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Bergen op Zoom
Commonwealth War Cemetery Bergen op Zoom
Related persons
Commonwealth War Cemetery Bergen op Zoom
Related persons
Alexander, Edward Sudbury
† January 14th, 1944
Plot: 29 Row: B Grave: 2
Alexander, Robert Wilfred
* August 20th, 1920
† September 21st, 1944
Plot: 24 Row: C Grave: 1-3
Alliston, Eric Austin
† December 4th, 1943
Plot: 10 Row: A Grave: 20-22
Attwooll, Peter Ralph
* May 6th, 1922
† December 29th, 1944
Plot: 13 Row: A Grave: 2
Bacon, Lindsay Page
† March 20th, 1945
Plot: 13 Row: A Grave: 8
Ball, Joseph J.
† June 3rd, 1945
Plot: 5 Row: A Grave: 8
Bialy, Lech Józef
* March 7th, 1922
† October 15th, 1942
Bielec, Stanislaw
* August 30th, 1916
† October 8th, 1942
Plot: XXXII Row: C1 Grave: 10
Bird, Harry Raymond
† January 3rd, 1943
Plot: 33 Row: A Grave: 11
Breen, James Gerald
† June 12th, 1943
Plot: 2 Row: AA Grave: 11-12
Broom, James Lawry
† October 26th, 1944
Plot: 10 Row: A Grave: 5
Butterworth, Francis Wyndham Arthur
* November 18th, 1906
† November 6th, 1944
Plot: 9 Row: B Grave: 15
Cawdery, Victor Norman
† January 14th, 1944
Plot: 29 Row: B Grave: 2
Cock, Colin Edwin Abbott
† September 25th, 1944
Plot: 29 Row: b Grave: 3
Cornwall, James Alex
† March 20th, 1945
Plot: 13 Row: A Grave: 11
Cox, Philip Anthony Neville
* July 21st, 1915
† July 27th, 1940
Plot: 14 Row: C Grave: 12
Danik, Jan
* November 12th, 1912
† June 6th, 1942
Plot: XXXII Row: B Grave: 6-8
Diamond, Joseph Francis
† March 10th, 1945
Plot: 4 Row: A Grave: 10
Dimond, Francis John
† December 4th, 1943
Plot: 31 Row: A Grave: 1
Dring, Walter
† January 13th, 1945
Plot: 13 Row: B Grave: 6
Dworski, Stanislaw
† September 18th, 1944
Plot: IV Row: B Grave: 1
Dyer, Lawrence Stanley
† June 13th, 1941
Plot: 34 Row: A Grave: 4
Eddison, Frank Leslie Herbert
* November 24th, 1911
† May 9th, 1941
Plot: 32 Row: C Grave: 2
Evans, Richard Roy
† March 20th, 1945
Plot: 13 Row: A Grave: 7
Ewart, Samuel
† June 22nd, 1944
Plot: 24 Row: A Grave: 1
Fullerton, William Arthur
† May 30th, 1942
Plot: 3 Row: C Grave: 2
Gait, Ronald Clifford
† January 3rd, 1943
Plot: 30 Row: B Grave: 7
Gately, Thomas James
† October 25th, 1944
Plot: 17 Row: B Grave: 1
Greening, A.O.W.
† September 24th, 1944
Gunning, Leslie George
† January 3rd, 1943
Plot: 33 Row: A Grave: 12
Hawkins, Henry Edgar
† October 25th, 1944
Plot: 17 Row: B Grave: 2
Hejna, Jan
† June 23rd, 1941
Plot: 24 Row: AA Grave: 1-5
Herbert, Edward James
† October 23rd, 1944
Plot: 26 Row: A Grave: 4
Heslop, Geoffrey Vivian
† June 13th, 1941
Plot: 34 Row: A Grave: 6
Hewitt, Frank John
† November 6th, 1944
Plot: 9 Row: C Grave: 22
Holt, John
† May 9th, 1941
Plot: 32 Row: C Grave: 2
Holt, Kenneth
† December 4th, 1943
Plot: 10 Row: A Grave: 20-22
Hrdina, Josef
† April 11th, 1942
Plot: 31 Row: A Grave: 5-6
Huttlestone, George Henry
† March 20th, 1945
Plot: 3 Row: D Grave: 4
Inglis, George John
† January 3rd, 1943
Plot: 33 Row: A Grave: 8
Jakubowski, Franciszek
* June 17th, 1910
† March 27th, 1942
Plot: XXXI Row: A Grave: 8
Jantzen, Pawel
† January 5th, 1945
Plot: XXVII Row: B Grave: 9
Kalensky, Josef
† April 11th, 1942
Plot: 31 Row: A Grave: 5-6
Kee, Robert James
† January 3rd, 1943
Plot: 33 Row: A Grave: 9
Kidd, Ernest Frederick Victor
† July 18th, 1943
Plot: 29 Row: A Grave: 1-2
Kirkcaldie, Norman Mervyn Kebbell
* February 2nd, 1918
† May 9th, 1941
Plot: 32 Row: C Grave: 2
Knight, Frederick John
† June 29th, 1943
Plot: 28 Row: B Grave: 8
Konstacky, Vilem
† June 23rd, 1941
Plot: 24 Row: AA Grave: 1-5
Kułakowski, Andrzej
* August 19th, 1913
† June 6th, 1942
Plot: XXXII Row: A Grave: 2
Lawrance, Charles Henry
† January 14th, 1944
Plot: 31 Row: B Grave: 1
Lazarus, Saul David
† March 19th, 1945
Plot: 13 Row: B Grave: 4
Lewkowicz, Sykstus Marian
