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Related persons
Flowers, Dennis
Fooks, James Courtland
Foote, Henry Wells
Forbes, Jacques Jean-Charles "Charly"
* March 19th, 1921
† May 19th, 2010
Forbes, John
Forbes, John Eric
Forsyth, James Law
Foster, Charles Frederick
Foster, Kingsley Osborn Nugent
Foster, Raymond George
Foulds, Charles Miles
Foulkes, Charles
* January 3rd, 1903
† September 12th, 1969
Fountain, Albert James
Fowles, Courtney Lingard
Francis, David William
Francis, Jack
Francis, Jack Noel
Frank, Murray Arthur
Franks, Oliver Shewell, Baron Franks
* February 16th, 1905
† October 15th, 1992
Fraser, Albert Lionel
Fraser, Bruce Austin, 1st Baron of North Cape
* February 5th, 1888
† February 12th, 1981
Fraser, Francis Richard
* February 14th, 1885
† October 2nd, 1964
Fraser, H.C.
Fraser, William
Fraser, William Lionel
† January 2nd, 1965
Fredine, Adolph Henry
French, Robert Alexander
Frew, Sydney Oswell
* January 4th, 1890
† June 10th, 1972
Frizzell, Hazen Thomas
Frost, Reginald William
* May 21st, 1885
Fry, John Francis
Fuller, M.V.
Gaboury, Paul Charles
Gairdner, Kenneth (Jr.)
Gairdner, Kenneth Graeme
* July 12th, 1880
† April 18th, 1965
Gairdner-De Silva, Millicent "Milly"
* September 10th, 1892
† June 9th, 1956
Galbally, William Charles
Galbraith, James Briggan Douglas
* July 11th, 1894
Galganov, Israel
Gallagher, Bryan
Gallagher, George Alvin
Gallant, Ivan Gregory
Galloway, Alexander
* November 3rd, 1895
† January 28th, 1977
Gambier, Robert Michael Gore "Robin"
* November 1st, 1904
† June 26th, 1981
Game, Philip Woolcott
* March 30th, 1876
† February 4th, 1961
Gamon, Cyril Frederick
Gandier, Horace Matheson
Gannon, Jack Rose Compton
* November 1st, 1882
† April 25th, 1980
Gard, Arthur Daniel
Garneau, Rene Joseph
Garrod, Edward John
Gaumond, Joseph Jacques Leopold A.
Gavaghan, Charles
* 1911
† May 10th, 1945
Plot: 2 Row: A Grave: 2
Gawith, Geoffrey Francis
Genest, Donat Alexandre
George, Allan Thomas
Gerrard, Frederick Innes
* January 29th, 1896
† June 20th, 1955
Gibbs, John Paget
* November 20th, 1884
† March 8th, 1953
Gibson, Andre Muir
Gibson, Thomas Graeme
* April 6th, 1908
† January 3rd, 1986
Gibson, William Laurence
Gilbert, James Adam
Gilbride, William Preston
* April 28th, 1911
Gill, Reginald Wood
Gillan, Robert
Gillespie, Samuel Robert
Gillis, James Elmer
* August 24th, 1922
† November 14th, 1986
Gilmor, Robert John
Gilmour, William Archibald
Ginger, Daniel William
Ginkel, van, Albert Johannes
Ginsburg, Alfred Philip
Glanville, Stephen Ranulph Kingdon
* April 26th, 1900
† April 26th, 1956
Gleave, George Derek
Glen, William
Glover, Douglas
* February 13th, 1908
† January 15th, 1982
Godber, Frederick, 1st Baron Godber of Mayfield
* November 6th, 1888
† April 10th, 1976
Goddard, Frederick Charles
Godenho, Betty
Goff, Clanville Cyrus
Goldschmidt, George Thorburn
* February 26th, 1897
† 1971
Goldsmith, John Henry Thornburn
Goodall, John
Goodenough, Michael Grant
* June 18th, 1904
† December 31st, 1955
Goodfellow, Francis Truman
* October 8th, 1913
† March 14th, 1994
Gordon, Desmond Spencer
* December 25th, 1911
† November 4th, 1997
Gordon, Frank
Gorolini, Gildo
Gossan, Harold
Goulburn, Edward Henry
* May 27th, 1903
† 1980
Gouldie, Stanley Walter
Grafton, Arthur Harold
Graham, Miles William Arthur Peel
* August 14th, 1895
† February 8th, 1976
Graham, Robert
Graham, Robert John
Grandfield, Cyril Barnet
Grant, Frank George
* August 10th, 1918
† September 1975
Grant, George William Patrick "Tubby"
* February 15th, 1911
† February 3rd, 1961
Grant, George Windsor
Grantham, James
Graves, Arthur Henry
Gray, Frederick
Gray, Ian MacIntyre
Gray, Lorne Henry
Gray, Neil Talbot
Grazebrook-Watrous, Maud
* April 18th, 1875
† 1965
Greave, Ernest John
* 1898
† 1978
Green, Robert Eric
Greene, R.
