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Honorable Service Lapel Button / Honorable Discharge Emblem

Before September 8th 1939 a gold metal lapel button could be obtained. It shows a dexter eagle with its wings perched within a ring. The ring displays seven white and six red vertical stripes and a blue chief with the words "National Defence". Between September 8th 1939 and December 31st 1946, the button was all gold colour metal without words and colours. The dexter wing of the eagle folds behind and the sinister in front of the ring.

It was permitted to wear when the person served honourably prior to September 8th 1939 as either an enlisted man, warrant officer, nurse, contract surgeon, veterinarian, or commissioned officer, in the Regular Army or a Citizen's Military Training Camp for 2 months, or in the National Guard, Enlisted Reserve Corps, or senior ROTC for 1 year, or in junior ROTC for 2 years. In 1943 it was decided the button could be worn by Army personnel honourably discharged since September 9th 1939. In 1944 it was described the button could be either in gold colour metal or gold plated plastic. In 1947 it was decided that the eligibility requirements for the Honorable Service Lapel Button are honorable federal military service between 8 Sep 1939 and 31 Dec 1946.

It was often referred to as "Ruptured Duck". On November 29th 1944, with Circular No. 454, the War Department adopted the Honorable Discharge Emblem. It was in design similar to the Lapel Button, but the Eagle and Ring were placed on a piece of cloth with thread. It was issued together with the button. Upon the discharge from the military the emblem was to be sewn on the clothing, immediately above the pocket on the right breast.

Aiello, James Joseph* August 27th, 1912
† March 2nd, 1996

Grid List
NameDate of birthDate of deathAwards
Bacile, Joseph  more
Baker, James A. "Jim"11-03-192203-06-2013more
Balch, John Henry02-01-189615-10-1980more
Ball, Lester07-07-192229-04-2008more
Barnes, Murray G.  
Barnett, Anthony "Hank"  
Barrett, Carlton William24-11-191903-05-1986
Barth, Raymond E. "Ray" (US Army)09-10-1925 more
Bartkus, Vincent, J.12-03-191926-08-1967
Basham, James Aubrey00-00-191500-00-1978more
Belfield, Justus R. "Jay"00-00-191612-11-2014more
Belue, Juston Wells22-07-192429-09-2008
Bender, Joseph W.09-02-191910-04-2012more
Bergman, Hyman "Hank"12-03-191901-06-2010more
Bettelli, Aldo17-10-192223-03-2007more
Bishop, Francis Nathaniel Holmes07-03-192326-01-1968more
Blake, Owen D.13-04-1923 
Blithe, Albert25-06-192317-12-1967
Bond, Elven L.13-03-192313-08-2004more
Boudreaux, A J  more
Bowers, Kenneth Richard03-02-192527-05-2009
Brandl, Ernest08-11-191814-05-2009
Brandon, Charles Francis  
Brashears, Charlie03-01-191714-11-1995more
Breshears, Kenneth Arthur01-11-192106-01-2003more
Brewer, Dottry George  more
Briggs, David Leslie  more
Briles, Herschel Floyd07-02-191417-07-1994
Brinkley, Charles G.30-12-191927-01-1945
Broncho, McManus "Blacky"23-06-192320-11-2007
Brooks, Lewis Owen "Junior"29-11-191721-05-1947
Brophy, William J. 08-10-2021more
Broussard, Aby J.18-03-1918 more
Brown, Harold N.28-03-191300-00-2007
Brown, Robert L.15-12-1913 more
Bruner, Nat Alic "Alex"  
Bunio, Vincent H.18-02-192323-05-2018more
Burglund, Oliver Oscar13-03-190724-05-1984
Burnett, James S.24-10-1919 
Burno, Andrew James  
Burr, Herbert Hoover "Doc"13-09-192008-02-1990
Burr, Robert G.  
Buss, Floyd18-08-1921 
Bussiere, Henry C.18-09-192405-10-1956
Butler, Harmon Walter23-06-192306-06-1995
