Combined Operations Headquarters, War Office, British Government
| Name | Date of birth | Date of death | Awards |
| Campan, Claudius François | 25-05-1921 | 11-04-1945 | |
| Carr, Francis Arthur | | | |
| Cassel, Raymond | | | |
| Caublot, Georges | | | |
| Cazanave, Guy | | | |
| Ceaton, Ron | | | |
| Challington, William Albert | | | |
| Chant, Stuart Whitemore | 19-03-1920 | 05-07-1991 | |
| Chapman, Kenneth Harold | | | |
| Churchill, John Malcolm Thorpe Fleming "Jack" | 16-09-1906 | 08-03-1996 | |
| Clark, Sidney Charles | | | |
| Clements, Percy Priestley | 21-02-1910 | 19-10-1998 | more |
| Cognet, Jean François | | 08-04-1945 | |
| Command, François | | | |
| Copland, William Cranmore | | | |
| Coppy, André Lucien | | | |
| Corroy, Henri | | | |
| Couraud, Raymond | 12-01-1920 | 00-00-1977 | |
| Courtney, Godfrey Basil | 25-10-1914 | | |
| Coutts, John Davie | | | |
| Craft, Alfred James | 19-11-1919 | 14-07-1943 | |
| Cramer, Hans | 06-08-1920 | 16-05-1971 | |
| Crippen, Ronald | | | |
| Cunningham, James | | | |