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Croix de Guerre (1939-1945)

This decoration was instituted on April 8th 1915 to commemmorate individual mentions in despatches and can be awarded to all French military personnel, regardless of rank and also to officers and men of Allied Forces for an individual feat of arms mentioned in a despatch. The despatch had to originate from an officer commanding an Army, an Army Corps, a Division, a Brigade or the C.O. of a Regiment or a corresponding unit of Naval Forces. Mention in Army Despatch merits a small bronze laurel branch, Army Corps Despatch a silver gilt star, Divisional a silver star, Regimental or similar Unit Despatch a bronze star; all these emblems to be worn on the ribbon of the Cross. For every mention the appropiate emblem will be awarded; if one person has been awarded five palms, he will wear a silver palm instead.
The ribbon of the Croix de Guerre 1939-1945 differs from the original; it is coloured bright red with four vertical bands of green in the centre.

Grid List
NameDate of birthDate of deathAwards
Jaboulay, Henri05-08-189711-06-1977more
Jacob, André14-04-190909-11-1940
Jacob, François17-06-192020-04-2013more
Jacobi, Henri00-00-191500-00-1945
Jacquier, Paul14-06-191005-01-1995more
Jacquinot de Presle, Martial Amable Georges13-02-190211-04-2005
Jacquinot, Louis16-09-189814-06-1993
Jaeger, Rodolphe22-04-192013-09-1944
Jamme, André26-03-191717-07-1983
Janney, André09-09-190523-07-1985more
Janousek, Karel30-10-189327-10-1971more
Jaouen, Jean30-05-191830-05-1945more
Jaquemet, Félix06-04-191514-10-1945more
Jarrot, André13-12-190921-04-2000more
Jaske, Josef Antonin30-01-191320-06-2001more
Jastrzebski, Franticizek10-11-190525-10-1940more
Jean, Edmond07-01-191922-11-2003more
Jeanperrin, Georges14-05-191606-01-2003more
Jecht, Gabriel 00-11-2002
Jedrziewski, Anthony A.03-01-191523-01-1985
Jeff, Robert Voase31-03-191311-08-1940
Jefferson, James Curry00-00-1906 
Jellicoe, George Patrick John Rushworth04-04-191822-02-2007more
Jenks, Robert Fergus12-07-190925-02-1982
Jesso, F.A.  
Jestin, Jean-Louis30-04-192023-08-1944more
Jeulin, Marcel03-02-192120-05-1944
Jicha, Vaclav10-02-191401-02-1945more
Johansen, Guttorm Sindre04-11-190129-07-1960
Johnson, Earle A.16-03-1893 more
Johnson, John 28-05-192231-03-1989
Johnson, Leon William13-09-190410-11-1997more
Johnson, Walter M.00-00-190300-06-1997more
Johnston, Francis Patrick Chislett10-03-1917 more
Joire, Jules29-08-191418-03-1944more
Joly, Paul27-06-189924-04-1945more
Jomier, Jacques07-03-191407-12-2008
Jonas, Paul08-06-189806-06-1958more
Jones, Sydney Charles25-11-190206-09-1944
Jordan, Augustin Marie Camille10-12-191024-03-2004more
Joseph, Frank D., Jr.  
Joubert des Ouches, Jacques02-05-192006-06-1944
Jouneau, Georges23-04-190223-04-1981
Jourdan, Maurice08-08-190204-02-1972more
Jourden, Joseph Michel29-03-191109-08-1944
Jourdier, Paul20-10-190702-04-1995more
Jousse, Germain20-11-189521-03-1988more
Juin, Alphonse Pierre16-12-188827-01-1967more
Julitte, Pierre24-05-191015-08-1991more
Jullian, Yves19-07-191821-09-1983more
Jumel, Robert28-04-192002-11-1944


Lanyard with the War Cross
Fourragere Croix de GuerreLanyard with the War Cross
In the database: 7
