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Bronzen Leeuw (BL)

Soldiers who have distinguished themselves in battle against the enemy with particularly courageous behavior and discreet actions are eligible for the Bronze Lion. Only the king can award this decoration to soldiers in the service of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
The Bronze Lion was established by Royal Decree of March 30, 1944 by Queen Wilhelmina and subsequently supplemented by Royal Decree of November 9, 1944.

The cross is made of bronze with a Dutch lion on the front as it appeared in the national coat of arms from before 1907, the back is flat. The ribbon consists of nine equal vertical bands, alternating orange and Nassaus blue.

Grid List
NameDate of birthDate of deathAwards
Salamoen, R.14-08-189814-01-1949
Samson, Carel Jan Herman00-00-1916 
Sanford, Teddy Hollis31-12-190729-12-1992
Sartain, Charles Lenton, Jr.19-09-192015-11-2017
Sas, Ch.24-05-1922 
Schapink, Hendrik Jan28-05-191910-05-1940
Scheepens, Willem Jan13-05-190703-01-1949
Scheepstra, Liepke01-11-191815-09-2002
Schendel, van, Antonius Siméon Marie16-08-189409-08-1958
Schmitz, Grant  
Schoonveld, Pieter22-12-192431-12-1948
Schrage, Wiecher Bote17-02-191730-11-1941
Schroeff, van der, Johannes Pieter21-12-1903 
Scott, Andrew W.  
Searle, Albert Chester28-02-189215-12-1965
Seiferth, Paul R.  
Sheppard, Allan  
Sherburne, Thomas Lilley22-07-187727-10-1956
Sherring, William John Henry  
Sholar, Marvin Edward12-08-191225-01-1985more
Sicaud, Pierre  
Silfhout, van, Wouter26-04-191508-06-1940
Silvius, Merritt Wells  
Simmons, Levi  
Simon, Jean Salomon Julien05-06-190811-04-1945more
Simpson, Herbert  
Sink, Robert Frederick "Uncle Bob"03-04-190513-12-1965more
Skibinski, Franciszek Maria15-08-189916-05-1991more
Sluis, Dirk26-04-190213-05-1940
Sluis, van der, Charles Pierre Jean15-07-191915-02-2001
Sluyter, Nicolaas Wilhelm "Cook"04-11-190804-11-1993
Smiley, John Watson, jr.02-06-190602-11-2003
Smit, A. 00-00-1944
Smith, Harold Page17-02-190404-01-1993more
Smith, James  
Smith, Robert Frank04-01-1923 
Snep, Severin Arnold Michael Julian05-11-191323-02-1942
Sol, Jannis Jacobus  
Somer, Jan Marginus22-10-189903-04-1979more
Sonderman, Gerben29-12-190820-10-1955
Sosabowski, Stanislaw Franciszek08-05-189225-09-1967more
Soucie, Guillaume  
Sparrow, Walter H.  
Spence, H.B.  
Spier, Tivadar Emile17-11-191617-06-2010more
Sproule, John Alexander23-11-191707-06-1995more
Stalman, Johanus Cornelis20-04-192126-08-2004
Stam, van, Cornelis Gijsbert06-01-192020-08-1995
Standard of the 2ème and 3ème Régiment de Chasseur  
Stanners, Geoffrey Charles  
Stark, Ronald Leslie  
Starr, Donald R. 30-09-1944
Steman, Johannes Antonius03-07-192029-05-1995
Sterkenburg, Joseph Johan Matthijs09-03-190005-08-1943
Stewart, Henry Douglas  
Stilwell, Victor C.  
Stoffers, Jolke26-11-191606-03-1942
Stok, van der, Abraham Lambertus "Bram"13-10-191508-02-1993more
Stokely, Dave Robinson21-03-191728-09-1995
Straelen, van, Philippus Bernardus Maria02-06-189427-02-1942
Supheert, Tönnis Johannes Willem Frederik Meinhard30-11-1902 
Sutton, James Scott  
Symonds, Rowland Charles  
