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Deutsches Kreuz in Gold

The German Cross (Deutschen Kreuz) is build up out of 5 separate parts and although the name suggests otherwise, it has the shape of a large 8-pointed breast star with in the center a large black swastika which is outlined in silver. The name of this award comes from this 21,5 mm big swastika. This swastika is placed upon a red-bordered silver disk and upon this red border is a golden laurel leaf wreath mounted. The golden wreath measures 39 mm across and is made out of single laurel leaves that are bounded together with a silk lint. At the bottom of the wreath is a square box with the year 1941 impressed into it. This date refers to the year of institution and from underneath this wreath emerge the eight star points. These points are chemically blackened and have the appearance of sunrays. Underneath these points is a 63 mm large silver backing plate placed which has the same shape as the award, only it’s slightly bigger so it forms the outer line of the award. At the reverse are 4 or 6 rivets visible and through the number of rivets you can recognize if the award was made in Germany or Austria. The German Crosses with 4 rivets were made in Germany and the pieces with 6 rivets in Austria. Further is there at the reverse a large width pin with a standard hook construction placed. If the award is marked with the LDO-number of the producer, then it is stamped in either the front or backside of the pin. To prevent damaging the award during combat, there was also a cloth version made. This cloth version has a metal wreath and the backing cloth colour is the same as the tunic colour of the corresponding Army branch. Fieldgrey is for the Army (Heer) and Waffen-SS, bleu-grey for the Air Force, (Luftwaffe) Marine bleu for the Navy (Kriegsmarine) and black for the Armored forces.

The German Cross in Gold (Deutsches Kreuz in Gold) was awarded for bravery and outstanding achievements in combat but where the Knight’s Cross wasn’t awarded for. The recipient did however already had to own the Iron Cross 1st Class (Eisernes Kreuz 1 Klasse) or Kriegsverdienstkreuz 1.Klasse with swords. The exact number of times that the German Cross in Gold was bestowed is still unknow at this time.

The OKW barred/stopped by decree the awarding of the Gernan Cross in Gold for "multiple remarkable services in troop leadership" from March 10th, 1945 on.

Bidermann, Gottlob-Herbert* August 28th, 1920
† September 1st, 2010

Grid List
NameDate of birthDate of deathAwards
Vaerst, Georg27-07-1916 more
Vaessen, August  
Vageler, Wolfgang 28-07-1944
Vagt, Wilhelm  
Vahl, Herbert-Ernst (Waffen SS)09-10-189622-07-1944more
Vahland, Georg  more
Vahlbruch, Fritz  
Vahlbruch, Herbert  
Vahldieck, Alexander  
