| L'Amy, Henry Vernon | 04-01-1909 | 28-08-1944 | |
| Labram, Horace Mervin | 05-11-1902 | | |
| Lacey, James Harry "Ginger" | 01-02-1917 | 30-05-1989 | |
| Lacon, Reginald William Beecroft | | | |
| Lacoste, Gerald Auguste Charles | | | |
| Lacroix, Kenneth Vivian | | | |
| Laggett, Ronald Charles | | 27-04-1945 | |
| Laidler, Alfred | | 26-05-1940 | |
| Laidlow, Nathaniel | | 26-04-1919 | |
| Laing, Charles William | | 26-10-1944 | |
| Laing, James Hardie | | 28-01-1945 | |
| Laing, Thomas | | | |
| Laing, William James | | 14-03-1945 | |
| Laing-Meason, Patrick Beverley "Paddy" | | 28-10-1944 | |
| Laird, Richard Stanley MacGregor | | | |
| Lake, Arthur John | | 21-05-1940 | |
| Lake, Bertram Frederick | | 06-01-1945 | |
| Lake, Frederick Charles | | 01-04-1915 | |
| Lake, Herbert Mallet | | | |
| Lake, John Roy | | | |
| Lake, Peter Ivan "Basil" | 30-01-1915 | 00-06-2009 | |
| Lake, Roy Cyril | | | |
| Lake, William | | 25-09-1944 | |
| Lakin, Richard Barklie "Lucky Lakin" | 08-10-1914 | 01-03-2011 | |
| Lakomy, Helena (Lena) | 20-11-1917 | 21-11-2010 | |
| Lally, John Patrick | 00-00-1920 | 09-10-1944 | |
| Lamacraft, Harry Charles | | 03-05-1943 | |
| Lamarra, John | | 02-11-1944 | |
| Lamb, Edward | | | |
| Lamb, Eric George | | | |
| Lamb, Frederick Victor | | 20-12-1942 | |
| Lamb, James Gordon | | 02-03-1943 | |
| Lamb, Leonard Sydney | | | |
| Lambe, John | | 11-01-1945 | |
| Lambert | | | |
| Lambert, Dennis Norman | | | |
| Lambert, J. | | 09-01-1919 | |
| Lambert, James Albert | | 01-10-1944 | |
| Lambert, Kenneth James | 00-00-1920 | 28-05-1944 | |
| Lambert, Norman | | | |
| Lambert, Percy | | 22-10-1944 | |
| Lambert, Roger Uvedale | | | |
| Lambert, Ronald Streeter | | | |
| Lambert, Ronald Truzwell | 00-00-1904 | 11-12-1984 | more |
| Lambie, Robert Cunningham | | | |
| Lambie, William Crichton | | 04-05-1943 | |
| Lamit, Ramasammy | | | |
| Lamond, William James Melville "Bill" | 18-10-1916 | 12-01-1985 | |
| Lanaghan, John | | 22-01-1944 | |
| Lancashire, Roger W.G. | | | |
| Lancaster, Alexander Albert | | | |
| Lancaster, Norman | | 22-09-1944 | |
| Lancaster, Owen Felton | | | |
| Lancefield, Ronald Vivian | | 23-10-1942 | |
| Land, William Thomas | | | |
| Lander, John | | 13-07-1943 | |
| Landler, Sandor | | | |
| Landsdowne, Matthew John | | | |
| Lane | | | |
| Lane, Brian John Edward "Sandy" | 18-06-1917 | 13-12-1942 | |
| Lane, Charles Malet | 18-07-1899 | 00-00-1970 | |
| Lane, David Samuel | | 26-10-1944 | |
| Lane, Doris Beatrice | | | |
| Lane, E. | | | |
| Lane, Ernest Allan | | 22-01-1944 | |
| Lane, John Frederick | | 22-06-1944 | |
| Lane, Thomas Henry | | 00-05-1940 | |
| Lane, Willam | | 21-07-1944 | |
| Lane, William Arthur | | | |
| Lang, Ernest Frederick | | 14-04-1941 | |
| Lang, Ian Blackley | | 19-11-1944 | |
| Lang, Robert Burton | | | |
| Lang, W. | | | |
| Lang, x | | | |
| Langan, Edward | | | |
| Langford, Eric Joseph | 00-00-1913 | 00-00-1994 | |
| Langford, Victor Arthur Reginald | 00-00-1923 | 20-02-1944 | |
| Langham, Douglas Alexander | | 02-11-1944 | |
| Langham-Mason, Derek Charles | | 28-10-1944 | |
| Langhorne, Algernon Philip York | 18-07-1882 | 28-11-1945 | |
| Langley, Charles George E. | | 21-11-1944 | |
| Langley, Gordon | 00-00-1919 | 14-11-1944 | |
| Langley, John Birkett | | 03-04-1943 | |
| Langley, Vernon George | | 10-05-1945 | |
| Langley, W. J. | | 06-11-1916 | |