Greening, Charles Woolven
* July 13th, 1903
Greenwood, Harold Day
Gregor, Marvin Martin
Gregory, Henry Stanley
* 1890
† 1959
Grey, John Francis
* 1912
† 1964
Grey, Wulff Henry
* 1876
† 1961
Grieve, Ralph Ewart
Griffin, Harold Seaman
* September 22nd, 1904
† May 24th, 1961
Griffin, Shirley Ewing
Griffith-Jones, Leslie Renshaw
Griffiths, Frank Cromwell
† March 1996
Griffiths, George Albert
Griffiths, Harold Frederick
Groff, Frank Mullett
Growe, Robert Franklin
Gubbins, Colin McVean
* July 2nd, 1896
† February 1st, 1976
Gugins, Cecil
Gullane, Andrew
Gunning, Alexander
Hackett, Herbert Peter
Hadden, John Cameron
Haigh, Douglas
Hair, William
Hakewill-Smith, Edmund
* March 17th, 1896
† April 15th, 1986
Hale, Frank James Jackson
Hale, James
Hall, James Christopher
† December 29th, 1997
Hall, W.S.
Hall, Walter Edward
Hamilton, Donald Patterson
Hamilton, Thomas Homer
Hammond, Bertram Albert George
* February 6th, 1918
† 1965
Hammond, John
Hammond, Richard Callan
Hampden, Francis Carol
Hance, Steward Charles Stanley
Hanna, Archie Rufus
Hanning, Frank Arnold
Hansard, John Henry
Hanssen, Gerald Louis Maria
Hardwick, Jack
Hardwicke, Philip Grantham Yorke, 9th Earl
* April 9th, 1906
† December 31st, 1974
Hardy, Arthur John
Hargreaves, Walter Ernest
* March 26th, 1876
Harmsworth, George Leslie
Harper, Sydney Brian
Harper, Thomas A.
Harrington, Charles Henry Pepys
* May 5th, 1910
† February 13th, 2007
Harris, Charles Felix
* March 30th, 1900
† March 10th, 1974
Harrison, Edward Lancelot
Harrison, Harry
Harry, Thomas G.
Harshaw, Milford William
Hart, F.H.
† October 1946
Hart, Peter Joseph
Hartley, Eric Llewellyn
Harvey, Edwin Garfield
Hay, John George
* 1883
† 1964
Hay, Norman Malcolm
* September 17th, 1909
Hayes, John Laurence
Haygarth Jackson, Harold
* 1896
† 1972
Haynes, Jack
Head, Alfred Stanley
Head, Clifford Earl
Healey, Percy Edgar
Healey, Walter George
Hearn, Thomas Edmund
Heath, Edward Peter
Heath, John Benjamin
Heather, Claude
Hedley, Paul Mackenzie
Helingoe, John Edward
Hempson, Richard Davey
Henderson, Gavin Peterson
Henderson, George Allan
Herbert, Charles Pierre
Herbert, Edwin Otway
* November 18th, 1901
† April 4th, 1984
Herbertson, James John William
Hess, Myra
* February 25th, 1890
† November 25th, 1965
Heuff, Michael
HeWitt, John
Heyworth, Geoffrey, 1st Baron Heyworth
* October 18th, 1894
† June 15th, 1974
Hickling, Norman
Hidden, Hugh Rensborg
Higgins, Frank Edward John
Hildred, William Percival
* July 13th, 1893
† November 21st, 1986
Hill, Edward Roderick
Hill, G.H.
