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Awards: Netherlands to Commonwealth
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McNalty Cochran, Cyril
McNickle, James L.
McRae, Donald Craig
Medlock, Arthur Charles Stevenson
Meek, David Burnett
* 1885
† 1964
Meller, Graham Temple
Menzies, James Stuart Scott
* June 1st, 1919
Menzies, Robert Bruce
Menzies, Stewart Graham
* January 30th, 1890
† May 29th, 1968
Metcalfe, John William
Metcalfe, Thomas Edward
Meuser, Henry Lloyd
Midgley, Arthur Norman
Miles, Frederick Francis Turner
Millar, Thomas
Millard, John Olivier
Millen, John Granville
Miller, Hans Eric
Miller, John
Miller, Peter Harry
Miller, Ronald James
* April 21st, 1919
† January 23rd, 1977
Mills, Clifford Beaton
Mills, James Samuel
Milne, George Murray
Mines, Anthony
Mingucci, Paul
Minnes, Allen Grant
Mishak, Alexander J.
Mitchell, Brian Glanville Blaney
Mitchell, David Reynolds
* July 1911
† April 30th, 1945
Mitchell, Frank Carlyle
Mitchell, John Angus MacBeth
Mitchell, John Brian
Mitchell, Leslie G.
Mitchner, John Davidson
* July 3rd, 1914
† December 8th, 1964
Mitman, Maurice
Mockler-Ferryman, Eric Edward
* June 27th, 1896
† November 19th, 1978
Moffatt, W.F.
Moffett, Joseph
Molnar, Demeter George Eugene
Monaghan, Ramsey A.
Moncreiffe, Mary
Moncrieff, Ernest Hutchison Glenn "Ernie"
* September 10th, 1909
† March 31st, 2000
Money, Norman Angell Kyrle
* March 5th, 1884
† November 20th, 1967
Monich, George
Montagu-Douglas-Scott, George Francis John
* July 8th, 1911
† June 8th, 1999
Montgomery, Andrew Mitchell
Montgomery, Bernard Law "Monty"
* November 17th, 1887
† March 24th, 1976
Moold, Albert T.
Mooney, George
Moore, Alfred Leslie
Morgan, Eric Vernon St. John
* September 11th, 1908
† November 25th, 1983
Morgan, F.
Morgan, James Arthur
Morgan, N.S.
Morley, Gerard
Morris, Ronald
† February 20th, 2008
Morrison, Donald Carter
Morrison, Jack S.
Morrison, Norman Eric
Morss, Robert Dillingham
Mortimore, Ronald John
Morton, Desmond John Falkiner
* November 13th, 1891
† July 31st, 1971
Morton, George Trestrail
Moseley, Peter Charles Oswald
Moss, Harry
Mott, Grey Egerton Thornley
* January 11th, 1898
† March 19th, 1980
Moulder, Bernard Christopher
Mountbatten, Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas
* June 25th, 1900
† August 27th, 1979
Movay, Gordon S.R.
Moy, Herbert
Muir, Charles Donald
Muir, Charles Ore
Muir, James I.
Muir, Marvin S.
Muir, Robert Ferguson Newlands
Mullen, William
Mulvihill, Thomas P.
Munford, Dennis Stewart
* September 16th, 1912
† February 27th, 2002
Munro, Catherine Boyd
Murdoch, Norman McLeod
Murdoch, William Scott
Murie, John
Myall, Henry Jack
Myatt, Howard Reginald
* May 14th, 1924
† January 23rd, 1945
Plot: XI Row: D Grave: 2
Mycoe, William
Myers, Edmund Charles Wolf "Eddie"
* October 12th, 1906
† December 6th, 1997
Nadeau, Robert
Namabrim, Leo A.
Narroway, Donald Mark
Nason, Claude Fortescue
* February 23rd, 1904
Nauss, Enos E.
Neale, Edgar Walter
Neale, Percy Arthur
Neary, Bernard Francis
Neave, Airey Middleton Sheffield
* January 23rd, 1916
† March 30th, 1979
Needham, John
Neele, Anthony Woodward
Neill, Ivan Delacherois
* July 10th, 1912
† June 18th, 2001
Neilson, Robert
Nelles, John S.
