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N Section, Special Operations Executive (SOE), British Government

Grid List
Andringa, Leonardus Theodorus Cornelis "Turnip"* November 22nd, 1913
† September 6th, 1944

Arendse, Pieter Arnoldus "Seakale"* February 14th, 1912
† September 7th, 1944

Baatsen, Arnoldus Albert* April 11th, 1918
† September 7th, 1944

Bakker, Jacob "Jan Willems"* May 1st, 1917
† April 30th, 1944

Barmé, Richard* October 3rd, 1924
† March 8th, 1945
Plot: A Grave: 405

Beekman, Jacob "Jaap"* December 21st, 1919
† November 15th, 2010

Beukema toe Water, Karel Willem Adriaan* June 20th, 1909
† September 7th, 1944

Biallosterski, Tobias Maurits "Tobs"* April 18th, 1920
† February 26th, 1945

Boogaart, Pieter Cornelis* August 10th, 1912
† September 7th, 1944

Bor, van de, Klaas* May 24th, 1913
† September 6th, 1944

Braggaar, Cornelis Carel* September 23rd, 1913
† September 6th, 1944

Brey, de, Oscar Willem* October 1st, 1921
† September 7th, 1944

Buizer, Johannis Jan Cornelis (Jo)* September 11th, 1918
† September 6th, 1944

Bukkens, Joseph "Marrow"* June 8th, 1916
† September 7th, 1944

Dane, Johannes Cornelis* July 27th, 1917
† September 7th, 1944

Dekkers, Cornelis Martinus* January 26th, 1919
† June 1st, 1944
Grave: 13

Dobson, Richard Iver* December 12th, 1906

Droogleever Fortuijn, Cornelis "Mangold"* April 10th, 1922
† September 7th, 1944

Duyn, van, Arie "Duveen"* July 27th, 1918
† February 2nd, 1988

Goede, de, Lambertus Arend "Bert"* July 2nd, 1920
† March 22nd, 1989

Haas, de, Joannes Henricus Marie* February 7th, 1918
† September 6th, 1944

Hemert, van, Gerard John "Heck Blue"* April 28th, 1920
† September 6th, 1944

Hinderink, Jacob Roelof "Jaap"* November 8th, 1923
† February 16th, 2020

Hofstede, Jan Charles* December 17th, 1918
† September 6th, 1944

Hoogewerff, Willem Frederik "Indische Wim"* April 29th, 1921
† March 8th, 1945
Plot: 8 Row: 1 Grave: 34

Hulsteijn, van, Cornelis Eliza* February 8th, 1912
† September 7th, 1944

Jambroes, George Louis* April 22nd, 1905
† September 6th, 1944

Jongelie, Roelof Christiaan* February 25th, 1903
† September 7th, 1944

Kamphorst, Peter* November 24th, 1894
† September 7th, 1944

Kemp, Peter Mant MacIntyre* August 19th, 1913
† October 30th, 1993

Kist, Jan Christiaan "Hocky"* September 22nd, 1913
† January 31st, 1943

Klooss, Barend* October 22nd, 1913
† September 6th, 1944

Koolstra, Meindert* June 4th, 1917
† September 6th, 1944

Kruijff, de, Arie Johannes* November 6th, 1912
† September 7th, 1944

Lauwers, Hubertus Mattheus Gerardus (Huub)* July 19th, 1915
† June 13th, 2004

Leigh-Fermor, Patrick Michael* February 11th, 1915
† June 10th, 2011

Macare, Humphrey Max* October 12th, 1921
† September 1944

Mink, Antoon Berend* October 21st, 1918
† September 7th, 1944

Mulholland, Leonard George "Louk"* September 20th, 1920

Nicholls, Arthur Frederick Crane* February 8th, 1911
† February 11th, 1944

Os, van, Gerrit* May 2nd, 1914
† September 6th, 1944

Pals, Michiel* May 4th, 1912
† September 7th, 1944

Pouwels, Charles Christiaan* September 25th, 1923
† April 30th, 1944

Punt, Laurentius Maria* October 13th, 1918
† September 7th, 1944

Quayle, John Anthony* September 7th, 1913
† October 20th, 1989

Raemaekers, Robert Louis* November 9th, 1909
† 1965

Ras, Gozewin Hendrik Gerard* August 27th, 1914
† September 7th, 1944

Reisiger, Gerrit Heinrich* December 1st, 1917
† April 7th, 1945

Ruseler, George Lodewijk* July 27th, 1922
† September 6th, 1944

Sebes, Hendrik Johannes* July 23rd, 1919
† September 7th, 1944

Steeksma, Horst Reindert* October 14th, 1919
† September 6th, 1944

Steman, Johannes Antonius* July 3rd, 1920
† May 29th, 1995

Taconis, Thijs* March 28th, 1914
† September 6th, 1944

Uytvanck, van, Ivo* July 7th, 1917
† September 7th, 1944

Vilnes, Karl* August 30th, 1919

Wegner, Antonius Johannes* September 20th, 1915
† September 7th, 1944

Wilden, van der, Pieter* May 8th, 1914
† September 6th, 1944

Wilden, van der, Willem "Golf"* June 1st, 1910
† September 6th, 1944