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Croix de Guerre (1939-1945)

This decoration was instituted on April 8th 1915 to commemmorate individual mentions in despatches and can be awarded to all French military personnel, regardless of rank and also to officers and men of Allied Forces for an individual feat of arms mentioned in a despatch. The despatch had to originate from an officer commanding an Army, an Army Corps, a Division, a Brigade or the C.O. of a Regiment or a corresponding unit of Naval Forces. Mention in Army Despatch merits a small bronze laurel branch, Army Corps Despatch a silver gilt star, Divisional a silver star, Regimental or similar Unit Despatch a bronze star; all these emblems to be worn on the ribbon of the Cross. For every mention the appropiate emblem will be awarded; if one person has been awarded five palms, he will wear a silver palm instead.
The ribbon of the Croix de Guerre 1939-1945 differs from the original; it is coloured bright red with four vertical bands of green in the centre.

Grid List
NameDate of birthDate of deathAwards
Tagger, Benjamin30-11-191121-08-1944
Taillandier, Marcel25-03-191111-07-1944
Talbert, Floyd Merrill "Tab"26-08-192318-10-1982more
Tardieu, Joseph18-02-188901-06-1941more
Tardy, René24-06-190817-09-1943
Tartière, Jacques23-09-191520-06-1941
Tassin de Saint Péreuse, Pierre02-07-191029-12-1995more
Tassin, Marie-Roger19-04-190029-06-1953more
Tavian, Gaston06-09-190828-01-1987more
Tayar, Jacques21-07-191518-12-1943
Taylor, Floyd  
Taylor, Georges Louis William25-08-192408-04-1945more
Taylor, Maxwell Davenport26-08-190119-04-1987more
Taylor, Royal R. 31-03-1992
Teague, Olin Earl "Tiger"06-04-191023-01-1981more
Techer, Auguste17-05-191205-09-1968more
Tedder, Arthur William11-07-189003-07-1967more
Tedesco, de, Jean28-03-192014-07-1943
Teisseire, Aimé18-12-191428-06-2008more
Teitgen, Pierre-Henri29-05-190806-04-1997more
Ter Sarkissof, Alexandre14-12-191117-10-1991
Terrier, Roland08-07-191725-07-1976more
Testa, de, Charles10-12-192029-11-1986more
Théodore, Gérard28-11-192010-06-2012more
Thévenet, Fernand18-04-191016-03-2001more
Thibaud, Pol20-07-191408-12-1963more
Thierry d'Argenlieu, Georges07-08-188907-09-1964more
Thierry, Gabriel12-08-189607-08-1972more
Thiriat, Denis05-10-191309-10-1998more
Thomas, Eric Hugh10-10-191721-04-1959
Thomas, Gwilym Ivor "Butcher Thomas"23-07-189329-08-1972more
Thomsen, Alfred C.04-12-189716-08-1944more
Thoraval, Michel Marie Victor12-11-192025-09-2006
Thoreau, André02-09-189902-03-1985more
Thrasher, Charles O.09-12-188602-09-1960more
Thuilliez, Lucien25-01-191501-09-1980more
Tichenor, George Oscar  
Tickell, Eustace Francis10-12-189328-12-1972more
Tilly, Félix02-08-190411-07-1963more
Tilly, François04-07-191016-04-1983more
Tinsley, Robert Earl  
Tipper, Edward J. "Ed"03-08-192101-02-2017more
Tolan, Leslie30-01-1920 
Toneatti, Ettore02-10-191015-03-1941
Torcatis, Louis25-03-190419-05-1944
Touchaleaume, Elie France15-10-191405-03-2010more
Touny, Alfred24-10-188605-04-1944more
Touny, Roger28-01-192220-11-1991more
Tournier, Raymond12-02-191615-09-1998more
Touzeau, Martin29-08-191911-10-2006more
Tranape, Jean03-12-191821-08-2012more
Treadwell, Jack LeMaster31-03-191912-12-1977more
Treis, Antonin Antoine25-05-192208-04-1945
Trepel, Charles21-09-190829-02-1944
Trigeaud, Joseph20-03-190326-04-1946more
Tripier, Paul17-09-192119-06-1944more
Troadec, René06-07-190810-08-1986more
Troël, René04-10-192306-12-1977more
Trolley de Prévaux, Jacques02-04-188819-08-1944more
Troquereau, Pierre05-11-191407-11-1991more
Truesdell, Karl, Jr.00-00-190822-08-1978more
Tsigantes, Christodoulos30-01-189711-10-1970more
Tulasne, Jean27-11-191217-07-1943more
Tupët-Thomé, Edgard Alphonse19-04-192009-09-2020more
Turck, Gilbert Charles Georges03-09-191111-12-2012
Turner-Cain, George Robert16-02-191200-00-1996
Turner, William Arthur Scales00-01-1890 more
Turrell y Turrull, Jaime30-10-190413-04-1964more
Tuttle, Geoffrey William02-10-190611-01-1989more


Lanyard with the War Cross
Fourragere Croix de GuerreLanyard with the War Cross
In the database: 7
