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Flying Badge

Grid List
NameDate of birthDate of deathAwards
Sainsbury, James Edward 28-06-1942
Saunders, Anthony Douglas 20-02-1944
Saxce, de, Arnaud Charles Marie10-08-191910-04-1945more
Scade, Thomas Patterson Kyd  
Scarf, Arthur Stewart King14-06-191309-12-1941
Scarff, Basil Henry09-11-1920 
Scarman, Leslie George29-07-191108-12-2004
Schloesing, Jacques-Henri12-12-191926-08-1944more
Schubert, Guy Edgar 24-05-1943
Schwab, Lloyd Gilbert "Algy"22-01-191511-02-1960
Scitivaux de Greische, de, Charles Philippe11-11-191110-08-1986more
Scitivaux de Greische, de, Xavier02-08-191013-03-1978more
Scott-Malden, Francis David Stephen26-12-191901-03-2000more
Scott, John Edgar00-00-191817-09-1943
Secky, Ferdinand24-05-190204-02-1961
Sells, Gordon Arthur 22-10-1943
Sharman, Herbert Ronald  
Sheppard, Charles Percy  
Sherwood, John Seymour  
Shone, Percival Niger  
Simpson, Anthony James Carey00-00-191813-10-1941
Simpson, John Alexander  
Simpson, Theodore Leonard 20-10-1943
Singleton, Joseph "Joe"12-03-1916 
Skarzynski, Stanislaw Jakub01-05-189926-06-1942more
Slouf, Vaclav11-11-190813-04-1976more
Sly, Ernest Frank 14-01-1944
Smallwood, Denis Graham23-08-191826-07-1997more
Smith, Alfred Stewart 01-01-1945
Smith, Denis Hedley00-00-192003-02-1943
Smith, Gavin Strang23-06-192117-06-1944
Smith, Kenneth Brooke Farley 11-04-1943
Smith, Kenneth Guy "Ken"08-06-191420-10-1947more
Smith, Robert Winstone 09-10-1943
Sniders, E.S.A.  
Sorsdahl, Carl Edward  
Spencer-Churchill, Winston Leonard30-11-187424-01-1965more
Stach, Josef00-00-191514-12-1945
Stachon, Boleslaw Feliks18-05-189704-07-1941more
Stack, Thomas Neville19-10-191926-01-1994more
Steen, Govert12-03-191705-06-1942
Stehlik, Josef23-03-191530-05-1991more
Stephenson, Geoffrey Dalton19-01-191008-11-1956
Sterne, John Rutherford26-09-192216-08-1943
Stevenson, Linton William 11-11-1941
Stewart, Ronald George Falconar 02-01-1944
Stone, Cedric Arthur Cuthbert "Bunny"08-12-191600-07-1990more
Stout, Geoffrey Stevenson 23-09-1944
Stowell, Robert Arthur Terence  
Surma, Franciszek01-07-191608-11-1941
