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Medaille "Winterschlacht im Osten 1941/42" (Ostmedaille)

The Eastern Winter 1941/1942 Campaign Medal (Winterschlacht im Osten 1941/1942 medaille/East Front Medal) is instituted on 26-05-1942, to reward those who had taken part in the first winter campaign in Russia between 15-11-1941 and 15-04-1942. This medal is designed by SS-Unterscharfführer Ernst Kraus and could be awarded to military personal as well as to civilians who were working for the Army, as long as they qualified for one the criteria. Because of this the Eastern Winter 1941/1942 Campaign Medal is one of the most awarded German awards. By the order of the OKW (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht) the awarding of this medal ceased on 04-09-1944.

The Eastern Winter 1941/1942 Campaign Medal is made from bunt metal or out of zinc. The medal has a round shape with a diameter of 36mm. The obverse is slightly concave and the reverse convex. At the outer edge of the medal, is a 1,5mm width flat rim, with at the inside a 1mm high lip. At the top of the medal is a stick grenade horizontally placed, with on top of that a steel German Wehrmacht helm. On the top of the helm is a small eyelet placed to accommodate the ring for the ribbon. The height measures from the top of the eyelet to the bottom of the medal 44,5mm. The image on the obverse shows a typical Wehrmacht eagle with folded wings, that in clutching a swastika in its claws. Behind the swastika is a branch of laurel leaves placed. This branch is placed diagonally and only half visible. The image on the reverse exists of the text: WINTERSCHLACHT IM OSTEN 1941/1942 with underneath another branch of laurel leaves, which is crossed by a broad sword. The medal has a gunmetal colour with the outer rim and helm being bright silver. The medal is suspended by a broad red ribbon, with in the centre a black stripe, which is flanked by two smaller white one’s. Its foundation decree stated that the red represented the bloodshed, the white stood for snow and the black for those who had fallen. Some know manufacturers are: (3) Wilhelm Deumer from Lüdenscheid, (4) Steinahuser & Lück from Lüdenscheid, (5) Hermann Wernstein from Jena-Löbstadt, (6) Fritz Zimmermann from Stuttgart, (7) Paul Meybauer from Berlin, (10) Foerster & Barth from Pforzheim, (11) Grossmann & Co from Vienna, (13) Gustav Brehmer from Markneukirchen, (15) Friedrich Orth from Vienna, (19) E. Ferdinand Wiedmann from Frankfurt, (20) C.F. Zimmermann from Pforzheim, (25) Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Hanauer Silberschmiede, (30) Hauptmünzamt from Vienna, (39) Rudolf Berge from Gablonz, (55) J.E. Hammer & Söhne from Geringswalde, (60) Katz & Deyhle from Pforzheim, (65) Klein & Quenzer from Idar-Oberstein, (73) Franz Möhnert from Gablonz, (76) Ernst Müller from Pforzheim, (80) G.H. Osang from Dresden, (88) Werner Redo from Saarlautern, (92) Josef Rückert & Sohn from Gablonz,
(93) Richard Simm & Söhne from Gablonz, (100) Rudolf Wächtler & Lange from Mittweida, (107) Carl Wild from Hamburg, (110) Otto Zappe from Gablonz,
(127) Moritz Hausch from Pforzheim, (L/55) Rudolf Wächtler & Lange from Mittweida and (L/57) B. Boerger & Co from Berlin. The most of these medal are not marked, those who are have the maker mark stamped in the ring of the ribbon.

The Eastern Winter 1941/1942 Campaign Medal was awarded in a blue, red or buff coloured paper bag, with the name of the award printed on it. It was awarded with a standard award document and conferment of the award was entered in the Soldbuch.

On official occasions or military parades the medal was worn suspended from its ribbon or as part of a group. During active duty only the ribbon was worn through the second buttonhole or as part of a ribbon bar. When it was worn through the buttonhole, it was put behind the ribbon of the Iron Cross 2 (Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse) or The War Merit Cross second class (Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2. Klasse) but among combat troops it is often seen after the last because of the higher prestige of the Eastern Winter 1941/1942 Campaign Medal.

The criteria for receiving this award were:

That the recipient had been engaged in combat for at least 2 weeks.
That the recipient spent at least 60 days in the operation area.
That the recipient inflicted a wound during combat.
When the recipient suffered serious frostbite for which the Wounded Badge 1939 in Black (Verwundetenabzeichen 1939 in Schwarz) was awarded. Because of this the Eastern Winter 1941/1942 Campaign Medal was also know as the “Frozen Meat Order.” (Gefreierfleischorden)

For Luftwaffe personal was the criteria, that they had flown at least 30 days above enemy territory.