Hill, Seymour Benjamin
Hiller, Arthur Jules
Hilton, Roy Archer
Himsworth, Harold Percival "Harry"
* May 19th, 1905
† November 1st, 1993
Hinton, Leonard
Hoadley, Edward John
Hoare, Dennis John
* April 16th, 1891
† 1979
Hoare, Samuel John Gurney, 1st Viscount Templewood
* February 24th, 1880
† May 7th, 1959
Hodge, Barbara Vera
Hodges, Reginald John "Rex"
* March 21st, 1889
† January 13th, 1973
Hodgetts, Denis
Hodgson, Reginald Kenneth
Hoffe, Charles Mitchell
Hoffmeister, Bertram Meryl "Bert"
* May 15th, 1907
† December 4th, 1999
Hogben, Maurice Percy
Hogg, Stanley Frederick
Holden, Geoffrey Shuttleworth
* March 25th, 1886
Hole, George Vincer
* January 26th, 1910
† March 7th, 1988
Holland, Richard Jellicorse
* June 4th, 1910
Holland, William Henry
Holley, Jim
Hollinghurst, Leslie Norman
* January 2nd, 1895
† June 8th, 1971
Holloway, Ivor
Holman, Michael Robert
Holmes, Allan McDowell
Holmes, Edward Arthur David
Holmes, Henry George
Holmstrom, Lawrence Erick
Holt, Lawrence Durning
* November 17th, 1882
† 1961
Holway, Cecil Allen
Homer-Dixon, Richard Eugene
Hong, Kiang Sui
Hood, Alexander
* September 25th, 1888
† September 11th, 1980
Hooper, Herbert
Hopwood, John Adam
Horner, Geoffrey Alfred
Horner, Lawrence John Hallam
Horrocks, Brian Gwynne "Jorrocks"
* September 7th, 1895
† January 4th, 1985
Horrocks, William
Horton, Charles Jong
Horton, Frederick Morris
Horton, Max Kennedy
* November 29th, 1883
† July 30th, 1951
Hough, Harold
Houtsmuller, Jacques
* November 29th, 1894
† December 11th, 1974
Howell, Ronald Thomas Albert
Howes, Jack
Hudleston, Edmund Cuthbert "Phoenix"
* December 30th, 1908
† December 14th, 1994
Hudson, Arthur Reginald Gorman
Hudson, Victor
Hughes, Owen George
Huitson, A.
Humphreys, Thomas Henry
Hunt, B.
Hurcomb, Cyril William, 1st Baron Hurcomb
* February 18th, 1883
† August 7th, 1975
Hurley, James Joseph
* August 13th, 1898
Husband, George
Hutchings, Benjamin Leigh Balfour
† February 24th, 1981
Hutchinson, Carden William
Huxley, Gervas
* 1894
† 1971
Hyslop, John
Ibbot, Harold Bertram
Inett, Bertram Verner
Instone, Frank Arnold
Ireland, Elgin Gerald
* January 12th, 1921
† August 26th, 2000
Irvin, Gerald
Irvine, Arthur Marshall
Irvine, Walter Mitchell
Irwin, Hugh Duval
Jackson, Eric Napier
Jackson, Joseph Chamberlain
James, Arthur James Soady
† December 15th, 2002
James, Edward Antrobus
Jardine, William Henry
* August 28th, 1905
† May 10th, 1990
Jarvis, Walter Leslie
* May 24th, 1894
Jebson, William Henry
Jeffrey, Clawrence Joseph
Jeffreys, Robin Edward
* December 15th, 1890
† November 24th, 1963
Jenkins, Harold James
Jenkins, Thomas Gilmour
* July 18th, 1894
† September 9th, 1981
Jennings, Percival Thomas
Jette, Roland Paul Charles
Jobson, Edward Oliver Akers
Johns, Alfred Cyril
Johns, Philip Leslie
* January 18th, 1900
Johnson, Arthur Franklin
Johnson, Lambert
Johnson, Roy
Johnston, John Wilfred Leonard
Johnston, Robert Hugh Bathgate
Johnstone, Charles
Jones, Denis
Jones, Douglas Lawrence
Jones, G.W.
Jones, Henry
Jones, Kenneth
Jones, lorwerth
Jones, Peter Kendell
Jones, Ronald Dennis
Jones, Sidney Francis
Jones, Thomas Henry
Jones, William Trevor
Joslin, Harold Alfred
Joubert de la Ferté, Philip Bennet
* May 21st, 1887
† January 21st, 1965
Joyce, Harold Owen
* June 2nd, 1888
† October 9th, 1963
Joyce, William
Jubb, Roy Raymond
Kayes, Walter
Keble-White, Geoffrey Meredyth Keble
* June 7th, 1895
† June 2nd, 1961
Keefer, George Clinton
* July 11th, 1921
† January 1985
Keenlyside, Richard Headlam
* 1909
† 1998
Keep, Charles E.
