regiment 530)09-02-188314-08-1948more
Clausen, Hermann (S-29)25-07-1896 more
Clausnitzer, Ernst (Grenadier-Regiment 465)11-09-1890 more
Clotz, Dr., Ernst  more
Clößner, Erich17-09-188828-03-1976more
Cochenhausen, von, Conrad (Generalleutnant)07-06-188813-12-1941more
Coeler, Joachim (Luftwaffe)01-06-189114-05-1955more
Collani, von, Ingo (218. Inf.Div.)24-09-190014-12-1969more
Collani, von, Thassilo Hugo Arthur04-08-189928-01-1981
Colli, Robert27-06-189822-07-1980more
Conrad, Gerhard (WL-Generalleutnant)21-04-189528-05-1982more
Conradi, Siegfried26-01-188715-04-1974
Conrath, Paul21-11-189615-01-1979more
Coretti, Julius11-02-189208-08-1970more
Coupette, Karl-Julius Friedrich20-06-189918-09-1953more
Cramer, Hans13-07-189628-10-1968more
Cranz, Friedrich-Karl14-11-188624-03-1941more
Crasemann, Eduard (General der Artillerie)05-03-189129-04-1950more
Crüwell, Ludwig20-03-189225-09-1958more
Cuno, Kurt27-08-189614-07-1961more
Czech, Josef26-11-1899 more
Czimatis, Dr.-Ing., Albrecht18-04-189722-12-1984more
