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France and Germany Star

The France & Germany Star was awarded for operational services in France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany between June 6th, 1944 (D-Day) and the May 8th, 1945, (the German surrender). Operational service in the Royal and Merchant Navies in the English Channel, North Sea and Bay of Biscay in connection with the campaign in Northern Europe also qualified. Naval service off the coast of the South of France did not qualify for this award, but qualified fot the Italy Star.
RAF aircrews having taken part in an operational sortie over Europe between June 6th, 1944 and May 8th, 1945 as well as aircrews who flew operations over Europe from Mediterranean bases did not qualify for this award either but for the Italy Star.
Personnel qualifying for the France & Germany Star and the Atlantic Star, only received the first award with a suitably inscribed bar for the second attached to the ribbon.
The France & Germany Star is a six pointed star with the Royal Cipher ‘GRI VI’ on the obverse surmounted by a crown with the inscription ‘THE FRANCE AND GERMANY STAR’. The reverse is plain and blank and the award is issued unnamed.
The ribbon is 1.25 inches wide with three equal stripes of dark blue, white and red, representing the Union Jack and the flags of France and the Netherlands.

Grid List
Cadman, Alfred* November 1st, 1915
† March 1st, 1945
Plot: XXI Row: C Grave: 16

Cadzow, James* April 6th, 1910
† March 3rd, 1945
Plot: XIV Row: F Grave: 8

Cahill, Henry Thomas* June 16th, 1911
† February 28th, 1945
Plot: X Row: G Grave: 5

Cain, Robert Henry* January 2nd, 1909
† May 2nd, 1974

Caissie, Cyrille* July 17th, 1919
† February 26th, 1945
Plot: X Row: C Grave: 8

Caissy, Raymond* November 1st, 1919
† March 30th, 1945
Plot: XX Row: B Grave: 4

Calbert, Herbert Cuthbertson* March 12th, 1925
† February 26th, 1945
Plot: VIII Row: H Grave: 1

Caldwell, Alexander Parke* May 3rd, 1925
† March 30th, 1945
Plot: XX Row: G Grave: 13

Caldwell, Alexander Wallace* August 2nd, 1914
† February 27th, 1945
Plot: XX Row: H Grave: 12

Caldwell, James Gerald * August 14th, 1919
† March 7th, 1945
Plot: VII Row: D Grave: 14

Callander, Donald Fraser* April 22nd, 1918
† April 5th, 1992

Calnan, Edward Anthony* December 19th, 1922
† March 3rd, 1945
Plot: VII Row: H Grave: 12

Cambridge, John Armour* May 6th, 1915
† April 15th, 1945
Plot: XIV Row: G Grave: 12

Cameron, Alexander Douglas* December 19th, 1919
† February 27th, 1945
Plot: IX Row: C Grave: 7

Cameron, Conrad Verdun* December 10th, 1917
† March 8th, 1945
Plot: VII Row: E Grave: 13

Cameron, Gordon Philip* October 18th, 1923
† March 26th, 1945
Plot: V Row: H Grave: 12

Cameron, Oswald Edmond * September 25th, 1914
† February 27th, 1945
Plot: IX Row: H Grave: 11

Cameron, Ralph Alverne Cyril* August 25th, 1918
† July 7th, 2004

Cameron, Robert* June 5th, 1914
† December 20th, 1944
Plot: IV Row: C Grave: 12

Cameron, Roderick Joseph* July 1st, 1921
† March 5th, 1945
Plot: XXV Row: A Grave: 11

Campbell, Alexander Henry* February 19th, 1920
† December 10th, 1944
Plot: V Row: C Grave: 12

Campbell, Allan Joseph* October 14th, 1922
† December 4th, 1944
Plot: II Row: B Grave: 4

Campbell, Duncan Archie* August 26th, 1900
† February 24th, 1945
Plot: IX Row: F Grave: 13

Campbell, Frederick William * January 1st, 1915
† December 23rd, 1944
Plot: XVII Row: B Grave: 7

Campbell, John* May 6th, 1917
† February 8th, 1945
Plot: V Row: A Grave: 8

Campbell, John Weston* May 26th, 1916
† February 14th, 1945
Plot: XIX Row: B Grave: 15

Campbell, Joseph Daniel* August 3rd, 1914
† February 10th, 1945
Plot: XV Row: H Grave: 14