Vahrenhorst, Karl-Heinz  
Vakalopoulos, Alexander  
Valentin, Friedrich  
Valentin, Willy (Infanterie-Regiment 76)25-04-190618-06-1943
Valet, Hans-Joachim18-02-191803-12-1944more
Vallentin, Max  
Valve, Väinö Lahja Richard28-12-189511-03-1995more
Vandieken, Anton (SS-Kavallerie-Regiment 15)04-07-190929-10-2005more
Vandieken, Otto (Transportgeschwader 3)28-10-190829-02-1944more
Varnbüler Freiherr von und zu Hemmingen, Ulrich01-05-190714-02-1986
Varnholt, Otto  
Vater, Hans-Joachim  
Väth, Georg  
Vauck, Gerhard (Artillerie-Regiment 122)  
Vechtel, Bernhard31-07-192021-08-1975
Vegesack, von, Dieter 00-09-2006
Vehlow, Karl Peter11-11-1913 
Vehlow, Siegfried  
Vehovc, Hugo21-08-1914 
Veiel, Lothar  
Veigel, Albert  
Veitenhansl, Franz (Fallschirmjäger-Regiment 16)24-09-191717-07-1944
Veith, Adolf  
Veith, Alfred25-04-191808-08-2008
Veith, Ernst15-11-191910-11-1942
Veith, Hans-Joachim  
Veith, Heinrich  
Veith, Karl16-07-189410-08-1979
Veith, Maximilian  
Velde, Johann10-03-192116-03-1995more
Velde, van der, Werner  
Veltheim, von, Heinrich-Josias29-07-192011-02-1945
Veltheim, von, Josias  
Veneman, Frans (Waffen SS)08-10-1914 
Venhues, Heinz  
Venisnik, Franz  
Venjakob, Otto 23-06-1944
Vennemann, Heinz  
Vennemann, Johann19-04-192003-07-1944
Ventzke, Heinz  
Venus, Helmut  
Verch, Hans-Wilhelm (Sturmgeschütz-Abteilung "GD")19-02-1921 
Verges, Helmut (Grenadier-Regiment 361)  
Verlage, August  
Verlohr, Walter03-07-191915-05-1942
Vermehren, Günter29-07-1915 
Verrettede, Robert  
Verschwele, Hans  
Versock, Kurt14-02-189517-03-1963more
Vesenmayer, Dr.agrar., Hans11-10-191716-12-2004
Vesper, Heinz  
Vespermann, Heinrich  
Veth, Kurt01-06-190727-12-1994
Vette, Heinrich (Pz.Rgt. 11)07-08-191923-12-1944
Vetter, Adolf  
Vetter, Friedrich  
Vetter, Fritz  
Vetter, Gottfried  
Vetter, Heinz  
Vetter, Ludwig  
Vetter, Martin (Kampfgeschwader 51)29-06-1918 
Vetter, Wilhelm  
Vetterl, Urban  
Vettermann, Manfred11-04-191905-01-1945
Vettermann, Paul  
Vial, Alexander07-09-189718-10-1953
Vick, Werner  
Vieback, Ernst  
Viebahn von dem Borne, von, Lebrecht-Georg15-02-189304-01-1968more
Viebig, Hans31-05-189730-09-1961
Viebig, Wilhelm03-06-189916-01-1982
Viebranz, Herbert29-01-1914 
Viedts, Jakob  
Viehmann, Wilhelm13-06-191625-02-1962more
Viehweg, Gottfried17-09-192000-06-1944
Viehweger, Bernhard12-09-1896 
Viek, Karl  
Vielhauer, Ernst10-05-190730-09-1943
Vielwerth, Erich Wilhelm August "Erich"10-02-191212-08-1997more
Viercks, Günther11-03-191913-02-1944
Vierecker, Fritz22-10-191319-07-1982
Vieregge, Wilhelm  
Viering, Otto  
Vierkotten, Josef  
Viertel, Helmut  
Viertel, Willi05-09-191131-08-1943
Vierus, Helmut (TG 2)01-02-191822-09-1945more
Vierzig, Martin  
Vies, Johann14-12-1914 
Viethsen, Otto  
Vietinghoff gen. Scheel, von, Heinrich (General)06-12-188723-02-1952more