Springer, Heinrich Adolf Leopold (Waffen SS)* November 3rd, 1914
† October 27th, 2007

Bidermann, Gottlob-Herbert* August 28th, 1920
† September 1st, 2010

Grid List
NameDate of birthDate of deathAwards
Gablenz, Freiherr von, Maximilian Anton Heinrich26-07-188107-07-1945
Gadringer, Gottfried02-10-192020-12-1943
Gaillard, Raymond02-09-191401-03-2005
Gaisbauer, Alois12-10-190901-12-1944
Gall, Freiherr von, Waldemar15-03-190627-01-1965
Gallach, Johann  more
Gallas, Paul25-01-188518-09-1944more
Gallien, Gilbert  
Gallowitsch, Bernhard 'Bernd'23-02-191828-12-1983more
Gamper, Alois09-05-190831-01-1945
Gamperer, Johann18-05-191329-08-1943
Gankema, Hendrik Berend02-10-191727-12-1942
Gans, Ernst (Flak-Regiment 3)12-10-191207-05-1944
Gansmeier, Jakob (Division-Füsilier-Bataillon 212)30-05-190008-08-1944more
Gapp, Franz08-07-191908-09-2015more
Gareis, Martin (General der Infanterie)06-10-189126-02-1976more
Gareis, Wilhelm (Artillerie-Regiment 3)11-04-188818-12-1943more
Garstenauer, Alois10-05-191125-02-1945
Gasselsberger, Franz29-03-191626-06-1944
Gast, Robert (Fallschirmjäger-Regiment 7)28-03-192000-11-2011
Gast, Wolfgang (Waffen SS)14-02-191908-05-1988more
Gattermaier, Alois27-05-191827-02-1943
Gattinger, Gottlieb31-08-191314-01-1943
Gaudecker-Zuch, von, Gerlach24-03-190911-03-1970more
Gaupp-Berghausen, Reichsfreiherr von, Georg12-01-191823-03-1985more
Gaux, Franz07-11-190815-02-1943
Gebauer, Fritz (Grenz-Pionier-Bataillon 74)05-02-191000-06-1944
Gebel, Helmut  
Gefeller, Heinz11-06-1911 more
Gegenfurtner, Max10-09-191431-01-1944
Gehl, Friedrich30-12-191407-03-1987
Gehl, Paul27-10-191803-12-1994more
Gehret, Johann07-09-191917-07-1943
Gehrke, Erich (Grenadier-Regiment 553)29-08-190708-08-1944
Gehrke, Ernst Gustav Julius (Grenadier-Reg. 284)29-04-191018-09-1944
Gehrke, Kurt ("Großdeutschland")13-01-190324-10-1944more
Geibinger, Klemens05-04-192321-02-1945
Geier, Franz Xaver (Art.Rgt. 212)29-08-191419-09-1944
Geier, Ludwig 29-10-1943
Geier, Rupert17-07-191417-06-1943more
Geigenberger, Xaver20-09-191127-07-1943
Geil, Jakob04-10-1913 
Geisberger, Johann (Grenadier Regiment)13-07-192119-03-1944
Geisberger, Josef28-11-192505-01-1945
Geisegger, Johann (Hans)04-01-191525-11-1943
Geisendorf, Fritz-Adolf07-12-1909 more
Geiser, Johann15-08-191207-02-1943
Geishauser, Alfons05-10-192123-07-1943
Geisler, Gerhard (Divisions-Panzerjäger-Komp.131)05-04-191329-02-1944
Geisler, Rudolf29-03-191113-04-1944more
Geissler, Gerhard (Panzer-Regiment 39)  
Gekle, Clemens Maria Benno04-03-191505-09-1999more
Genske, Gerhard (Pionier-Bataillon 257)17-11-191917-07-1943
Genzinger, Josef 23-11-1943
Georgi, Gerhard 'Gerd' (Panzer-Regiment 35)11-11-191108-07-1943
Geppert, Erich31-12-191208-02-1966
Gerbel, Anton07-11-192001-04-1944
Gerbener, Heinrich02-05-191415-11-2010
Gerecht, Otto19-01-189914-10-1943more
Gerhardi, Otfried21-01-1919 more
Gerhardinger, Josef24-10-191317-03-1943
Gerhards, Alfred (Infanterie-Regiment 407)  more
Gerhardt, Otto (Infanterie-Regiment 503)28-01-191118-09-1944
Gerhardt, Paul (Grenadier-Regiment 31)  more
Gerhardt, Rudolf Karl Hermann (Panzer-Regiment 7)26-03-189610-11-1964more
