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Bronzen Kruis (BK)

The Bronze Cross was instituted on June 11th 1940. It was to become a special award for military, who behaved courageous or meritious in facing the enemy, in service for the Kingdom of the Netherlands. When civilians or foreign military acted in special interest for the safety of the Netherlands, they could also be rewarded the Bronze Cross.

The decoration could be awarded more then once. The recipient received a gold coloured Arabian number to be worn on the ribbon, that indicated the number of Bronze Crosses the recipient had received ("2", "3", etc.).

The medal is formed in the shape of a four armed cross with a total width of 29 mm. On the obverse there is a crowned "W" inside a circle with Oak Leaves on the left and laurel on the right. On the reverse is shown the same circle, but within it the year "1940" and on the arms of the cross the words "TROUW AAN / KONINGIN / EN / VADERLAND". The medal is taken from the old "Metalen Kruis 1830-1831". The ribbon is orange with a small stripe of Nassau-bleu in the middle.

At first the medal was also awarded to anyone who had received the "Eervolle Vermelding" (Mentioned in Dispatches) if they hadn’t received a Bronze Cross before. To indicate this there was a "Kroon voor Eervol Vermelden" (Gold coloured crown) being place don the ribbon of the Bronze Cross. However in 1944 there was instituted a new decoration, the Bronze Lion and all Bronze Crosses that were decorated with the mentioned in dispatches crown were replaced with the Bronze Lion.

The Bronze Cross is received after a Royal Decree that is controlled by the Commissie Dapperheidonderscheidingen van het Ministerie van Defensie (Special Committee of the Ministry of Defence) which advises the Minister of Defence and the Dutch Queen.

Abraham, Carel* August 1st, 1909
† February 15th, 1943
Plot: E Grave: 155

Grid List
NameDate of birthDate of deathAwards
Salsman, John Edward  
Saltet de Sablet d’Estières, Louis Gabriel21-12-192008-04-1945
Samson, J.A.  
Samson, Robert Bertie  
Sanders, Moise Louis03-03-191610-05-1940
Santala, Enio  
Sargent, Irwin  
Saux, le, Albert03-11-192108-04-1945
Savelli, Jean Fabrice07-11-1921 
Scammell, Alfred  
Scheepers, Henricus Wilhelmus25-08-192513-08-1948
Scheijbeler, Johan.F.H.15-10-192010-11-1944
Schenk, Gerardus Willem "Wim"31-08-191811-05-1940
Scheybeler, Henri Antonie  
Schils, R.  
Schippers, Johannes Theodorus Maria01-05-191314-05-1940
Schmidt, Rene A.20-06-191701-02-2007
Schneider, Cornelis26-12-190710-05-1940
Schoenmaker, Carel Michiel00-00-192213-10-2004
Schol, Willem25-08-191710-05-1940
Scholten, Roelof Jan24-09-191612-05-1940
Schrader, Anton Bernard09-11-191708-11-2000
Schrauwen, Cornelis Franciscus12-05-191311-05-1940
Schuiling, Barend  
Scott, Thomas  
Searle, Albert Chester28-02-189215-12-1965
Sebes, Hendrik Johannes23-07-191907-09-1944
Sedgwick, Frank Hampson  
Seiferth, Paul R.  
Serra, Marcel  
Setten, van, Philippus Bernardus04-07-191313-05-1940
Seymour, Adrian John Conway  
Sharp, Charles R.  
Sheffield, George Berkeley  
Sholar, Marvin Edward12-08-191225-01-1985more
Short, Ronald 00-00-1981
Shultz, D.R.  
Shurter, Robert Allison, Jr.00-04-192100-07-1979more
Siliacus, Johannes Cornelis Arnoldus 'John'05-08-191609-09-2003
Simon Thomas, Hans12-12-190712-05-1940
Sips, Hendrikus Johannes Cornelis27-06-191314-05-1940
Sirat, x00-00-192104-02-1949
Sixma Baron van Heemstra, Hector Livius30-05-192107-12-2001
Skarott, Walter C.  
Slager, Pieter Berend00-00-192526-07-1951
Sloot, Petrus Bernardus10-12-191614-05-1940
Slopsma, L.F. "Niek"10-01-191419-02-2011
Sluijter, Philippus08-05-189927-04-1941
Smashnuk, Eli B.  
Smeele, Petrus Johannes Godefriedus17-08-191610-05-1940
Smit, Hendrik  
Smit, Jacob14-08-191127-04-1945
Smit, Jan14-02-191910-05-1940
Smit, Pieter Klaas06-01-192803-01-1951
Smith, Harold Page17-02-190404-01-1993more
Smith, William Edward  
Smits, Theunis07-10-191910-05-1940
Sneath, A.W.  
Snijder, Dirk27-04-191812-11-1958
Soe, Tan Seng  
Soliveau, Louis André18-03-192218-04-1962
Sollenberger, McCord  
Somers, Claude Charles  
Soper, G.L.  
Spears, William Oscar, Jr.18-01-191610-04-1995
Speth, Philippe A.12-10-192322-04-1945
Spina, Pierre Bevalot Robert 10-04-1945
Splunter, van, Pieter Johan09-09-192213-06-2014
Springate, Alfred Charles  
Srama, Karol  
Stad, van der, Cornelis01-11-191719-02-1942
Stalpers, G.A.00-00-1919 
Stamperius, Jacob Matthias18-09-188402-11-1942
Stanley, J.C.  
Starink, Herman17-12-192011-05-2013
Staverman, Franciscus Anton12-08-191213-11-1942
Stayt, Ralph Marcus21-09-191929-01-2015
Stead, Ernest  
Steeksma, Horst Reindert14-10-191906-09-1944
Steele, Michael J.  
Steen, van der, Hendrik Willem20-06-191101-09-2009
Steen, van, Antonius05-02-191231-12-1944
Steichen, René  
Steinman, Peter Joseph  
Stevenson, Walter  
Stewart, Donald E.  
Stiemens, Johannes Hendrik06-02-191010-05-1940
Stok, van der, Abraham Lambertus "Bram"13-10-191508-02-1993more
Stok, van der, Johan Paul21-03-191911-04-1945
Stokes, Joseph Henry  
Stokkum, van, Norbertus Julius Maria01-11-191730-01-1945
Stoopman, Johannes17-06-191911-05-1940
Storm van 's Gravesande, Jan Jacob16-05-191927-02-1942
Story, Henry28-12-192105-05-1945
Straub, Arthur A.  
Strom, Carl A.  
Stroop, Wolter08-07-192911-08-2020
Stroud, Alfred H.  
Struis, van der, Leendert06-12-191912-05-1940
Studer, R.W.  
Stumpff, Frederik01-10-191723-12-1948
Sturm, Willem Johannes17-03-191731-08-2008
Sublett, Q.L.  
Suin, Armand F.19-09-1918 
Sullivan, P.  
Sullivan, Patrick Howard  
Swarthof, Gerard Jan21-09-189925-02-1942
Swieten, van, Eduard Louis05-04-189507-05-1945
Swift, Walter Hammerton  
Swinscow, Thomas Douglas Victor10-07-191724-09-1992
Sykes, Ernest Thomas  
