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American Defence Service Medal

The American Defence Service Medal could be awarded with clasps to donate pre-war and foreign service. The clasps that could be awarded were:
"FOREIGN SERVICE" Clasp issued by the United States Army for military service outside the continental limits of the United States, including service in Alaska.
"BASE" Clasp issued by the U.S. Navy and United States Marine Corps for service outside the continental limits of the United States (service in either Alaska or Hawaii qualified).
"FLEET" Clasp issued by the Navy, Marine Corps and United States Coast Guard for service on the high seas while regularly attached to any vessels of the Atlantic, Pacific, or Asiatic fleets as well as vessels of the Naval Transport Service and vessels operating directly under the Chief of Naval Operations.
"SEA" Clasp issued by the Coast Guard for all other vessels and aircraft, not qualifying for the Fleet Clasp, which regularly conducted patrols at sea.
Also the decoration could be awarded with an:
"A" Device awarded to any member of the Navy who served duty in actual or potential belligerent contact with Axis Powers in the Atlantic Ocean between June 22 and December 7, 1941.
"Service star" worn in lieu of clasps when wearing the American Defense Service Medal as a ribbon on a military uniform.

Abdallah, John Edward "Ed"* December 21st, 1917
† October 28th, 1994

Grid List
NameDate of birthDate of deathAwards
Sabatino, Ralph Joseph16-11-192112-04-2015more
Salomon, Benjamin Lewis01-09-191407-06-1944
Sanchez, Alfonso B. 20-10-1942more
Sanchez, Henry Gabriel29-12-190700-00-1978more
Sarnoski, Joseph Raymond30-01-191516-06-1943more
Scheckler, Emory T.03-05-1920 
Schneider, Merlin Frederick22-02-190115-11-1970more
Schonland, Herbert Emery07-09-190013-11-1984
Schrader, Raymond A.11-10-191925-12-2010more
Schwarzkopf, Herbert Norman (Sr.)28-08-189525-11-1958more
Scott, Norman10-08-188913-11-1942more
Scott, Robert Raymond13-07-191507-12-1941
Selden, John Taylor25-03-189330-05-1964more
Shapley, Alan09-02-190313-05-1973more
Sheehy, Robert J., Sr.17-02-191616-06-2007
Shelton, Clyde J.13-12-192211-04-1997
Shelton, Millard  more
Shepherd, Lemuel Cornick, Jr.10-02-189606-08-1990more
Sherman, Frederick Carl "Ted"27-05-188800-07-1957more
Shofner, Austin Conner03-03-191614-11-1999more
Sholar, Marvin Edward12-08-191225-01-1985more
Shomo, William Arthur "Bill"30-05-191825-06-1990more
Shoup, David Monroe30-12-190413-01-1983more
Shunstrom, Charles Merton26-11-192004-12-1972more
Sibert, Franklin Cummings03-01-189124-06-1980more
Silverthorn, Merwin Hancock22-09-189614-08-1985more
Simons, Arthur D. "Bull"28-06-191821-05-1979more
Singlestad, Sylvester Donald09-05-191718-11-2010more
Sink, Robert Frederick "Uncle Bob"03-04-190513-12-1965more
Slaughter, Orvan S. 22-11-1943more
Slaughter, Willis Richard24-08-189502-01-1981more
Sloan, Marvin Earl23-09-192011-12-1944
Small, Ernest Gregor "Shorty"05-11-188827-12-1944more
Smith, Edward Hanson "Iceberg"29-10-188929-10-1961
Smith, Julian Constable11-09-188505-11-1975more
Smith, Robert Eugene "Gene"26-02-191722-06-1944more
Smith, Walter Bedell "Beetle"05-10-189509-08-1961more
Smith, William Henry (Jr.)15-04-191408-04-1998more
Sobel, Herbert M.26-01-191230-09-1987more
Somervell, Brehon Burke09-05-189213-02-1955more
Spahr, Kimball22-09-1916 more
Speidel, George Sebastian, Jr.12-04-190721-03-1994more
Spitzner, Jack F.03-08-1919 more
Spruance, Raymond Ames03-07-188613-12-1969more
Spurrier, Junior James14-12-192225-02-1984more
Stanfield, Frank R.  more
Stark, Harold Raynsford "Betty"12-11-188021-08-1972more
Stephens, Troy I.  
Stewart, James Maitland "Jimmy"20-05-190802-07-1997more
Stilwell, Joseph Warren "Uncle Joe"19-03-188312-10-1946more
Stilwell, Richard Giles "Vinegar Joe"24-02-191725-12-1991more
Streczyk, Philip25-11-191825-06-1958more
Street, George Levick III27-07-191326-02-2000more
Sturges, Francis F. 06-12-1942
Sultan, Daniel Isom09-12-188514-01-1947more
Sutherland, Richard Kerens27-11-189325-06-1966more
Swanberger, Walter Wade 'Walt'16-04-192004-06-1942more
Swanson, Wallace A. 16-06-2004more
Sweet, Herbert J.08-10-191918-06-1998more
Swenson, Lyman Knute23-10-189213-11-1942more
Szyka, John13-10-191818-06-1981