Nelson, Francis C.
Nesbitt, Arthur Deane "Father"
* November 16th, 1910
† February 22nd, 1978
Nesbitt, Mark
Nethery, Raymond R.
* August 7th, 1922
Newman, Herman J.
Nicholls, Ernest
Nicholls, Frederick William
* May 27th, 1889
† 1974
Nicholls, Gervase Henry
Nicol, Frederick J.
Nicol, William
North, Albert Henry
North-Lewis,Christopher David "Kit"
* March 13th, 1918
† March 25th, 2008
Northcott, Geoffrey Wilson
* November 25th, 1920
Nugent, Harold H.
Nugent, Th.C.
Nurse, Frederick Charles
Nuttall, James Thomas
Nye, Archibald Edward
* April 23rd, 1895
† November 13th, 1967
Nyenhuis, Conrad
O'Donnell, Patrick
O'Leary, Robert J.
O'Neill, Alphonsus Benedict Joseph
O'Neill, Hugh Francis 'Peggy'
* 1920
O'Neill, John Joseph
Oerton, Clarence F.
Ogg, Alan Kelly Alexander
Ollerenshaw, James W.
Oppenheimer, Ph.J.
Orchard, Oliver Ralph
Orde, Reginald John
* May 15th, 1893
† June 3rd, 1975
Osborne, Ronald Henry Hewett
Ouellet, Charles E.
Ouellet, Joseph Anthony
Oulton, Blake A.
Overbury, Geoffrey Fox
Overbury, Thomas
Owchar, William
Oxspring, Robert Wardlow "Oxo"
* May 22nd, 1919
† August 8th, 1989
Packe, Michael St. John "Mike"
* August 21st, 1916
† December 20th, 1978
Palliser, Arthur Francis Eric
* July 20th, 1890
† February 22nd, 1956
Palliser, Arthur Michael
Pangman, George Francis Case
* January 4th, 1920
† February 13th, 1994
Paquin, Donat
Paquita-Mawson, Francisca Adriana
* August 19th, 1891
† May 26th, 1974
Paradis, Wilfred
Parke, Kenneth Harwood
Parker, Edward William
Parkyn, Sidney John
Pascall, Douglas Charles
Paterson, Robert Andrew
Paterson, Robert Welland
Pattie, Stanley Frederick
Patton, Sarah C.
Pawson, Albert Guy
Payne, Anthony Denys Philpotts
Payne, Arthur J.
Payne, Leige H.C.
Payne, Leslie Laurence
Peace, William Robert
Pearce, Herbert Parmenter
Pearce, Ivor Verdon
Pearson, William Oliver
* November 20th, 1897
† September 10th, 1964
Peat, Donald Edward
Peat, Samuel Ralph
Peel, Denis Mark
Peerless, William Olaf
Peirse, Richard Edmund Charles
* September 30th, 1892
† August 5th, 1970
Pelly, Peter Douglas Herbert Raymond
* September 24th, 1904
† February 13th, 1980
Penney, William G.W.
Peppiatt, Kennet
* March 25th, 1893
† May 12th, 1983
Perry, Nicholas J.
Petrie, David
* September 9th, 1879
† August 7th, 1961
Petrie, William Meffan Ogg
Pheminster, Norman Clendening
Phillimore, Stephen Henry
* December 14th, 1881
† April 16th, 1956
Phillips, Cecil Farndale
* September 11th, 1905
† February 25th, 1961
Phillips, Hector Jack
Phillips, Herbert Francis Humphrey
Phillips, Owen William
Piché, Paul
Pickford, Alfred Donald "Pickie"
* May 20th, 1872
† October 7th, 1947
Pickup, John D.
Pidcock, W.
Pitt, George G.
Pitzell, Albert A.
Plagis, John Agorastos
Platts, Charles S.
Plow, Edward Chester
* September 28th, 1904
† April 25th, 1988
Plunkett-Ernle-Erle-Drax, Reginald Aylmer R.
