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British (1706 - present)

Spotlighted out of 14.127 persons in the database

Kragt, Dignus "Dick"* July 18th, 1917
† July 8th, 2008

Tedder, Arthur William* July 11th, 1890
† July 3rd, 1967

Tunna, Norman* April 29th, 1908
† December 4th, 1970

Grid List
NameDate of birthDate of deathAwards
Pacey, John Eric 24-09-1944
Packe, Michael St. John "Mike"21-08-191620-12-1978
Packer, William Rheuben 29-09-1944
Packham, Cyril 30-03-1945
Paddon, Brian24-08-190800-00-1967
Paddyfoot, S. 05-04-1917
Pagan, Joseph 10-05-1945
Page, Allen Geoffrey16-05-192003-08-1980
Page, Cecil Frank Arthur 18-09-1944
Page, Charles M.  
Page, Charles Michael 27-01-1943
Page, E.V.  
Page, Ernest Henry John 15-08-1944
Page, Frank Henry 31-03-1945
Page, Frederick Menzies 31-01-1943
Page, Henry  
Page, Michael Stuart "Mike"05-08-191220-09-1944
Page, Peter John 25-06-1943
Page, Roy David  
Page, Thomas Alfred 13-10-1944
Page, Thomas Alwyn 26-10-1944
Page, Victor 12-03-1943
Page, William Henry 22-10-1944
Paget, Albert Edward S.L.23-05-187902-08-1917
Paget, Bernard Charles Tolver15-09-188716-02-1961more
Pagett, Henry Samuel 26-06-1943
Paice, Peter Reginald 26-11-1943
Paige, Walter Edward04-02-191701-12-2006
Pain, Albert00-07-1840 
Pain, Eric John  
Pain, Roland Charles 15-08-1944
Paine, James Reginald  
Paine, Reginald  
Painting, John Arthur 17-11-1944
Palastanga, Bernard William 07-11-1941
Palfrey, Joseph 23-04-1944
Palliser, Arthur Francis Eric20-07-189022-02-1956more
Palliser, Arthur Michael  
Palmer, Arthur James 06-09-1917
Palmer, Ernest Richard 29-08-1941
Palmer, Harold Bernard 05-11-1944
Palmer, James Walter 26-06-1943
Palmer, Raymond18-03-1923 
Palmer, Robert Anthony Maurice07-07-192023-12-1944
Palmer, W.J.  
Pankhurst, Leonard Thomas26-08-190201-12-1996more
Pantall, Richard William White  
Panter, Cecil Wilfred 12-11-1944
Panter, Frank Henry Thomas05-04-190615-06-2000
Panter, Stanley Charles  
Paquita-Mawson, Francisca Adriana19-08-189126-05-1974
Paradise, John T.  
Paramore, Arthur Frederick 09-04-1943
Parbury, Ernest00-00-188000-00-1957
Parbury, Paul 14-07-1943
Pardoe-Williams, Hugh Spicer 27-06-1940
Parfitt, Albert John 26-09-1944
Parish, Ernest George 22-01-2006
Parish, Graham Leslie29-08-191216-09-1943
Parish, John James 05-09-1942
Park, Albert E.  
Park, Alexander Muir 17-06-1943
Park, Frederick George  
Park, James 25-09-1944
Parke, Kenneth Harwood  
Parker, Alfred Nigel 23-10-1944
Parker, Edward Donald20-05-191016-01-1943
Parker, Edward Norman 29-12-1943
Parker, Edward William  
Parker, Eric 10-05-1940
Parker, Eric William00-00-1921 
Parker, Frank Barry "Sam"05-08-192320-06-2011
Parker, Hubert Jack 31-01-1942
Parker, James  
Parker, John Harrison 30-10-1944
Parker, Kenneth Bruce00-00-191515-10-1940
Parker, Percy 23-10-1944
Parker, Robert Stanley 25-09-1944
Parker, William  
Parker, William Edward 15-08-1918
Parker, William John 23-01-1945
Parkes, Charles 22-10-1944
Parkes, Thomas Arthur 09-07-1941
Parkes, William John "Bill"00-00-191117-09-1944
Parkin, Alfred Major 15-09-1942
Parkin, Austin Bruce Holmes12-08-1911 more
Parkin, Charles Edwin 26-07-1943
Parkin, John Henry Devereux22-04-189800-00-1966more
Parkin, Leslie Hugh William 22-02-1942
Parkin, Philip 23-05-1943
Parkin, William Henry 28-03-1941
Parkinson, Francis Clifford 17-10-1944
Parkinson, Tom Joseph W. 24-09-1944
Parks, Frederick Thomas  
Parks, John Thomas  
Parkyn, Sidney John  
Parnall, Alan Geach  
Parr, Albert John 22-03-1945
Parr, Eric 26-10-1944
Parr, Herbert Joseph 02-11-1944
Parr, Philip Oliver  
Parr, W. 17-10-1918
Parr, William 25-09-1944
Parrish, G.W.  
Parry, Allen James Maule00-00-191620-01-1992
Parry, Douglas Alfred George 00-00-1999more
Parry, George Edward Maule 06-06-1944
Parry, John Edward 23-10-1944
Parry, Owen Arthur23-05-192219-04-2016
Parry, Walter 24-09-1944
Parry, William Edward08-04-189321-08-1972
Parsloe, Owen Edward  
Parslow, George Charles William 22-06-1943
Parslow, Keneth Archibald 20-01-1942