| Langlois, Roy Brouard | 10-05-1917 | | |
| Langly-Smith, Alec Frederick Collingwood | 04-06-1912 | 25-01-1983 | |
| Langman, Victor Michael | 16-08-1921 | 16-11-2009 | |
| Langran, James Thomas | | | |
| Langstone | | | |
| Langton, Fred Seddon | | 21-02-1945 | |
| Langton, Leon Meredith | | 10-05-1940 | |
| Langton, Robert Thomas | 00-00-1914 | 28-10-1944 | |
| Lanning, Harold (Harry) | | | |
| Lannon | | | |
| Lansdowne, Ronald Albert Frank | | 26-09-1944 | |
| Lapper, Kenneth Osborne | | | |
| Lappin, John | | | |
| Lapraik, John Neilson "Ian" | 13-09-1915 | 15-03-1985 | more |
| Larcher, John George Louis | | | |
| Larcome, Raymond | | 23-09-1944 | |
| Large, William Thomas | | 24-11-1941 | |
| Largent, Amos William | 00-10-1904 | 09-07-1944 | |
| Larkin, Frederick Charles | | | |
| Larkin, Kenneth Richard | | 26-07-1943 | |
| Larkman, Donald Ewart | | 16-11-1940 | |
| Larkman, Francis George | 06-10-1919 | | |
| Lascelles, George Henry H., 7th Earl of Harewood | 07-02-1923 | 11-07-2011 | more |
| Lascelles, Henry George C., 6th Earl of Harewood | 09-09-1882 | 24-05-1947 | more |
| Lashmar, Albert Sydney | | | |
| Latham, John Macduff | 09-08-1889 | 10-12-1965 | more |
| Lathbury, Gerald William "Legs" | 14-07-1906 | 16-05-1978 | more |
| Latto, William Storrar | | 26-10-1944 | |
| Latutin, Simmon | 25-07-1916 | 30-12-1944 | |
| Lauder, John Adam | | 17-06-1944 | |
| Laundy, Alan George | | 07-12-1944 | |
| Laurence | | | |
| Laurence, George | | 09-11-1944 | |
| Laurie | | | |
| Laurie, William | 08-11-1909 | 08-10-1996 | more |
| Laurie-Dickson, John Forbes | | 06-09-1941 | |
| Laurillard, John Alfred Isaac | | | |
| Lavender, John Charles Anthony David | | 25-03-1944 | |
| Laver, Leslie Norman John | | 14-01-1944 | |
| Laver, Percy Frederick | | 29-04-1943 | |
| Laversuch, Victor | 24-01-1900 | | |
| Law, Albert Arthur | | 05-01-1945 | |
| Law, Charles Ewan | 16-02-1884 | 11-12-1974 | |
| Law, Derek Cunningham | | 12-09-1944 | |
| Law, Henry | | 18-08-1941 | |
| Law, Richard Kidston, 1st Baron Coleraine | 27-02-1901 | 15-11-1980 | |
| Lawes, Ernest Arthur | 19-03-1924 | 11-04-1973 | |
| Lawler, Leonard John | | 28-08-1942 | |
| Lawless, Frank | | 21-05-1940 | |
| Lawless, Peter Henry | | 09-03-1945 | |
| Lawrance, Charles Henry | | 14-01-1944 | |
| Lawrence, E.F. | | 29-06-1943 | |
| Lawrence, Ernest Stacey | | 29-07-1919 | |
| Lawrence, Frank Robert | | | |
| Lawrence, Neville | | | |
| Lawrence, Thomas Edward | 16-08-1888 | 19-05-1935 | |
| Lawrence, Thompson Brook "Tommy" | 00-04-1879 | | more |
| Lawrenson, Arthur Charles | | | |
| Lawrie, James Chisholm | | 26-04-1943 | |
| Laws, Adrian Francis | 10-08-1912 | 30-09-1940 | |
| Laws, Frederick Charles Victor "Daddy" | 00-00-1887 | 00-00-1975 | |
| Laws, Frederick Stanley | | 10-05-1940 | |
| Lawson, Frederick | | 19-02-1945 | |
| Lawson, Frederick Fenwick | | 27-03-1945 | |
| Lawson, George Maxwell | 24-02-1894 | 00-00-1965 | |
| Lawson, H.W. | | | |
| Lawson, Ian Douglas Napier | 11-11-1917 | 22-01-1998 | more |
| Lawson, John | | | |
| Lawson, John Charles Arthur Digby | | | |
| Lax, Frederick Thomas | | 03-02-1943 | |
| Lay, William Reid | | | |
| Lay-Flurrie, Frank George | | 12-06-1943 | |
| Laycock, John Ernest | | | |
| Laycock, Peter | | | |
| Laycock, Robert Edward | 18-04-1907 | 10-03-1968 | |
| Laycock, Thomas | | 10-05-1945 | |
| Layne, Walter Henry "Wally" | 05-12-1916 | 00-00-1995 | |