* August 28th, 1880
† October 16th, 1967
Plyming, Harold John
Pollock, Sidney
Poole, Oliver Brian Sanderson, 1st Baron Poole
* August 11th, 1911
† January 28th, 1993
Pope, Sidney Leo Gregory
* March 27th, 1898
† November 5th, 1980
Portal, Charles Frederick Algernon "Peter"
* May 21st, 1893
† April 22nd, 1971
Portas, John
Porter, Hazen J.
Poussette, Arthur Kingsmill
Powell, Fredrick Thomas
Power, Arthur John
* April 12th, 1889
† January 28th, 1960
Poynton, Joseph William
* April 4th, 1921
Pressey, Frank
Prest, William Arnold (Arthur)
* July 5th, 1918
Price, Frank Leroy
Pridmore, Arthur William
Prowd, Keith
* January 2nd, 1922
Prueter, Kenneth F.
Pulbrook, Eustace Ralph
* 1881
† 1953
Pullan, Walter
Purves, John Gilroy
Purves, Ralph E.
Quigley, J.
Quinnette, Reginald D.
Racine, Arthur
Ram, William Frances Willett
Ramsden, Kenneth A.
Ramsey, Bryce B.
Randall, George E
Rankin, Waters Eveleigh "Leigh"
* 1908
† 1989
Rankin, William
Ratcliffe, George
Rawlins, Stuart Blundell
* August 18th, 1897
† April 2nd, 1955
Rayne, Geoffrey Middleton Randall
* August 20th, 1881
† July 16th, 1973
Read, Edward Walter
Read, Eric Estberg
* 1895
† 1979
Readman, Alexander George Jeffrey
† August 6th, 1973
Recoskie, Felix
Redhead, N.
Reeder, Edward Howard
Rees, Ernest Horace
Rees, James W.
Reid, Donald Craig
Reid, Ernest H.
Reid, Robert D.
Reid, William George
Reinhold, Gordon George
* September 17th, 1917
† October 14th, 2011
Reitz, J.
Rejall, Frederick Fineholtz
Renaud, Ernest James
* 1890
† 1967
Rennison, J.
Renwick, Norman C.
Reynolds, Bryan Vernon
* June 4th, 1902
† December 6th, 1965
Richards, Harry
Richardson, John Wharton
Richardson, Maurice Edwin
Rickard, Hugh Percy
Riddell, John D.
Rideout, Robert H.
Ridgeway, William Rueben
Rigler, Robert
Riley, William Culver
Rissen, Jeffery John
Ritchie, Charlotte
Ritchie, Frederick Newton
Ritchie, Jack Lamb
Ritchie, Neil Methuen
* July 28th, 1897
† December 11th, 1983
Roberts, Arthur Graham Lines
Roberts, Cyril Edward
Roberts, E.
Roberts, Edwards J.
Roberts, Harold
Roberts, Harold Keith
Roberts, James Alan
* August 19th, 1907
† 1990
Roberts, William Donald
Robertson, Clark B.
Robertson, Lawrence George
Robertson, Stewart
Robertson, Struan Manwaring
* August 5th, 1913
Robinson, Arthur W.
Robinson, Cecil Gordon Scott
Robinson, George William
* December 7th, 1907
† 1971
Robinson, Henry Basil Oswin
* March 3rd, 1919
† December 21st, 2012
Robinson, John Raymond
Robinson, Robert Charles
Robinson, Thomas Shaw
Robson, Clifford Alexander
Roddam, Arthur Cuthbert
Rodger, Norman Elliott
* November 30th, 1907
Rodgers, Joseph
Roelants, Gamble Leo Louis
* June 29th, 1915
† December 3rd, 2006
Rogers, Norman Francis
Rook, William James
* May 20th, 1885
† November 29th, 1958
Roper, James Gregson
* February 25th, 1901
† July 19th, 1945
Plot: 2Z Row: BB Grave: 7
Ropner, John Raymond "Jock"
* May 8th, 1903
† November 10th, 1996
Rose, Alfred Innes
Rose, Christopher
Rose, William A.
Ross, Charles D.
Ross, George Robert Hay
Ross, W.A.
Rostron, J.
Roswell, E.E.