Parsonage, Frank  
Parsons, George Alexander 09-10-1944
Parsons, Ian McNaughton  
Parsons, James 13-06-1941
Parsons, Robert James Sealer 28-09-1942
Parsons, Stanley Jefford 22-10-1944
Parsons, W.G.  
Parsons, Wilfred Charles 04-11-1944
Parsons, William Frederick 08-11-1941
Partington, John Claude00-00-192009-06-1941
Parton, Frederick Arthur 04-02-1943
Partoon, John Isaiah 20-01-1945
Partridge, George Thomas 07-09-1944
Partridge, Henry Mears00-00-190025-07-1918
Partridge, John Eely23-03-191401-02-2010
Partridge, Richard Thomas  more
Pascall, Douglas Charles  
Pashby, Francis Thomas 27-09-1944
Paskell, Edward George 16-10-1942
Pass, Joseph 25-06-1943
Passco, R.  
Passells, Hubert Nelson 04-02-1921
Passmore, William Maurice  
Passy, Cyril Wolrich 00-00-1971
Patchin, Robert Fletcher Squires  
Paterson, Andrew 31-10-1944
Paterson, Brian "Blinkers"21-03-191912-07-2004
Paterson, James Alfred16-10-191927-09-1940
Paterson, James Kinnell00-00-191604-07-1943
Paterson, Neil00-06-1837 
Paterson, Ronald McLay 20-12-1942
Paterson, Victor Roberton 21-09-1942
Patey, Leslie Arthur James  
Patilla, Colin Seaton22-04-191910-12-1983
Patmore, Leslie 04-02-1945
Paton, Alexander  
Paton, Alexander Robert 23-03-1945
Paton, Angus  
Patrice, R. 13-08-1920
Patrick, Eric Rhind 10-03-1943
Patrick, Ernest Henry 26-06-1943
Patrick, George Edward00-00-192104-07-1943
Patrick, John Hugh  
Patrick, Kenneth Noble Kerr00-02-1915 
Patterson, Charles Elliott Sinclair27-11-191902-03-2008
Patterson, Frederick Harold 26-03-1945
Patterson, George Nicholas 18-01-1945
Patterson, George William 29-09-1944
Patterson, Ian Norman 21-12-1944
Patterson, Jack  
Patterson, John Inglis  
Patterson, Maxwell Chambers 14-01-1944
Patterson, Stanley 25-05-1944
Patterson, W. 14-10-1944
Patterson, William Milne 07-06-1944
Pattie, Stanley Frederick  
Pattinson, Thomas Lewis 29-09-1944
Pattison, Cecil  
Patton, George03-06-191412-01-1999
Patton, Sarah C.  
Pauer, William Lambert00-00-189707-09-1945more
Paul, Brian Charles 18-11-1943
Paul, Ernest Sidney 23-10-1942
Paul, J. 23-12-1917
Paulin, David Alastair 21-09-1944
Paulin, Meredith Jackson  
Pawson, Albert Guy  
Paxton, George Archibald Mackay 14-12-1945
Paxton, Robert Henry 31-03-1944
Payne, Anthony Bremner 31-05-1942
Payne, Anthony Denys Philpotts  
Payne, Bernard Anthony 31-10-1944
Payne, Cecil William 12-06-1943
Payne, Edward James 02-11-1944
Payne, George Stephen  
Payne, Harry Arthur 20-06-1942
Payne, John Routledge 26-03-1942
Payne, Leslie Laurence  
Payne, Reginald Victor John 02-12-1944
Payton, Michael  
Payton-Reid, Robert31-07-189701-11-1971
Peace, Gibson00-00-191613-04-1945
Peacey, Montague Neville  
Peach, George Herbert William 26-06-1943
Peach, Stanley G.13-02-1912 
Peachey, Norman Arthur 01-05-1943
Peacock, Clarence "Lofty"18-11-191008-04-1958more
Peacock, Dennis 27-09-1944
Peacock, Edgar Henry William11-02-189800-03-1955
Peacock, Edwin Cavill  
Peacock, James John 15-02-1944
Peacock, Reginald John00-00-191805-02-1943
Peake, Harold Gordon00-00-198000-00-1960
Pear, Brian Hatherley 03-11-1944
Pearce, Allan Conrad 28-10-1944
Pearce, Arthur George Edward00-00-192216-02-1942
Pearce, Charles Frazer  
Pearce, Cyril Leonard 01-04-1945
Pearce, Eric John00-00-1924 
Pearce, Frederick Laurence09-08-189803-12-1975
Pearce, Frederick William 25-12-2015
Pearce, H. 14-08-1918
Pearce, Herbert Parmenter  
Pearce, Ivor Verdon  
Pearce, John 29-10-1916
Pearce, Patrick Kenneth00-12-191722-03-1945
Pearce, Robert  
Pearce, Stanley Grey  
Pearcy, William Gordon 17-06-1944
Pears, Albert W.K. 31-10-1944
Pearse, Harold Victor01-07-1898 more
Pearse, Leslie Lewis22-04-1915 
Pearson, Alastair Stevenson "Jock"01-06-191526-03-1996
Pearson, Arthur  
Pearson, David  
Pearson, Ernest James00-00-1920 more
Pearson, Fred Alwyn 12-03-1943
Pearson, George  
Pearson, Herbert James05-10-1923 
Pearson, Hubert Ellis 19-09-1944
Pearson, Joan Daphne Mary26-05-191125-07-2000
Pearson, John Cyrus 26-07-1944
Pearson, John Edward 20-09-1941