* December 21st, 1911
† June 6th, 1942
Plot: XXXII Row: B Grave: 6-8
Lukasik, Fidelis Józef
* April 23rd, 1905
† June 6th, 1942
Plot: XXXII Row: A Grave: 1
Majewski, Edward
* July 18th, 1916
† August 17th, 1941
Plot: XX Row: A Grave: 6
Mansfield, Nelson Reuben
† January 14th, 1944
Plot: 29 Row: B Grave: 2
Maskall, George "Jack"
* August 4th, 1910
† June 1st, 1944
McClements, Harry
† March 20th, 1945
Plot: 13 Row: A Grave: 10
McDougall, Colin Angus
† June 12th, 1943
Plot: 2 Row: AA Grave: 11-12
McFarland, Donald Keith
† June 13th, 1941
Plot: 34 Row: A Grave: 5
Mielnik, Michal
* October 3rd, 1917
† October 15th, 1942
Morley, James
† October 24th, 1944
Plot: 17 Row: A Grave: 10
Nelson, Eric
† June 3rd, 1944
Plot: 24 Row: A Grave: 2-10
Nogaj, Zygmunt
* April 26th, 1914
† June 6th, 1942
Plot: XXXII Row: B Grave: 6-8
Owen, Sidney Edward
† October 28th, 1944
Plot: 21 Row: B Grave: 9
Pearce, Colin Rees
* January 22nd, 1921
† June 22nd, 1943
Plot: 27 Row: A Grave: 3
Pendlebury, James
† October 25th, 1944
Plot: 17 Row: B Grave: 5
Penrose, George William
* 1914
† January 14th, 1944
Plot: 29 Row: B Grave: 2
Peprnicek, Jan
† April 11th, 1942
Plot: 31 Row: A Grave: 5-6
Piątek, Stanislaw
* February 10th, 1916
† October 15th, 1942
Pingel, Douglas Howard John
† June 13th, 1941
Politzer, Josef
† April 11th, 1942
Plot: 31 Row: A Grave: 11
Ratcliffe, Jacky
† June 22nd, 1944
Plot: 24 Row: A Grave: 1
Robbins, Kenneth Thomas
† June 22nd, 1944
Plot: 24 Row: A Grave: 1
Robson, Edgar Lester
† June 22nd, 1943
Plot: 25 Row: A Grave: 1
Rozum, Alois
† June 23rd, 1941
Plot: 24 Row: AA Grave: 1-5
Rychnovsky, Karel
† April 11th, 1942
Plot: 31 Row: A Grave: 5-6
Sapeta, Stanisław Ryszard
* March 3rd, 1920
† October 8th, 1942
Plot: XXXIII Row: B Grave: 11
Sieradzki, Ryszard
† January 5th, 1945
Plot: XXVII Row: B Grave: 8
Smrcek, Leonhard
† June 23rd, 1941
Plot: 24 Row: AA Grave: 1-5
Sobolewski, Piotr
* February 1st, 1907
† October 15th, 1942
Stachurski, Władysław
* February 9th, 1911
† March 27th, 1942
Plot: XXXI Row: A Grave: 9
Stapor, Jan
* September 27th, 1908
† October 8th, 1942
Plot: XXXIV Row: A Grave: 10
Stevens, Richard Playne
* September 11th, 1909
† December 15th, 1941
Plot: 23 Row: B Grave: 4
Stevenson, Harold Cuthbert
† July 18th, 1943
Plot: 29 Row: A Grave: 1-2
Stroobants, Louis Julien "Priam"
* January 19th, 1915
† June 3rd, 1944
Plot: 24 Row: A Grave: 2-10
Swinney, Charles Roy
† January 14th, 1944
Plot: 29 Row: B Grave: 2
Szczepański, Stanisław
* December 7th, 1918
† October 8th, 1942
Plot: XXXIII Row: B Grave: 10
Tennant, Philip Athol
† March 20th, 1945
Plot: 13 Row: A Grave: 12
Tennant, William Ernest
† October 26th, 1944
Plot: 17 Row: B Grave: 8
Thomas, John Hendry
† October 24th, 1944
Plot: 9 Row: B Grave: 5
Tickle, Harold John Robert
† January 3rd, 1943
Plot: 33 Row: A Grave: 7
Trott, Bernard Aidan
† January 14th, 1944
Plot: 31 Row: C Grave: 2
Uszpolewicz, Boleslaw
* April 25th, 1914
† March 27th, 1942
Plot: XXXI Row: A Grave: 12
Valach, Karel
† June 23rd, 1941
Plot: 24 Row: AA Grave: 1-5
Wainwright, Kenneth Rowland
† June 13th, 1941
Plot: 34 Row: A Grave: 8
Waite, Maurice Jack
† October 23rd, 1944
Plot: 26 Row: A Grave: 10
Williams, Frank
† October 25th, 1944
Plot: 17 Row: B Grave: 6
Wilsea, Henry Herbert
† October 25th, 1944
Plot: 17 Row: B Grave: 4
Witakowski, Franciszek Andrzej
* October 29th, 1899
† June 6th, 1942
Plot: XXXII Row: B Grave: 6-8
Wood, Charles Kenneth
† February 18th, 1943
Plot: 32 Row: C Grave: 5
Wood, Ernest
† October 24th, 1944
Plot: 17 Row: B Grave: 3
Yeoman, Kenneth Harry
† October 25th, 1942
Plot: 4 Row: D Grave: 3
Zelaziński, Bogumił
* October 23rd, 1915
† March 27th, 1942
Plot: XXXI Row: A Grave: 10
This is a part of
Commonwealth War Cemetery Bergen op Zoom
Bergen op Zoom
North Brabant