Gerhold, Ferdinand13-11-191308-10-1943
Gerke, Siegfried (Panzer-Pionier-Bataillon 16)30-04-191709-10-1998more
Gerl, Franz Xaver16-11-191413-06-1980more
Gerlach, Clemens30-06-1916 
Gerlach, Karl05-08-191419-03-1991more
Gerlach, Ludwig14-10-191927-02-2001
Gernt, Theo08-03-192301-01-2004more
Gerold, Max08-09-1923 
Gersdorff, Freiherr von, Rudolf-Christoph27-03-190526-01-1980more
Gerstenmeier, Karl00-00-1904 more
Gerstmeier, Heinz29-04-1917 more
Gerstner, Rudolf24-10-191430-04-1945more
Gerth, Walter (SS-Artillerie-Reg. 3 "Totenkopf")14-12-191410-01-1995more
Gesele, Karl (Waffen SS)15-08-191209-04-1968more
Gessner, Harald (Grenadier-Regiment 61)28-01-192118-03-1944
Geurts, Julius "Juul"24-02-192309-01-1943
Geyer, Anton13-01-191004-04-1944
Geyer, Hermann (General der Infanterie)07-07-188210-04-1946more
Geyer, Rolf10-11-1910 
Geyr von Schweppenburg, Reichsfreiherr, Leo02-03-188627-01-1974more
Geßner, Viktor (Grenadier-Regiment 107)  
Gider, Otto18-02-1917 more
Giersdorf, Helmuth  more
Giese, Karl11-10-190419-09-1980
Gieseke, Otto (Waffen SS)24-03-189126-02-1968more
Giesing, Eugen22-09-1919 
Giesler, Franz17-09-1914 more
Gilbert, Kurt20-12-191300-07-2008more
Gille, Herbert Otto 'Papa'08-03-189726-12-1966more
Gillis, Léon (Waffen SS)11-12-191324-03-1977more
Gilow, Peter-Eckhardt Arno Hermann13-03-191808-11-1992more
Gilsa, Freiherr von und zu, Werner-Albrecht04-03-188908-05-1945more
Gimmler, Willy (Generalleutnant)13-10-189019-08-1963more
Ginzinger, Franz11-06-192201-04-1944
Girg, Walter (Waffen SS)13-08-191925-07-2010more
Gladewitz, Herbert (Skijäger-Regiment 1)22-02-191621-09-2000
Glaesemer, Wolfgang (Panzergrenadier-Regiment 6)14-03-189910-04-1999more
Glase, Willi26-04-1905 
Glaser, Friedrich (Grenadier-Regiment 253)13-11-192016-03-1999
Gliemann, Paul01-09-190903-03-1945more
Gloddek, August14-05-1912 more
Gloge, Reinhold18-02-191603-03-1997more
Gläsche, Dieter01-09-192030-04-2015
Gläser, Alexander (Schlachtgeschwader 77)04-01-191413-09-2003more
Gläser, Erich (Infanterie-Regiment 484)15-12-190116-01-1974
Gmeindl, Alois 23-10-1944
Gnigler, Franz 17-10-1944
Godron, Richard23-12-1915 more
Goebel, Johann-Georg (SS-Geb.Art.Rgt.6)30-06-189302-01-1962more
Goedecke, Heinz  more
Goedemans, Adriaan18-07-191600-00-1943
Goertz, Ernst22-09-1914 more
Goethem, van, Herman P.L.26-04-192304-12-1942
Goiginger, Franz09-08-191824-09-1944
Gokke, Nicolaas Dominicus A.25-11-191209-03-1945
Goldammer, Friedrich 'Fritz' (schnelle Abt.306)13-08-191021-01-1982more
Goldstein, Michael (Infanterie-Regiment 488)16-12-192028-10-1943
Gollas, Josef (Infanterie-Regiment 106)12-12-191412-12-1980more
Gollert-Hansen, Hans-Detlef (Reiter-Regiment 31)03-11-191306-03-1945more
Gollnick, Hans (General der Infanterie)22-05-189215-02-1970more
Gollwitzer, Friedrich (General der Infanterie)27-04-188925-03-1977more
Goltz, Graf von den, Albert24-06-189316-03-1944more
Gombert, Ludwig29-08-191127-12-1943
Gomille, Herbert15-08-191318-05-2009more
Gorny, Ernst10-11-1920 more
Goth, Ernst28-07-189719-01-1986more
Goth, Johann15-08-190515-08-1944
Gotter, Albert27-02-191012-01-1943