Campbell, Preston Duncan* May 25th, 1920
† March 8th, 1945
Plot: IV Row: F Grave: 12

Campbell, Robert McNeil* November 29th, 1923
† November 1985

Campbell, Roy* July 13th, 1923
† February 21st, 1945
Plot: XV Row: D Grave: 13

Campbell, Thomas Edison* May 13th, 1917
† February 24th, 1945
Plot: X Row: D Grave: 7

Cannon, Robert Henry* June 29th, 1923
† March 8th, 1945
Plot: VIII Row: E Grave: 15

Cannon, William Alfred* November 7th, 1920
† February 16th, 1945
Plot: XI Row: H Grave: 4

Caouette, Paul Emile * March 3rd, 1925
† February 8th, 1945
Plot: V Row: A Grave: 4

Carnochan, Arthur Emerson * February 27th, 1924
† March 12th, 1945
Plot: XXV Row: E Grave: 7

Caron, Albert* October 6th, 1917
† February 26th, 1945
Plot: IX Row: G Grave: 7

Caron, Gustave Joseph * December 1st, 1924
† November 20th, 1944
Plot: III Row: E Grave: 5

Caron, Joseph Paul Roland* July 26th, 1915
† April 5th, 1945
Plot: XIV Row: C Grave: 8

Carpenter, Thomas "Tom"* July 20th, 1924
† May 1st, 2014

Carphin, Cyril* September 27th, 1918
† March 6th, 1945
Plot: XXI Row: G Grave: 14

Carr, Patrick Amos* September 1st, 1920
† April 11th, 1945
Plot: II Row: G Grave: 4

Carriere, Frank* May 5th, 1916
† March 2nd, 1945
Plot: XVII Row: C Grave: 14

Carroll, Martin Seymour* May 29th, 1921
† March 4th, 1945
Plot: VII Row: E Grave: 14

Cartmell, James Henry* September 18th, 1922
† February 24th, 2017

Chandler, Alfred Roy* August 8th, 1908
† 1995

Chandler, Thomas Francis* 1919
† April 5th, 1975

Chater, Hartley Ernest* February 1903
† 1983

Chavasse , Noel Willinc* April 11th, 1920
† 1974

Cherry, Frank Arthur* April 28th, 1921
† April 10th, 1945
Plot: 1 Row: B Grave: 6

Churchill, Peter Morland* January 14th, 1909
† May 1st, 1972

Clark, Samuel Findlay "Fin"* March 17th, 1909
† September 3rd, 1998

Clarke, John Robert* October 23rd, 1922
† September 1994

Clements, Percy Priestley* February 21st, 1910
† October 19th, 1998

Cohen, Vincent Oswald* 1912
† 1984

Cole, Robert Bruce* November 11th, 1919
† January 16th, 1956

Collins, Bernard* 1920
† March 3rd, 1998

Connolly, Stephen John Verdun* March 5th, 1917
† July 21st, 1966

Conway, Victor George Henry† June 6th, 1944

Cornioley-Witherington, Cecile Pearl* June 24th, 1914
† February 24th, 2008

Corser, Richard George* 1920
† May 1949

Cosens, Aubrey* May 21st, 1921
† February 26th, 1945
Plot: VIII Row: H Grave: 2

Couraud, Raymond* January 12th, 1920
† 1977

Cox, Frederick Albert* August 16th, 1914
† February 2007

Crawford, Thomas Edward Cornelius* January 18th, 1914
† April 6th, 1945
Plot: 11 Row: F Grave: 14

Crawley, Douglas Edward* September 2nd, 1920
† 1986

Crerar, Henry Duncan Graham "Harry"* April 28th, 1888
† April 1st, 1965

Croker, Edward James O’Brien* June 21st, 1910
† May 13th, 1967

Cross, Kenneth Brian Boyd "Bing"* October 4th, 1911
† June 18th, 2003

Cuber, Wladyslaw Antoni * January 14th, 1922
† November 30th, 1985

Cullen, Frederick John* August 27th, 1904
† February 15th, 1976

Currie, David Vivian* July 8th, 1912
† June 24th, 1986

Cutts, Edward Gersham* November 28th, 1905
† June 17th, 1944
Plot: VIII Row: J Grave: 7