Vietinghoff genannt Scheel, Freiherr von, Wolff  
Vietsch, von, Bernhard17-10-1920 
Vietze, Gerhard (Panzer-Regiment 33)  
Vietze, Heinz  
Vieweg, Karl  
Vieweger, Wolfgang14-09-1918 more
Villbrandt, Max  
Villinger, Artur  
Villinger, Bernhard  
Villinger, Friedrich  
Vilmar, Karl-August  
Vilzmann, Rupert29-06-192214-01-1945more
Vincon, Otto23-01-190613-04-1945more
Vincon, Siegfried  
Vinke, Heinz22-05-192026-02-1944more
Vinnai, Helmut  
Vinzent, Otto  
Vischer, Robert  
Vital, Franz  
Vitt, Werner  
Voboril, Franz04-05-190801-02-1944
Vock, Werner  
Vocke, Helmut26-01-191528-10-1943
Vockensohn, Karl00-00-190800-00-1945
Vockentanz, Hermann  
Vöcks, Werner  
Voellmer, Karl  
Voelter, Helmuth16-08-189809-08-1944
Vogel, Eberhard  
Vogel, Emil20-07-189401-10-1985more
Vogel, Franz  
Vogel, Friedrich09-07-1916 
Vogel, Friedrich Ewald18-11-191923-03-1994
Vogel, Hans-Robert  
Vogel, Hellmuth  
Vogel, Helmut  
Vogel, Horst (Luftlande-Sturm-Regiment 1)06-11-191616-03-1944more
Vogel, Johannes  
Vogel, Julius  
Vogel, Karl  
Vogel, Karl-Friedrich13-06-191710-08-1942
Vogel, Kurt  
Vogel, Kurt  
Vogel, Otto  
Vogel, Rupert  
Vogel, Siegfried  
Vogel, Siegfried  
Vogel, Walter (Generalmajor)19-08-188901-12-1974more
Vogel, Walter (WH-Gren.Rgt. 6)14-02-190602-05-1997more
Vogel, Walter (WH-Inf.Rgt. 118)12-01-1915 more
Vogel, Walther  
Vögele, Adolf  
Vogelpohl, Gerd-Jobst  
Vogelsang, Fritz  
Vogelsang, Karl  
Vogelsang, Karl (WH-Art.Rgt. 157)02-12-1894 
Vogelsang, Karl-Heinz  
Vogelsang, Wilhelm  
Vögerl, Georg11-12-192025-10-2010more
Voges, Maximilian  
Vogl, Albert10-07-191413-02-1945
Vogl, Emil  
Vögl, Ferdinand00-00-1917 
Vogl, Rudolf  
Vogler, Ernst (Panzer-Abteilung 5)  
Vogler, Franz (Grenadier-Regiment 404)  
Vögler, Helmut  
Vogler, Herbert (Nahaufklärungsgruppe 2)21-08-1915 
Voglhuber, Max  
Vogt, Adolf  
Vogt, Adolf31-08-191521-09-1992
Vogt, Artur  
Vogt, Emil  
Vogt, Friedrich  
Vogt, Fritz (Lw-Nachtjagdgeschwader)31-05-1916 
Vogt, Fritz (Waffen SS)17-03-191803-04-1945more
Vogt, Georg (Kradschützen-Bataillon 8)07-11-1914 
Vogt, Gerhard Heinz (JG 26 "Schlageter")29-11-191914-01-1945more
Vogt, Günther  
Vogt, Heinrich  
Vogt, Heinz  
Vogt, Herbert  
Vogt, Horst  
Vogt, Otto  
Vogt, Otto  
Vogt, Reinhold  
Vogt, Rudolf  
Vogt, Waldemar  
Vogt, Walter  
Vogt, Walter (Lw-Fallschirmjäger-Regiment)  
Vogt, Werner  
Vögtle, Karl  
Vogts, Herbert30-05-191322-04-1943
Vohl, Gerhard (Zerstörergeschw. 26 "Horst Wessel")  
Vohl, Heinz  
Vöhringer, Wilhelm  
Voigt, Alfred  
Voigt, Dieter03-02-1923 more
Voigt, Erich  
Voigt, Franz  
Voigt, Gerhard (Panzergrenadier-Regiment 156)  
Voigt, Günter15-08-1913 
Voigt, Günther  
Voigt, Günther  
Voigt, Hans17-08-1910 more
Voigt, Hans-Joachim15-11-1894 
Voigt, Helmut04-10-191529-05-1942