| Layton, Geoffrey | 20-04-1884 | 04-09-1964 | |
| Layzell, Gordon Edward | 01-06-1912 | 02-02-1944 | |
| Lazarus, Saul David | | 19-03-1945 | |
| Lazenby, Alan Lonsdale | 16-08-1915 | 03-01-1944 | |
| Le Bargy, Charles Reginald | 01-09-1893 | 25-10-1980 | more |
| Le Bihan, Edmund Melville | 23-03-1916 | 23-08-1945 | |
| Le Bouvier, John Douglas | | | |
| Le Gros Clark, Cyril Drummond | 20-05-1894 | 06-07-1945 | |
| Le Maitre, H. | | 22-09-1944 | |
| Le Page, Rex Lake | | 01-05-1943 | |
| Le Patourel, Herbert Wallace | 20-06-1916 | 04-09-1979 | more |
| Le Poidevin, Alfred John | | 25-07-1941 | |
| Le-Lievre, Stanley | | 26-09-1944 | |
| Lea, Harold Rodney | | | |
| Lea, Laurence John | | 04-06-1942 | |
| Leach, Alan | 25-03-1921 | 05-01-1945 | |
| Leach, Charles Willis Eric | | 05-05-1943 | |
| Leach, Francis | | | |
| Leach, George | | 23-10-1944 | |
| Leach, Gilbert Francis | 00-00-1916 | 00-00-1982 | |
| Leach, John Catterall "Jack" | 01-09-1894 | 10-12-1941 | |
| Leach, John Ernest | | | |
| Leach, Ronald | | 29-06-1945 | |
| Leach, Victor | | | |
| Leadbeater, Worrall Reginald | 23-08-1913 | 25-08-1992 | |
| Leah, Emanuel | | | |
| Leak, Robert John | | 28-10-1944 | |
| Lean, John Trevor | 16-07-1903 | | |
| Leaney, William Edward Frank | | | |
| Leaphard, Marshall John Adam | | 30-01-1945 | |
| Learoyd, Roderick Alastair Brook | 05-02-1913 | 24-01-1996 | more |
| Leary, David Cooper | 00-00-1921 | 28-12-1940 | |
| Leatham, Ralph | 03-03-1888 | 10-03-1954 | more |
| Leathart, James Anthony | 05-01-1915 | 18-11-1998 | |
| Leather, Frederick Brian | | | |
| Leather, James Stewart | | 25-06-1942 | |
| Leather, Johnson | | | |
| Leatherdale, Francis Ridley | 00-00-1922 | 23-03-2016 | |
| Leathers, Frederick James, 1st Viscount Leathers | 21-11-1883 | 19-03-1965 | |
| Leavers, Evered Arthur Reginald Rex | | 16-06-1931 | |
| Leavesley, Eddie | 08-10-1919 | 00-01-1986 | |
| Leckie, William | | 02-11-1944 | |
| Lecomber, Joseph Edward | | 14-05-1943 | |
| LeConte, Edgar Francis | 08-03-1920 | 04-05-1981 | |
| Ledger, Albert | | 24-09-1944 | |
| Lee, A.F. | | | |
| Lee, Albert | | 10-10-1944 | |
| Lee, Albert | | 08-03-1945 | |
| Lee, Alfred | | | |
| Lee, Arthur | | | |
| Lee, Christopher Frank Carandini | 27-05-1922 | 07-06-2015 | more |
| Lee, David John | | | |
| Lee, Dennis | | 02-11-1944 | |
| Lee, Eric | | 18-07-1942 | |
| Lee, Ernest Gwyn | | 19-02-1945 | |
| Lee, Frank | | 12-06-1943 | |
| Lee, Frederick John Ronald Patrick "Fred" | | | |
| Lee, George James | | 02-11-1944 | |
| Lee, Harold Herbert | 15-02-1915 | | |
| Lee, J. | | | |
| Lee, John Samuel | | 31-10-1942 | |
| Lee, John Stephen Grosvenor | | 08-02-1944 | |
| Lee, Leonard | | | |
| Lee, Mark | | 09-12-1941 | |
| Lee, Oliver | | 02-10-1944 | |
| Lee, Peter Lee | | | |
| Lee, Richard Hugh Anthony "Dickie" | 00-00-1917 | 18-08-1940 | |
| Lee, Stanlake John Swinton | | | |
| Lee, Thomas | 12-08-1912 | 05-08-1982 | |
| Lee, William John Newton | | 27-03-1944 | |
| Lee, William Wilkinson | 22-04-1908 | 30-10-1944 | |
| Lee-Barber, John | 16-04-1905 | 00-00-1995 | more |
| Leech, William Norbert | 00-00-1913 | 25-09-1944 | |
| Leeks, Ronald | 23-10-1923 | 00-10-2006 | |
| Leeming, George | | 04-11-1944 | |
| Lees, Alexander | | 05-12-1941 | |
| Leeves, Peter James | 00-01-1925 | | |
| Lefort, Cicely Margot (née Gordon) | 30-04-1900 | 00-02-1945 | |