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Military Medal (MM)

The Military Medal was established during the First World War by King George V on March 25th, 1916, a year and a half after Britain had declared war on Germany. Its inception was intended to meet the enormous demand for medals during the First World War. The medal was initially awarded to Warrant Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and men of the army, including the Royal Flying Corps and Royal Naval Division, for individual or associated acts of bravery which were insufficient to merit the Distinguished Conduct Medal.
A bar could be awarded for subsequent acts of bravery.
The Military Medal, which had to be recommended by a Commander-in Chief in the field, was not restricted to British or Commonwealth subjects, but foreign subjects could be awarded as well. By a warrant dated June 21st, 1916, women also became eligible for the medal for devotion to duty under fire. Conferment of the medal was announced in the London Gazette and recipients earned the right to add the letters MM to their names.
The silver medal is round with a diameter of 1,4"; the obverse depicts the head of the reigning monarch; on the reverse, the text: "For Bravery in the Field" is engraved within a wreath of laurels.
The ribbon is dark blue, 1.25 inches wide, with a narrow vertical stripe of white, flanked by two red and those flanked by two white stripes; all stripes being 0.125 inches wide.
As many as 115,600 Military Medals were awarded during the First World War, along with 5,796 first bars, 180 second bars and 1 third bar. A further 15, 000 Military Medals were awarded during the Second World War.

Abraham, Robert Colbert* November 23rd, 1921
† November 27th, 2004

Grid List
NameDate of birthDate of deathAwards
MacCarthy, Peter Francis  
MacDonald, Albert Ernest 06-02-1945
MacDonald, Douglas Bertram 06-06-1944
MacFarlane, John William  
MacLean, George29-11-191616-09-1996more
MacLennan, Donald  
MacMaster, Allen Plumb  
MacNeill, William Howe Kirk20-10-191521-10-1944
Maggs, Charles Henry  
Maguire, Albert Michael30-12-1922 
Mainavolau, Josefa 00-01-2007
Majewski, Leon  more
Mallory, Harry 11-03-1944
Mann, Richard  
Maraivalu, Akuila  
Marchant, Anthony John  
Marchuk, Alexander John (Alex)  
Marnell, Gerard  
Marriott, Eric Vincent00-00-190100-00-1993
Marsden, Robert  
Marshall, F  
Martin, David Anderson  
Massey, John Joseph  
May, Bernard Neil  
McBride, Jack Greig  
McCairns, James Atterby "Mac"21-09-191913-06-1948
McCartney, Alexander  
McColl, Henry  
McCorriston, Percival Reginald15-10-191801-11-2004
Mccracken, Charles Henry Kemp00-00-190509-09-1947
McCullagh, Alexander  
McDade, Patrick  
McDermott, John Lawrence  
McDonagh, Peter27-06-1918 
McDonough, Thomas 00-00-1980
McDougall, John  
McElligott, Francis John 24-10-1944
McFarlane, Victor Thomas 10-01-2011
McGee, William Bruce  
McHugh, Richard  
McKinnon, Russell Theodore  
McLean, George  
McNaughton, Milton Coll  
McParlon, George Lynn 23-12-1943
McPhail, Alexander  
McSorley, David James Hanvey12-03-1922 
Mears, Arthur  
Meijerink, Jacobus Justinus17-02-189613-10-1917
Meijers, Hendrik08-04-188604-05-1968
Melhuish, Thomas Walter00-00-1923 more
Menzies, James Stuart Scott01-06-1919 
Merryweather, Anthony  
Meyer, Kenneth Charles28-01-192006-10-1944
Meylan, Alfred  
Michael, Dennis David  more
Miller, Ernest Morris  
Miller, Francis  
Minnis, Alfred Robertson  
Mitek, Stanislaw  more
Moffatt, James  
Mogilski, Wladyslaw Tadeusz  
Mohammed, Khan  
Moir, Thomas04-01-191601-03-1976
Molland, Keith Jackson  
Montgomery, Stuart  
Montminy, Jean Baptiste11-11-191613-03-1975
Moorhead, Charles Hamilton  
Moreau-Evrard, Emilienne04-06-189805-01-1971more
Morgan, Gordon Harvey  
Morgan, Matthew Lawrence  more
Morris, Matthew Frank 31-01-1945
Mortimer, Joan Eugenie (Elizabeth)00-00-191226-08-1997
Mowatt, Charles Franklin  
Mumme, Francis George Kerr 00-00-1978
Munday, Frederick George  
Munro, Hamish Coull  
Munroe, Russell Gerald  
