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British (1706 - present)

Spotlighted out of 14.129 persons in the database

Kragt, Dignus "Dick"* July 18th, 1917
† July 8th, 2008

Tedder, Arthur William* July 11th, 1890
† July 3rd, 1967

Tunna, Norman* April 29th, 1908
† December 4th, 1970

Grid List
NameDate of birthDate of deathAwards
Tabuteau, George Grant00-00-188110-03-1940
Taffender, William Clifford 13-06-1941
Tagg, Arthur Ernest 25-12-1941
Tague, Ernest 22-09-1944
Tait, George Dickson 31-05-1940
Tait, Hugh 07-07-1941
Tait, James Adie  
Tait, James Brian "Willie"09-12-191631-08-2007more
Tait, John McCalia 26-03-1943
Tait, John Norman13-11-1888 
Tait, Robert Duncan "Bob" 00-00-1975more
Tait, Stephen Henry 26-11-1944
Tait, William  
Tait, William Eric Campbell12-08-188617-07-1946
Taite, Richard Hamish05-04-1911 
Taitt, Martin Luther 30-08-1919
Takle, Richard James 21-02-1945
Talbot, Alexander Harry  
Talbot, Arthur George31-03-189215-10-1960
Talbot, Cecil Ponsonby31-08-188417-03-1970more
Talbot, Dennis Edmund Blaquiere23-09-190800-00-1994more
Talbot, Ellis Edward Arthur Chetwynd22-03-192009-10-1941
Talbot, Henry Fitzroy George 04-07-1920
Talbot, Joseph H.07-08-1913 
Talbot-Ponsonby, J.A.  
Talby, Cyril 25-03-1944
Talkington, J.A.  
Tallack, John Basil 28-11-1944
Tallentire, Alexander Gordon00-00-191706-06-1942
Tallon, George 01-11-1944
Tambling, Harry 17-04-1945
Tan, Boon Cheok18-05-192214-03-1971
Tandy, Bernard Raymond01-07-1916 
Tandy, William J.06-08-1916 
Tanner, Anthony George 26-07-1943
Tannock, William 18-11-1944
Taperell, John Allan  
Taperell, Michael Omer Treleaven27-03-192204-03-1945
Tapp, Nigel Prior Hanson00-00-190400-00-1991
Tapper, Myer 27-05-1940
Tapper, Richard Godfrey  
Tappin, Herbert Edward12-06-191809-01-2007
Tarbuck, James  
Tarr, Vincent John 15-06-1943
Tarrant, Edward John 22-11-1944
Tarrant, Kenneth William John30-12-191700-00-2011
Tarrant, WilliamFry  
Tarrier, George A.08-11-1913 
Tasker, Anthony Greaves  
Tasker, Thomas 31-10-1944
Tate, Frederick Cyril Graham 16-08-1942
Tate, John Nicholas Bailey 25-07-1941
Tate, O. 10-04-1917
Tatham, Walter 08-02-1945
Tatham-Warter, Allison "Digby"26-05-191721-03-1993
Tatnall, James Benjamin 15-02-1944
Tattam, George Thomas00-00-192003-05-1943
Tattersall, Hugh Geoffrey Wynne01-05-192307-10-1988
Taun, Arthur 11-02-1942
Tayler, Denis Graham William19-09-192003-09-2005more
Tayler, Norman Leslie  
Tayler, Skipwith Edward00-00-189817-03-1941
Taylor, Albert William 03-07-1945
Taylor, Alec Louis 25-09-1944
Taylor, Alexander Miller Wylie 13-11-1944
Taylor, Alexander Surridge 19-07-1944
Taylor, Alistair Lennox 04-12-1941
Taylor, Alistair Murray 11-07-1943
Taylor, Allan Craig 12-11-1942
Taylor, Basil Anthony Bethune  
Taylor, C.C. 22-09-1919
Taylor, Charles James 03-03-1945
Taylor, Charles Thomas  
Taylor, Charles William 19-01-1945
Taylor, Clive Shackleton08-09-192021-03-2012
Taylor, Dick Manning  
Taylor, Donald  
Taylor, Duncan Alexander  
Taylor, Edgar 21-10-1944
Taylor, Edwin W. 01-11-1944
Taylor, Eric Gwynne  
Taylor, Ernest 24-01-1945
Taylor, Frank Albert 02-11-1944
Taylor, Frank Evans 17-10-1944
Taylor, Geoffrey Cook 28-12-1944
Taylor, George  
Taylor, George Derek 23-09-1944
Taylor, Gordon Douglas 00-05-2015
Taylor, Gordon Frederick 28-08-1944
Taylor, Graham Cecil Gordon00-00-191801-06-1941
Taylor, Harold 23-10-1942
Taylor, Harry Clifford  
Taylor, Harry Forbes McPherson 05-12-1943
Taylor, Henry Jefferys Leigh 23-09-1944
Taylor, Henry Tattersall  
Taylor, Herbert Brian  
Taylor, J. 09-01-1919
Taylor, Jack 25-09-1944
Taylor, James John 17-10-1944
Taylor, John 16-10-1944
Taylor, John 14-11-1918
Taylor, John Everard  
Taylor, John Mitchell 30-03-1943
Taylor, John Stuart 12-07-1943
Taylor, John Thurlow  
Taylor, Kenneth Chadwick 31-12-1942
Taylor, Leonard Frederick  
Taylor, Lionel Arthur  
Taylor, Nena Garty 00-08-1948
Taylor, Neville26-09-1910 
Taylor, Norman 00-04-1948
Taylor, Norman 22-10-1944
Taylor, Norman (No. 77 Squadron)  
Taylor, Percy Edwin  
Taylor, Philip Bernard 11-08-1940
Taylor, Reginald Charles  