Gottke, Heinrich (Waffen SS)07-07-192112-08-1998
Graaf, de, Wim10-08-192300-00-1943
Grabendorffer, Max26-10-1917 more
Graber, Heinz (Sturzkampfgeschwader 2 'Immelmann')09-03-191230-01-1943more
Gradauer, Johann14-01-191203-09-1944
Gradinger, Gottfried 20-12-1943
Graefe, Hans16-08-191111-05-1965more
Graf, Aloysius Anton "Alois"14-09-190808-04-1945more
Graf, Hellmuth Klaus Gustav16-11-1895 more
Graffen, von, Karl (58. ID)06-06-189301-11-1964more
Gramm, Herbert14-07-1921 
Grammer, Karl (Gefreiter)09-01-192001-11-1942
Grandl, Michael03-02-191728-07-1943
Grascher, Simon (Waffen SS)18-12-192014-07-1943more
Grasser, Anton03-11-189103-11-1976more
Grasser, Rudolf20-04-191813-09-1992
Graubner, Reinhard (Kampfgeschwader 4)02-08-191503-11-1986more
Grauer, Otto (Aufklärungsgruppe 11)10-02-191513-11-1943more
Graupner, Gerhard (Schützen-Regiment 103)12-10-191310-06-1942
Gravenhorst, Max  
Gravenreuth, Freiherr von, Sigmund-Ulrich21-10-190916-10-1944more
Graß, Johann08-12-191905-04-1943
Graßl, Alois19-12-191601-09-1942
Graßmann, Dieter13-01-192014-08-1991more
Grebarsche, Gerhard (SS-Panzergrenadier-Reg. 2)15-02-191311-01-1992more
Gregor, Rudolf (Pionier-Bataillon 162)08-02-191900-09-1944
Greiffenberg, von, Hans (General der Infanterie)12-10-189330-06-1951more
Greim, Alfred Bruno Eduard08-08-190219-05-1943more
Greimel, Georg 27-01-1943
Greiner, Heinrich "Heinz"12-08-189519-11-1977more
Greiter, Hans26-08-192001-10-2002more
Greven, Matthias26-01-191623-12-1942more
Grewe, Antonius13-08-191003-04-1943
Griebel, Libor (Grenadier-Regiment 170)  
Griesbach, Franz21-12-189224-09-1984more
Griese, Bernhard (Waffen SS)17-01-188711-02-1964more
Grieser, Maximilian Joseph 'Max' (Pz-Gren.Reg.114)18-08-191415-08-1944more
Griesinger, Julius (Artillerie-Regiment 5)  
Griesmayer, Hans03-12-191618-10-1944more
Grievink, Heinrich Johann11-09-191114-03-1943
Grillenberger, Rudolf (Panzerjäger-Abteilung 653)21-03-1914 more
Grimm, Leonhard21-12-192119-09-1943
Grimm, Wilhelm  more
Grimmler, Kurt (Panzergrenadier-Regiment 10)03-08-191604-10-1944more
Grodde, Werner22-07-191407-10-2003more
Grohmann, Franz (Waffen SS)16-10-191907-04-2000more
Grohme, Wilhelm  more
Grolig, Oswin (Generalmajor)06-01-189418-08-1944more
Groll, von, Max05-10-191010-05-1945more
Grolman, von, Friedrich Hermann (Panzer-Reg.18)07-07-191305-07-2004
Groote, von, Wolfgang Dr. phil. (Inf.-Reg.172)17-09-191131-07-2000
Grooten, Cornelius Jozef Hubertus24-06-192317-01-1943
Gross, Franz (Unteroffizier)17-10-192023-12-1943
Grosse, Erich Hugo Richard (Generalmajor)23-06-188501-12-1942more
Grosse, Gert (Grenadier-Regiment 529)25-04-191108-12-1982more
Grosser, Kurt (Infanterie-Regiment 460)05-10-189829-03-1964more
Grosskopf, Walter (Pz. Jäg. Abt. 2)25-08-191705-02-1945more
Grossmann-Doerth, Dr. Hans (Gren.Reg. 501)09-09-189405-03-1944more
Grote, Ernst-Albert05-08-191408-10-1973more
Grote, Wilhelm11-08-1912 more
Groth, Heinz (Gebirgs-Jäger-Regiment 98)08-01-190628-04-1994more
Grothe, Hermann Ernst (Generalmajor)10-12-189405-04-1959more
Grotheer, Siegfried-Hermann (Grenadier-Reg. 464)03-07-190719-12-1991more
Groß, Alois  more