Voigt, Karl  
Voigt, Karl (Aufklärungsgruppe 31)03-06-191001-01-1943more
Voigt, Karl-Heinz  
Voigt, Kurt  
Voigt, Max  
Voigt, Oswin  
Voigt, Otto  
Voigt, Otto  
Voigt, Paul  
Voigt, Rudolf  
Voigt, Wilhelm  
Voigt, Wilhelm13-04-1917 more
Voigt, Wolfgang13-06-191431-08-1942
Voigtländer, Dietrich  
Voigtmann, Karl-Heinz  
Voigts, Rudolf  
Voit, Johann  
Vokuhl, Ernst  
Voland, Karl  
Volberts, x  
Volckamer und Kirchensittenbach, von, Friedrich16-04-189403-04-1989more
Völcker, Wilhelm  
Völckers, Paul Gustav15-03-189125-01-1946more
Volk, Hans  
Völk, Hermann08-06-191610-08-1976
Volk, Joachim  
Volk, Rudolf  
Volke, Kurt04-01-192022-10-2012more
Volke, Maximilian (Jagdgeschwader 77)23-05-191509-09-1944more
Volkenand, Helmut20-07-192311-11-1943
Völker, Dr., Gerhard (Panzergrenadier-Regiment 25)06-06-190516-08-1972more
Volker, Heinrich24-06-191116-01-1988more
Völker, Paul (Infanterie-Regiment 77)26-04-191417-05-1942
Volkert, Hans  
Völkl, Carl  
Völkl, Johann  
Volkmann, Ernst  
Volkmann, Gerhard (Aufklärungsgruppe 31)  
Volkmann, Martin  
Volkmer, Hans13-08-1916 more
Voll, Albrecht16-07-191025-02-1945
Voll, Hermann18-01-191708-12-2008
Vollack, Friedrich  
Vollard-Bockelberg, von, Helmut (Waffen SS)20-10-191129-03-1996more
Vollbrecht, Erich  
Vollenberg, Wilhelm  
Voller, Helmut  
Vollert, Max  
Vollheim, Friedrich  
Vollmer, Gustav-Franz  
Vollmer, Herbert-Peter29-10-191315-06-1945
Vollmer, Rolf  
Vollmuth, Emil  
Vollrath, Heinz  
Volmari, Franz  
Volpers, Wilhelm  
Volquardsen, Hans-Walter (Grenadier-Regiment 89)06-05-191427-06-1944
Völschow, Wilhelm  
Voly, Adolf  
Völz, Alfred  
Volz, Hans  
Völzer, Walter09-02-1917 
Vonalt, Wilhelm  
Vonier, Alfons  
Vonschott, Friedrich  
Voosen, Josef  
Vopel, Hermann  
Vorac, Leopold  
Vorbrugg, Oskar11-07-190221-05-1946more
Vorhold, Fritz  
Vorlag, Kurt  
Vorländer, Friedrich  
Vormann, von, Nicolaus (General der Panzertruppen)25-12-189526-10-1959more
Vormdohre, Gustav27-11-1922 
Vormeier, Karl  
Vormstein, Karl  
Vormündl, Hermann  
Vorpahl, Wolfgang  
Vorsteher, Karl-Heinz01-06-191611-06-1988more
Vorwerk, Hugo18-04-191304-04-1945
Vosberg, Artur  
Vosberg, Hans  
Vosen, Stefan (Kampf-Geschwader)04-02-1921 
Voshage, Werner19-09-191325-08-1948
Voß, Bruno  
Voss, Christian  
Voß, Edmund  
Voß, Ernst03-11-189911-10-1943more
Voss, Ernst  
Voss, Ernst  
Voss, Friedrich Wilhelm03-06-1916 more
Voß, Heinrich  more
Voß, Heinz  
Voß, Helmut  
Voß, Herbert15-05-191105-07-1976
Voß, Karl-Heinz  
Voss, Kurt  
Voß, Lothar  
Voss, Otto  
Voß, Otto  
Voss, Paul  
Voß, Reimer20-03-192010-12-2015more
Voss, Walter22-07-1920 
Voss, Wilhelm  
Voss, Willy  
Vossen, Herbert  
Vossenberg, Wilhelm  
Votoupal, Hans-Joachim  
Vouk, Otto  
Voutta, Hans  
Voutta, Heinrich11-11-191701-04-1945
Vowinckel, Ulrich  
Vycital, Helmut  
