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No. 305 (Wielpolska) Squadron, Royal Air Force

Grid List
Aduckiewicz, Marian* August 2nd, 1917
† November 21st, 2005

Arciuszkiewicz, Eugeniusz* February 7th, 1907
† December 10th, 1983

Ardelli, Kazimierz Jan* March 1st, 1920
† June 20th, 1942
Plot: CWGC Grave: 2

Artymiuk, Kazimierz* August 28th, 1920
† March 13th, 1984

Atkins, Eric Granville* March 19th, 1921
† November 22nd, 2011

Bakalarski, Franciszek "Frank"* January 29th, 1919
† January 10th, 2013

Banaszuk, Waclaw* November 20th, 1913
† September 27th, 2007

Barrett, Frederick Oliver "Barry"* December 2nd, 1918
† October 23rd, 2007

Bazak, Bronisław* May 13th, 1915
† January 10th, 1944
Plot: 27 Row: B Grave: 5

Beeger, Pawel* November 17th, 1911
† August 3rd, 1943
Plot: V Row: A Grave: 15-17

Bielicki, Jozef* February 12th, 1922
† August 15th, 1944
Plot: 3 Row: A Grave: 3

Boguslawski, Stefan Mieczyslaw* May 11th, 1916
† June 29th, 1943

Cegłowski, Edward* October 5th, 1917
† February 27th, 1942
Plot: Allied Row: 1 Grave: 12

Cent, Walerian* June 7th, 1912
† August 30th, 1944
Grave: 961-966

Daniel, Stanislaw Jerzy* March 29th, 1910
† August 15th, 1944
Plot: 3 Row: A Grave: 5

Dorman, Jan Piotr* January 12th, 1911
† May 9th, 1941
Plot: 69 Row: B Grave: 5

Fojer, Henryk* December 27th, 1922
† September 15th, 1943
Plot: 6 Row: D Grave: 10-11

Frankowski, Tadeusz Jan* August 2nd, 1920
† February 13th, 1996

Fried, Alfred Józef* March 19th, 1911

Gasecki, Jozef Stanislaw* February 16th, 1919
† September 18th, 1944

Gawlak, Feliks* May 14th, 1918
† August 28th, 1942
Plot: J Row: J Grave: 118

Gebik, Karol Piotr* November 4th, 1913
† September 15th, 1943
Plot: 6 Row: D Grave: 10-11

Gidaszewski, Walerian Feliks* November 16th, 1917
† February 27th, 1942
Plot: Allied Row: 1 Grave: 12

Godlewski, Brunon Julian (Bronislaw)* January 7th, 1924
† June 12th, 1989

Golczewski, Aleksander Roman* April 17th, 1911
† February 27th, 1942
Plot: Allied Row: 1 Grave: 12

Gorny, Kazimierz Maciej* January 4th, 1920
† August 28th, 1942
Plot: 9 Row: F Grave: 3-6

Gorzeński, Mieczysław* September 14th, 1908
† February 27th, 1942
Plot: Allied Row: 1 Grave: 12

Grodzicki, Stanislaw* March 1st, 1905
† February 13th, 1946
Plot: E Row: Div 3 Grave: 95

Grześkowiak, Stefan Marian* September 3rd, 1919
† August 3rd, 1943
Plot: V Row: A Grave: 15-17

Gusowski, Alojzy Pawel* January 25th, 1916
† June 20th, 1942
Plot: CWGC Grave: 4

Gwozdz, Zdzislaw* June 19th, 1914
† May 9th, 1941
Plot: 69 Row: C Grave: 21

Gzell, Henryk Leon* June 29th, 1920
† February 3rd, 1943
Plot: B Row: 6 Grave: 9

Hirszbandt, Robert Juliusz* September 11th, 1899
† June 2nd, 1942
Plot: Q Grave: 228

Idzikowski, Zbigniew Augustyn* August 18th, 1911
† December 17th, 1942
Plot: E Grave: Coll. 4

Janik, Jozef* January 6th, 1914
† August 28th, 1942
Plot: J Row: J Grave: 117

Jankiewicz, Henryk Aleksander* June 15th, 1915
† June 20th, 1942
Plot: CWGC Row: R1 Grave: 1

Jankowski, Jan* June 9th, 1899
† March 5th, 1943
Plot: 2 Row: D Grave: 10

Jarkowski, Boleslaw Zenon* August 6th, 1913
† September 21st, 1997

Jastrzebski, Aleksander Jan* August 29th, 1912

Karcz, Ludwik* August 25th, 1915
† May 9th, 1941
Plot: 13 Row: 12 Grave: 205

Kasprzyk, Tomasz* December 26th, 1913
† October 15th, 1999

Kiewnarski, Antoni Wladyslaw* January 26th, 1899
† March 30th, 1944
Plot: IX Row: A 

Klisz, Roman Stanislaw* November 13th, 1904
† June 3rd, 1944
Row: A Grave: 6

Klocek, Jan Tadeusz* October 17th, 1915
† August 28th, 1942
Plot: 9 Row: F Grave: 3-6

Korepta, Jan Stanislaw* June 13th, 1916
† August 28th, 1942
Plot: 9 Row: F Grave: 3-6