Groß, Helmut27-12-191022-10-2004more
Groß, Johann24-09-191311-09-1943
Groß, Martin (Waffen SS)15-04-191101-03-1984more
Groß, Xaver09-01-192014-10-1943
Großlaub, Herbert Richard06-05-190600-04-1945more
Großmann, Horst (General der Infanterie)19-11-189104-05-1972more
Gruber, Alois05-12-191910-10-1943
Gruber, Ferdinand29-09-191328-12-1943
Gruber, Johann22-10-191816-01-1944
Gruber, Max14-07-191605-09-1944
Gruber, Rupert22-08-191401-02-1968
Grundherr, von, Alexander Dr. (Pz-Art.Reg. 76)27-09-189607-03-1973more
Grundner, Andreas29-04-191302-06-1944
Grundner, Michael00-00-192024-12-1944
Gruner, Erich10-09-189412-05-1944more
Grunge, Ernst Hermann Wilhelm "Wilhelm"27-07-191616-11-1984more
Grusche, Hermann20-07-189709-02-1978more
Grübing, Ferdinand Hermann (Flak-Regiment 38)27-09-1919 more
Grün, Ottfried (3. Panzerarmee)12-06-1916 
Grüner, Georg (Panzer-Regiment 2)09-08-191511-03-1944more
Grüner, Hans (Grenadier-Regiment 42)00-00-1919 more
Grüner, Rudolf (292. Infanterie-Division)12-06-1913 
Grünert, Richard (Panzergrenadier-Regiment 7)08-10-189913-03-1943more
Grüntjes, Wilhelm 'Willy' (Obergefreiter)09-12-191224-12-1944
Gräbner, Victor-Eberhard (Waffen SS)24-05-191418-09-1944more
Grättinger, Hermann30-05-191915-11-1967
Grätz, Erich (Waffen SS)14-08-190919-02-1974more
Gröbl, Albert12-10-191527-01-1945
Grögler, Ernest08-07-191804-09-1972more
Gschaid, Adolf28-01-190910-12-1942
Gschwandtner, Karl26-01-191901-11-1942
Gschwendtner, Anton28-12-192109-12-1944
Gsenger, Franz12-02-191618-08-1943
Gsödl, Alois27-11-191907-01-1944
Guaita, York  more
Guckenberger, Rudolf (Infanterie-Regiment 481)14-04-191514-01-1945more
Gusmann, Jürgen (Kradschützen-Bataillon 30)03-02-190712-08-1942
Gustavsson, Karl-Heinz (Waffen SS)10-02-191520-07-1990more
Gustedt, von, Harald04-05-191001-11-1980more
Gutberlet, Paul (Div. Nachschubtruppen 229)  
Gutmacher, Gerhard, Dr. jur. (Gren.Reg.178)31-10-191731-03-2008
Gutmann, Joachim28-11-190229-12-1969more
Gutzeit, Ernst  more
Gültingen, Freiherr von, Regimboto24-03-1906 
Günther, Alfred (Waffen SS)25-04-191715-06-1944
Günther,, Klaus (Waffen SS)10-02-1909 more
Günther, Erich (generalmajor)16-01-189803-05-1944more
Günther, Hans (Artillerie-Regiment (mot) 18)13-10-1893 more
Günther, Johannes (Panzergrenadier-Regiment 28)30-05-1916 more
Günzel, Reinhard02-02-190705-12-1970more
Günzkofer, Josef03-02-191518-10-1943
Güttlinger, Felix17-11-191515-07-1943
Gäbler, Kurt06-02-1913 more
Gärtner, Willi Ernst Johannes02-03-191403-02-1944
Göbel, Hans (WH-Gren.Rgt. 1226)23-03-191206-03-1995more
Göbel, Karl (Grenadier-Regiment 420)20-01-190002-03-1945more
Göhler, Johannes 'Hannes' (Waffen SS)15-09-191821-02-2003more
Göller, Sigwart10-08-191110-04-2000more
Göpfert, Christian28-08-1910 more
Görcke, Willy07-09-1912 
Göschl, Josef12-12-191528-01-1943
Göttert, Oswin05-12-191203-06-1986more
Göttert, Willi13-03-191125-04-2008more
Göttfried, Franz14-11-1919 
Göttinger, Ferdinand16-04-191622-10-1944
Götz, Hans02-06-191904-08-1943more
Götz, Heinrich01-01-189631-01-1960more
Götz, Heinz  
Gößmann, Franz (Grenadier-Regiment 199 "List")08-12-190904-04-1945more