Rothschild, Robert Phineas
* December 22nd, 1914
† 2000
Rowbottom, Herbert Walker
Rowe, Charles Roger
Rowell, Peter Jim Ernest
* February 8th, 1916
Rowland, Geoffrey
Rowland, Kenneth Edward
* June 19th, 1924
Rowlandson, Michael Alan Wethered
* January 1609
† September 1969
Roworth, Charles Guy
Roy, Joseph Octave Maurice Legendre
* January 25th, 1905
† October 24th, 1985
Roy, Maurice Legendre
Royle, Guy Charles Cecil
* August 17th, 1885
† January 4th, 1954
Rumble, Ernest Henry
Rundvall, Leonard Paul
* October 3rd, 1920
† September 30th, 1982
Rushbrooke, William Alec James
Russel, Blair Dalzell
* December 9th, 1917
† November 20th, 2007
Russell, Ben Harold
Russell, Clawford John
Ruttledge, Alfred John DeLaune
† December 15th, 1944
Ryan, Frank
* May 23rd, 1917
Rylaarsdam, Pleun Adrian
* March 29th, 1918
† July 28th, 1971
Ryneveld, van, Hesperus Andrias "Pierre"
* May 2nd, 1891
† December 2nd, 1972
Sainsbury, Alfred Vernon
Sainsbury, Geoffrey Harrington
* November 22nd, 1893
Salsman, John Edward
Samson, Robert Bertie
Santala, Enio
Sargent, Irwin
Saunders, Edgar F.
Saunders, Edward Arthur
Saunders, Hugh Norman
Scammell, Alfred
Scarfe, Claxon Alexander Frederick George
* May 1st, 1867
† March 18th, 1961
Schmitz, Grant
Schofield, Wilfrid
Scholten, Dick Arend
Scott, Alfred
Scott, Andrew W.
Scott, Thomas
Scragg, Colin
* September 8th, 1908
† April 5th, 1989
Scragg, William John
Secker, Verona
Sedgley, Harry
Sedgwick, Frank Hampson
Sellars, Douglas Stephen
Seymour, Adrian John Conway
Seymour-Lucas, Arthur Henry
Shadwell, Lancelot Milman
Shannon, Edward Gerard
Sharp, Charles R.
Shaw, John
Sheffield, George Berkeley
Shelton, Ronald Desmond
Shepherd, Helena Josephina
Sheppard, Allan
Sherring, William John Henry
Shervill, Robert Newton
Shore, William E.
Short, Ronald
† 1981
Shufeldt, Margaret Douglas
Siemssen, Oscar
Sigurdson, Asmunder
Silvius, Merritt Wells
Simeon, Charles Edward Barrington
* December 24th, 1889
† November 6th, 1955
Simon, John Gilbert
Simonds, Guy Granville
* April 23rd, 1903
† May 15th, 1974
Simpson, Frank Ernest Wallace
* March 21st, 1899
† July 28th, 1986
Simpson, Herbert
Sinclair, E.
Skarott, Walter C.
Skibinski, Stanley T.
Smashnuk, Eli B.
Smith, Aubrey Clare Hugh
* September 22nd, 1872
† October 6th, 1957
Smith, Clarence Helmyn
Smith, Edward Marshall
Smith, George
Smith, George Isaac
Smith, James
Smith, Laurence Christie
Smith, Leslie Frederick
Smith, Norman Hamilton
Smith, Robert Frank
Smith, William Edward
Smuts, Jan Christiaan
* May 24th, 1870
† September 11th, 1950
Sneath, A.W.
Snyder, Beverly Wells
Somers, Claude Charles
Somerville, James Fownes
* July 17th, 1882
† March 19th, 1949
Somerville, Ronald Macaulay
Soper, G.L.
Soucie, Guillaume
Souter, James Callaghan
Sparks, Thomas Ashley
* March 23rd, 1877
† May 21st, 1964
Sparrow, Walter H.
Spence, H.B.
Spencer-Churchill, Winston Leonard
* November 30th, 1874
† January 24th, 1965
Spicer, George William Lawrence
Spilsbury, George
Sproule, John Alexander
* November 23rd, 1917
† June 7th, 1995
St. Giles Taylor, Herbert
Stack, Charles Maurice
* March 17th, 1888
Stanhope, Oswald
Stanners, Geoffrey Charles
Stapleton, Albert Arthur Lawson
Stapleton, Basil Gerald "Stapme"
* May 12th, 1920
† April 13th, 2010
Stayt, Ralph Marcus
* September 21st, 1919
† January 29th, 2015
Stead, Ernest
Steele, James Stuart
* October 26th, 1894
† July 24th, 1975
Steele, Michael J.