Kula, Franciszek* April 4th, 1913
† March 17th, 1948

Lang, Tadeusz* December 27th, 1919
† October 16th, 1941

Lesisz, Edward* February 23rd, 1911
† February 3rd, 1943
Plot: B Row: 6 Grave: 8

Lysakowski, Antoni "Stanislaw Rutkowski"* June 7th, 1917
† August 3rd, 1943
Plot: IV Row: A Grave: 19

Makarski, Leopold* November 21st, 1921
† June 22nd, 1943
Plot: II Row: F Grave: 1

Malak, Waclaw Jozef* January 27th, 1910
† May 3rd, 1941
Plot: F Row: F Grave: 1

Malejka, Brunon* May 10th, 1917
† August 17th, 1944
Plot: I Row: W Grave: 9-10

Miondlikowski, Alfons* March 6th, 1907
† August 17th, 1941
Plot: IX Row: 4 Grave: 14

Misiak, Ludwik Henryk* November 19th, 1913
† September 15th, 1943
Plot: 6 Row: D Grave: 10-11

Mochnacki, Zygmunt Jan* June 24th, 1918
† November 6th, 1944
Plot: 12 Row: 3 Grave: B

Modro, Zygmunt* December 3rd, 1915
† February 3rd, 1945
Plot: 5 Row: F Grave: 18

Nogal, Jozef* March 17th, 1911
† May 12th, 1996

Nowak, Kamierz* March 4th, 1910

Orlinski, Boleslaw* April 13th, 1899
† February 28th, 1992

Orzechowski, Jan* May 5th, 1905
† February 27th, 1942
Plot: Allied Row: 1 Grave: 12

Pagiela, Albrecht* November 13th, 1917
† July 26th, 1944
Plot: I Row: B Grave: 1-2

Paluszkiewicz, Wladyslaw* November 30th, 1914
† August 3rd, 1943
Plot: V Row: A Grave: 15-17

Pawluk, Kazimierz* July 1st, 1906
† March 31st, 1944
Plot: 7 Row: D Grave: 5

Piatkowski, Edward* November 8th, 1919
† May 12th, 1943

Plachta, Jan* September 26th, 1915
† August 17th, 1941
Row: B Grave: 11

Policiewicz, Zygmunt Franciszek "Swierk"* October 3rd, 1907
† October 8th, 1965

Poniatowski, Czeslaw* April 21st, 1915
† August 28th, 1942
Plot: 9 Row: F Grave: 2

Poziomek, Stanislaw* March 22nd, 1908
† April 11th, 1944
Plot: 2 Row: B Grave: 1

Pytlak, Jan* January 15th, 1918
† August 28th, 1942
Plot: J Row: J Grave: 119

Raginis, Witold* September 19th, 1923

Rogowski, Henryk* April 14th, 1914
† June 19th, 1941
Plot: E Row: 4 Grave: 5

Rudowski, Eugeniusz Tomasz* June 14th, 1907
† March 5th, 1976

Ruman, Tadeusz Alojzy* November 2nd, 1919
† May 6th, 2009

Runiewicz, Marian Emanuel* July 15th, 1909
† August 3rd, 1943
Plot: V Row: A Grave: 18

Rybak, Waclaw* November 8th, 1914
† August 6th, 1941
Row: T Grave: 1B

Ryszkiewicz, Mieczyslaw Jozef* March 18th, 1908
† May 3rd, 1941
Plot: F Row: F Grave: 2

Saferna, Mieczyslaw Julian* March 13th, 1909
† August 6th, 1941
Row: T Grave: 1A

Sikorski, Henryk Franciszek* September 10th, 1916
† May 9th, 1941
Plot: 69 Row: B Grave: 2A

Skarzynski, Stanislaw Jakub* May 1st, 1899
† June 26th, 1942
Grave: 62

Sochacki, Boleslaw* October 29th, 1909
† March 28th, 1944
Plot: II Row: A Grave: 6

Socharski, Maciej Wojciech* May 1st, 1908
† May 9th, 1941

Stankiewicz, Stanislaw* January 31st, 1915
† August 17th, 1941
Plot: V Row: AB Grave: 9

Sukiennik, Jerzy Jan Stanislaw* April 10th, 1912
† August 6th, 1941
Row: R Grave: 1C

Suszyński, Edward* January 15th, 1906
† July 11th, 1944

Swiderski, Marian Jan* August 10th, 1921
† June 20th, 1942
Plot: CWGC Grave: 3

Szmidt, Waclaw* November 30th, 1920
† June 2nd, 1993

Szpalinski, Stanislaw Krzystof* December 12th, 1912
† June 22nd, 1943
Plot: II Row: F Grave: 1

Szybka, Jozef Stanislaw* October 16th, 1919
† August 25th, 1944

Turski, Aleksander Marcin* July 12th, 1907
† June 16th, 1944
Plot: Allied Grave: 65

Turski, Stanislaw Konrad* January 28th, 1912
† August 28th, 1942
Plot: 9 Row: F Grave: 3-6

Wianecki, Tadeusz Stanislaw* March 23rd, 1906
† December 28th, 1944
Plot: II Row: B Grave: Coll. 1-7

Zaucha, Karol* January 18th, 1908
† July 20th, 1965

Zerebecki, Kazimierz* September 1st, 1910
† June 18th, 1941
Plot: I Row: E Grave: 12

Zeromski, Stanislaw Jozef* July 17th, 1920
† February 27th, 1942
Plot: Allied Row: 1 Grave: 12

Zuk, Tadeusz Jan* July 7th, 1920
† February 6th, 1996