Kelly, Edward Patrick
Kempster, Allan
Kendrick, Reginald Arthur
* October 30th, 1899
Kennedy, Harold
Kennedy, John Noble
* August 31st, 1893
† June 15th, 1970
Kennedy, John Patrick
Kennedy, Vincent Edward
* February 3rd, 1901
Kennedy-Shaw, William Boyd
* October 26th, 1901
† April 23rd, 1979
Kenney, Gordon Royal
Kerr, William James
Key, Charles Edward
King, Archibald James
King, Edward Leigh Stuart
* February 22nd, 1889
† May 8th, 1971
King, G.W.
King, Henry Arthur
King, Peter Kenneth
King, Sydney Thomas
King. G.A. Brown
Kingsford-Lethbridge, Henry Christopher Lethbridge
Kingstone, James Joseph "Joe"
* August 26th, 1892
† September 20th, 1966
Kirby, Stanley Woodburn
* February 13th, 1895
† July 19th, 1968
Kirk, Wilfred Hiram
* February 18th, 1918
† July 29th, 2009
Kirkman, John Sidney
* September 13th, 1920
† March 10th, 1987
Kitching, George
* September 19th, 1910
† June 15th, 1999
Kite, Alfred George
Kitson, Henry Karslake
* June 22nd, 1877
† February 19th, 1952
Kitson, James Buller
* December 24th, 1883
Klerck, Willem Jan
Knight, Albert Frederick Belmont
Knight, Anthony Gerald
Knollys, 2nd Viscount, Edward George W. T.
* January 16th, 1895
† December 3rd, 1966
Knotts, Lynton Joseph Martin
Knox, Fergus Y. Carson
* June 15th, 1898
† 1969
Koch de Gooreynd, Gerald
Kragt, Dignus "Dick"
* July 18th, 1917
† July 8th, 2008
Kuhlmann, Keith Cowie
* September 11th, 1913
† 1997
Kunderman, Edward William
Kyme Cordeaux, John
* July 23rd, 1902
† January 4th, 1982
Kynch, Montague William
Lacasse, Maurice
Lacroix, Leandre
Lafrance, Norman
Laing, Horace Vivian Darrell
* 1899
Lalonde, Rheal
Lambert, John Fraser
Lambert, Louis-Philippe
Lancaster, Alexander Albert
Landale, Alexander
Landell, Keith Dalhousie
Lane, E.
Lane, John Napier
* 1909
† November 10th, 1944
Plot: 10 Row: F Grave: 1
Lang, Robert Burton
Laplante, Joseph Ferdinand Louis-Philippe
Laramie, Orrence James
Larkin, Frederick Charles
Lashmar, Albert Sydney
Lawrence, William
Lawson, Walter Andrew
Lawton, Alexander
Laycock, Peter
Laycock, Robert Edward
* April 18th, 1907
† March 10th, 1968
Layton, Geoffrey
* April 20th, 1884
† September 4th, 1964
Leatherdale, Lyall Luke
Leblanc, Arthur Joseph
Leblanc, Evariste Joseph
Lee, A.F.
Lee, Fraser
Lee, Frederick John Ronald Patrick "Fred"
Lee, Peter Lee
Legge, Humphrey, 8th Earl of Dartmouth
* March 4th, 1888
† October 16th, 1962
LeQuesne, Charles Thomas
* November 3rd, 1885
† November 22nd, 1954
Leslie, John Norman Stewart
Lett, Stephen McLeod
* July 1908
† January 1992
Levasseur, Arthur
Levenston, Gerald Frederick
* 1914
Leverton, Henry Spry
* May 4th, 1890
† 1950
Levinne, Nathan Nauson
Levitt, Earl Henderson
Lewis, Beaufort Sanderson
Lewis, Edgar Walter
Lewis, Eric Sanderson
Lewis, Horace Edwin
Lewis, Richard Maurice Hull
* July 30th, 1897
† October 16th, 1972
Liddell, Kenneth Cecil
* April 26th, 1916
Liddle, Dennis Frank
Lightfoot, Leslie Jagez
Lillicrap, Charles Swift
* November 12th, 1887
† June 17th, 1966
Lindsay, James
Lister, James Frederick Alexander
* 1906
† June 7th, 1964
Lithgow, James, 1st Baronet
* January 27th, 1883
† February 23rd, 1952
Lithiby, John Stewart
Little, Charles James Colebrooke
* June 14th, 1882
† June 20th, 1973
Liudzius, John
Lloyd, Frederick William
Lloyd, Roger Exley
* July 27th, 1923
Lochead, John Richard
Lockyer-Nibbs, Sydney Charles Edward Leith
Lodge, E.F.