Taylor, Richard 21-10-1944
Taylor, Robert James 25-09-1944
Taylor, Roy Leonard 20-10-1943
Taylor, Samuel  
Taylor, Sidney Alfred 15-10-1944
Taylor, T.D.  
Taylor, Thomas William 17-03-1945
Taylor, Vernon William Charles 20-04-2008
Taylor, Victor Raymond 03-05-1945
Taylor, William01-08-1916 more
Taylor, William George  
Taylor, William Horace23-10-190816-01-1999
Taylor, William Robert 12-09-1944
Taylor, Willie Spanton 15-05-1919
Taylor-Hughes, Thomas John 02-09-1942
Taylorson, James 17-02-1945
Taylour, Edward Winchester Tollemache01-01-191513-09-1942
Teather, James Brian 07-10-1944
Tebble, George Graham 17-06-1943
Teck, of, Francis Joseph Leopold Frederick09-01-187022-10-1910more
Teck, of, Mary26-05-186731-03-1953more
Tedcastle, Maurice William 05-11-1944
Tedder, Arthur William11-07-189003-07-1967more
Teden, Derek Edmund19-07-191615-10-1940
Tee, Ronald A.01-12-1919 
Telfer, Douglas 26-06-1943
Telford, George 10-11-1944
Telford, Leonard  
Tella, Clifford Charles William 26-11-1944
Temlett, Cyril Bernard 03-07-1942
Temple, Charles  
Temple, Herbert Lawman 28-01-1945
Temple, John R.  
Temple, Reginald Robert  
Temple, Robert E.  
Templer, Gerald Walter Robert "Tiger of Malaya"11-09-189825-10-1979more
Tennant, Fred 13-04-1945
Tennant, Thomas Cameron23-08-1918 
Tennant, William Ernest 26-10-1944
Terrell, John Francis 21-10-1944
Terry, Antony Frederic Aimé Imbert00-00-191301-10-1992
Terry, Arthur John 17-08-1945
Terry, Dennis Frederick Jasper 31-10-1944
Terry, Frank Arthur 11-04-1943
Terson, George Burke  
Tesseyman, Cecil Vernon Shephard "Victor"  
Tesseyman, E.R.  
Tester, A. 22-03-1921
Tew, Albert Walter  
Thallon, Robert Erle09-05-192304-07-1943
Tharby, William 24-05-1945
Thatcher, Mark00-00-1836 
Thaxter, Harold George 23-09-1944
Theobald, Wilfred Murray 12-06-1943
Theobalds, John Arundel 16-05-1944
Thicknesse, Henry John Anthony31-12-189923-10-1944
Thickpenny, Albert Edward26-05-191926-09-1944
Thirkell, Norman Cecil 07-08-1941
Thirlaway, A.C.  
Thiselton, Sydney Frederick 15-11-1944
Thomas, Albert Victor  
Thomas, Alexander Cameron  
Thomas, Charles George 26-04-1919
Thomas, Charles Raymond Delauney24-09-191818-07-1940
Thomas, Clifford William 30-05-1944
Thomas, David John Dudley00-00-192225-01-1943
Thomas, David Selwyn 16-09-1944
Thomas, David Tudor Wales 14-11-1944
Thomas, Donald09-02-1920 
Thomas, Edwin Lewis James 18-11-1944
Thomas, Eric Hugh10-10-191721-04-1959
Thomas, Eric Rees 08-11-1941
Thomas, Ernest Charnock  
Thomas, Eugene Sydney 18-08-1942
Thomas, George Henry 30-10-1918
Thomas, Gwilym Ivor "Butcher Thomas"23-07-189329-08-1972more
Thomas, Henry James "Jim"21-06-191715-12-1965
Thomas, Henry William01-06-1924 
Thomas, Herbert 22-10-1918
Thomas, Herbert Samuel Griffiths15-04-191224-08-1980
Thomas, Iorwerth Ieuan 18-02-1945
Thomas, Ivor Llewellyn 10-05-1940
Thomas, John  
Thomas, John 13-05-1943
Thomas, John Hendry 24-10-1944
Thomas, John William00-00-192428-05-1944
Thomas, Kenneth William Clarence00-00-192010-09-1944
Thomas, Mervyn Somerset30-08-190021-08-1947
Thomas, Morgan 17-04-1945
Thomas, N. 13-08-1916
Thomas, Penry Llewelyn 10-05-1940
Thomas, Peter John 30-09-1944
Thomas, Radley  
Thomas, Rhys Henry  
Thomas, Robert James 11-12-1943
Thomas, Roy Dudley Clifton 03-05-1943
Thomas, Roy Frank  
Thomas, Selwyn 30-03-1945
Thomas, Stanley 13-04-1945
Thomas, Stanley George 09-11-1944
Thomas, Stanley Henry 04-06-1942
Thomas, Thomas John 12-01-1945
Thomas, Trevor Ralph  
Thomas, Walter Herbert 21-02-1945
Thomas, William Earl 30-06-1942
Thomas, William Francis  
Thomason, Mrs.  
Thomason, Richard Stanley 27-09-1944
Thomlinson, Benjamin VIncent05-05-1913 
Thompson, William Maurice Brought  
Thompson, C.J.P.  
Thompson, Dennis Henry  
Thompson, Edith Mary  
Thompson, Edward Alan Wilfred 02-09-1941
Thompson, Geoffrey Stuart00-00-190500-00-1983more
Thompson, George23-10-192023-01-1945
Thompson, George Clark 26-07-1943
Thompson, George Edward 10-05-1945
Thompson, George Henry 31-10-1944
Thompson, George Kenneth 27-04-1943
Thompson, George Masterman21-02-189022-08-1914