Steer, Edwin Maurice
Steinman, Peter Joseph
Stephens, William Derek
* March 5th, 1898
† July 25th, 1983
Stetham, Archibald John Ridley
Stevenson, John Champion
† November 24th, 1998
Stevenson, John Rowlstone
* October 7th, 1908
Stevenson, Walter
Stevenson, Walter James
Stewart, Charles
Stewart, Donald E.
Stewart, Henry Douglas
Stewart, John Leslie
Stewart, William Paul
* September 1920
Stilwell, Victor C.
Stojack, Francis
Stoker, Max Joseph Bingham
Stokes, Joseph Henry
Stone, A.G.
Stonebanks, Arthur Mathew
Stopford, Robert Jemmett
* 1895
† 1978
Stott, Vernon "Vern"
Strang, Robert
Stratton, Peter
Straub, Arthur A.
Streat, Edward Raymond
* February 7th, 1897
† September 13th, 1979
Street, Arthur William
* May 16th, 1892
† February 24th, 1951
Strom, Carl A.
Stroud, Alfred H.
Studer, R.W.
Sullivan, P.
Sullivan, Patrick Howard
Sullivan, William
Summerscale, Alex
Surplice, Wilfred Edward
† November 3rd, 1944
Plot: 1 Row: C Grave: 6
Sutcliffe, Edgar Sykes
Suttie, Earl Ritchie
* February 26th, 1909
† January 25th, 1979
Sutton, Arthur Francis
Sutton, James Scott
Swanson, Roy Arnold
Swayne, Nora
Sweet, Stephen Athol
Swift, Walter Hammerton
Swinscow, Thomas Douglas Victor
* July 10th, 1917
† September 24th, 1992
Swinson, Reginald B.
Sykes, Ernest Thomas
Symonds, Rowland Charles
Tait, Frank R.
Tait, William Eric Campbell
* August 12th, 1886
† July 17th, 1946
Taite, Richard Hamish
* April 5th, 1911
Talbot, Cecil Ponsonby
* August 31st, 1884
† March 17th, 1970
Tangen, Bjame
Taylor, Harry Clifford
Taylor, John Everard
Taylor, Kenneth Elder
Taylor, T.D.
Taylor, Yvon P.
Tedman, Philip Henry
Temple, John R.
Templer, Gerald Walter Robert "Tiger of Malaya"
* September 11th, 1898
† October 25th, 1979
Tennant, Thomas Cameron
* August 23rd, 1918
Tessier, Trevor Rogerson
Theobold, Nigel Henry
Theriault, Alfred J.
Thibodeau, Donald A.
Thomas, Charles V.
Thomas, David J.
Thomas, Ernest Charnock
Thomas, Frederick William
Thomas, Gwilym Ivor "Butcher Thomas"
* July 23rd, 1893
† August 29th, 1972
Thomas, William Francis
Thomlinson, Benjamin VIncent
* May 5th, 1913
Thompson, Earl R.
Thompson, Richard Charles
Thompson, William Francis Kynaston "Sheriff"
* November 12th, 1909
† June 6th, 1980
Thompson, William Graham
Thomson, Francis Vernon, 1st Baronet
* February 10th, 1881
† February 8th, 1953
Thomson, James
Thomson, John
Thorne, Jean Frank
Thornton, John Augustus
* March 13th, 1896
Thrussell, Gordon Hugh
Thurman, Roy S.
Tidmus, Albert Percy
Tidy, Henry Letheby "Harry"
* October 28th, 1877
† June 3rd, 1960
Tindall, John Alexander
Tiney, James Sydney
Tipper, William D.
Todd, Percy Arthur Stanley
* 1898
† 1996
Torney, Thomas Hastings Frederick
Torry, Basil
Townsend, A
Townsend, Donald Lavaff
Tranter, Arthur