Lofthouse, Herbert Stanley
Logan, Frank Alan
Long, Eric Newton
Long, Walter Craven
Longland, Cedric James
Lougheed, Harold William
Love, Herbert Wainwright
* 1913
† March 14th, 1988
Love, James Newton
Lowinger, Victor Alexander
* 1879
† 1957
Loyd, Henry Charles "Budget Loyd"
* February 12th, 1891
† November 11th, 1973
Lucas, Frank William
Lucas, Jocelyn Morton, 4th Baronet
* August 27th, 1889
† May 2nd, 1980
Luker, Robert Isaac
Lumsden, Graham James Alexander
Lushington, Geoffrey Franklyn
Lymer, Thomas Arthur
Lynch, James Benedict
Lyndsay, Henry Arthur
Lynn, Lewis Alan
† March 18th, 2000
Lyons, Emanuel Barnett
* 1918
† 1992
Mabbett, Th.
Mabey, Ernest Frederick
MacCauley, Alexander George
Maccuaig, Duncan M.
MacDonald, Adam
Macdonald, Donald John
* July 25th, 1889
† December 3rd, 1951
MacDonald, Joseph C.P. "Joe"
† April 21st, 2003
MacIndoe, Robert Gourlay
MacKay, Earle Ladner
Mackay, Neil
Mackay, W.L.
MacKenzie, Donald Barclay
Mackinnon, William Alexander
MacLaren, Ian Harker
Maclay, Joseph Paton, 2nd Baron
* May 31st, 1899
† November 7th, 1969
MacLellan, Norman A.
MacLeod, Harold Morris
* September 25th, 1922
† July 22nd, 2008
Macmillan, Gordon Holmes Alexander "Babe"
* January 6th, 1897
† January 21st, 1986
MacMillen, Christopher John Salter
MacPherson, Thomas, 1st Baron
* July 9th, 1888
† June 11th, 1965
Macready, Gordon Nevil, 2nd Baronet
* April 5th, 1891
† October 17th, 1956
Mahood, John Robert
Main, Henry
Malachi Hardiman, Edgar Henry
Malpass, Stanley
Maltby, Paul Copeland
* August 5th, 1892
† July 2nd, 1971
Manion, James Patrick
Mann, Clarence Churchill
* September 6th, 1904
† January 14th, 1989
Mann, John Pelham
Manning, William L.
Manzer, Reynold Bayard
Marks, Patrick Heathcote
Marsh, Thomas William
† January 1st, 1955
Martin, Andrews Bruce Muirhead
Martin, James Russell
* October 10th, 1916
† September 26th, 1944
Plot: XI Row: G Grave: 3
Martin, Joseph A.L.H.
Martin, Leslie William
Martin, Walter Ross
Martin, William Wotherspoon
Mason, Gerald E.
Mason, Henry Maurice
Mason, John Melbourne
* October 8th, 1896
† September 17th, 1950
Mason, Melbourne Joseph
Mathews, Vera Laughton
† September 25th, 1959
Mathews-Laughton, Elvira Sibyl Marie (Vera)
* September 25th, 1888
† September 25th, 1959
Mathie, James Clarence
Mathisen, Harold
* November 11th, 1892
Matthews, Albert Bruce
* August 12th, 1909
† September 12th, 1991
Matthews, Harold Lancelot Roy
Matthews, Sydney James
Maud, Colin Douglas "Mad Maud"
* January 21st, 1903
† April 22nd, 1980
Mawer, Reginald John
Maxwell, Alexander Hyslop "Sandy"
* 1896
† October 15th, 1971
Mayhew, Kenneth George (Ken)
* January 18th, 1917
† May 14th, 2021
Mayo, Cecil
McAlister, Archibald Donald Cameron
McBride, Steward Edward
McCallum, Alexander Campbell
McCandlish, John Edward Chalmers
* 1901
† 1974
McCordic, J.D.
McCreary, John Ferguson
McCreary, Robert
McDavid, Herbert Gladstone "Mac"
* May 19th, 1898
† October 14th, 1966
McDermott, Leo Francis Joseph
McDonald, Donald Alistair
McDonald, Donald Malcolm
McDonald, Douglas W.
McDowell, John Hendry Hastie
McGregor, Charles H.D.
McGregor, Gordon Roy
* September 26th, 1901
† March 8th, 1971
McKay, James A.
McKay, James R.B.
McKean, Lionel Douglas Dalzell
* October 11th, 1886
† December 28th, 1963
McKechnie, Ian Humfrey