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Bronzen Leeuw (BL)

Soldiers who have distinguished themselves in battle against the enemy with particularly courageous behavior and discreet actions are eligible for the Bronze Lion. Only the king can award this decoration to soldiers in the service of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
The Bronze Lion was established by Royal Decree of March 30, 1944 by Queen Wilhelmina and subsequently supplemented by Royal Decree of November 9, 1944.

The cross is made of bronze with a Dutch lion on the front as it appeared in the national coat of arms from before 1907, the back is flat. The ribbon consists of nine equal vertical bands, alternating orange and Nassaus blue.

Grid List
NameDate of birthDate of deathAwards
Baaren, van der, Klaas06-10-191827-03-2001
Bach Kolling, Hendrik Florentijn27-02-190202-01-1972
Back, de, Paulus Gijsbertus06-04-190811-01-1969
Bakker, Dirk Jan29-04-191524-01-1942
Bakker, Jacobus (Co)04-10-191223-12-1961
Bakx, Cornelis Leonardus Johannes Petrus  
Bangay, Richard James Millet "Dick"00-00-191623-03-1950
Bangma, Reinder Lieuwes04-01-192100-00-2005
Barendregt, Hugo Adrianus24-06-191804-05-1977
Barmé, Richard03-10-192408-03-1945
Barnett, John Patrick23-11-190813-11-1992more
Barneveld, van, Adriaan23-02-191902-09-1988
Barneveld, van, M.08-04-1918 
Barnhardt, Charles E.  
Barrett, Dennis George  
Bassa, M.  
Bastiaanse, Johannes Cornelis22-04-192212-07-2009
Batchelor, Gordon Guthrie Malcolm  
Bats, de, Albert Hermann Otto Willem10-01-189304-08-1983
Bax, Johannes Stephanus14-03-190203-04-1967more
Beal, Jack (Bielski)  
Beck, Clifford Anthony  
Beckering Vinckers, Jan08-11-190116-07-1965
Beekman, Jacob "Jaap"21-12-191915-11-2010more
Bekker, Willem Gerrit  
Bell, Glenn  
Bellen, van, Cornelis  
Belloni, René17-01-191803-03-1942
Belt, van den, Jan Willem14-08-191312-01-1942
Bendera (Pang Soema)  
Benthem, van, J.00-00-1920 
Berg, van den, Christiaan Frederik27-07-190128-07-1943
Berg, van den, Jan Willem12-05-191928-07-1942
Bergamaschi, André09-12-192328-05-1952more
Bergefurt, Johannes Petrus11-10-192527-02-2015
Bergeron, George Ernest 15-04-1945
Bergh, van den, J.G.16-05-1912 
Berghuijs, J.G.  
Berghuis, J. "Ome Jan"19-05-1903 
Bergmann, Walter Kenneth23-01-192221-08-2017more
Bergsma, Hillegonda (Hilda)  
Berry, John T.  
Besouw, van, Theodorus Joannes08-03-191903-05-2007more
Biesman, Jozef Désiré06-09-191923-04-1945
Bila, Horace August Lucien01-12-192211-09-1947
Bladeren, van, Pieter12-12-191026-06-1944
Blake, Clarence  
Bleeker, Gerrit20-02-190915-04-1945
Blinn, Welford Charles12-10-190200-00-1990more
Blom, Bartholomeus Cornelis17-06-191321-04-1946
Blommestein, van, E.J 01-05-1992
Blondeel, Edouard "Eddy"25-01-190623-05-2000more
Bloois, de, Jan23-10-191631-12-1944
Bobinec, le, Alain  
Boer, de, Sjoerd13-03-190711-04-1945
Boers, Theodorus Johannes Alexander21-01-189006-12-1947
Boersma, Hein Johannes20-08-192019-04-2020
Boeters, Engelbertus Petrus10-05-191814-05-1940
Bois, du, Abraham12-04-191608-03-1945
Bolijn, Cornelis Leendert00-00-190900-00-1980
Boltjes, Johannes13-09-191704-12-1948
Booker, Gordon William Alfred  
Boontjes, Nicolaas Willem22-07-191913-05-1940
Boot, Pieter Jacob Adrianus13-10-189610-05-1940
Booy, de, Otto28-03-190407-04-1963more
Borch van Verwolde, van der, Willem Hendrik Emile17-05-191020-07-1943
Bottema, Jan21-07-190817-12-1944
Bottomly, Raymond Victor Jr.  
Bouvy, Hendrikus Johannes17-09-191424-02-2001
Brasser, Jan02-03-190808-08-1991
Brauw, de, Robert07-02-191704-05-1945
Brejaart, Franciscus Jacobus01-02-191720-07-1943
Bremmer, Stanley Earl  
Bridge, Christopher Charles Cyprian  
Briody, Michael "Mick"00-00-191100-00-1991more
Broadway, Ealsby Earl23-06-192208-05-2000
Brock, Terence Leslie  
Broekman, Gerrit Abraham25-05-190612-05-1940
Browell, John Edward  
Brown, Claude William  
Brown, Douglas Gordon  
Brown, Francis Edward  
Brown, W.H.  
Brusselers, Johannes Arnoldus Maria08-06-191813-05-1940
Bryan, Joseph Willis  
Buchanan-Jardine, Andrew Rupert John, 4th Baronet02-02-192324-08-2010
Buchanan, Robert Gilliam "Bob"04-10-190800-10-1985
Burgoyne, Cyril  
Burkunk, Bastiaan Pieter 10-12-2010
Buunk, Gerrit Bertus (Ben)04-12-191704-04-1945
Buwalda, J.J.  
