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Related persons

Meek, David Burnett* 1885
† 1964

Menzies, Stewart Graham* January 30th, 1890
† May 29th, 1968

Miller, Ronald James* April 21st, 1919
† January 23rd, 1977

Mitchell, David Reynolds* July 1911
† April 30th, 1945

Mitchner, John Davidson* July 3rd, 1914
† December 8th, 1964

Mockler-Ferryman, Eric Edward* June 27th, 1896
† November 19th, 1978

Moncrieff, Ernest Hutchison Glenn "Ernie"* September 10th, 1909
† March 31st, 2000

Money, Norman Angell Kyrle* March 5th, 1884
† November 20th, 1967

Montagu-Douglas-Scott, George Francis John* July 8th, 1911
† June 8th, 1999

Montgomery, Bernard Law "Monty"* November 17th, 1887
† March 24th, 1976

Morgan, Eric Vernon St. John* September 11th, 1908
† November 25th, 1983

Morris, Ronald† February 20th, 2008

Morton, Desmond John Falkiner* November 13th, 1891
† July 31st, 1971

Mott, Grey Egerton Thornley* January 11th, 1898
† March 19th, 1980

Mountbatten, Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas* June 25th, 1900
† August 27th, 1979

Munford, Dennis Stewart* September 16th, 1912
† February 27th, 2002

Myatt, Howard Reginald* May 14th, 1924
† January 23rd, 1945
Plot: XI Row: D Grave: 2

Myers, Edmund Charles Wolf "Eddie"* October 12th, 1906
† December 6th, 1997

Nason, Claude Fortescue* February 23rd, 1904

Neave, Airey Middleton Sheffield* January 23rd, 1916
† March 30th, 1979

Neill, Ivan Delacherois* July 10th, 1912
† June 18th, 2001

Nesbitt, Arthur Deane "Father"* November 16th, 1910
† February 22nd, 1978

Nethery, Raymond R.* August 7th, 1922

Nicholls, Frederick William* May 27th, 1889
† 1974

North-Lewis,Christopher David "Kit"* March 13th, 1918
† March 25th, 2008

Northcott, Geoffrey Wilson* November 25th, 1920

Nye, Archibald Edward* April 23rd, 1895
† November 13th, 1967

Orde, Reginald John* May 15th, 1893
† June 3rd, 1975

Oxspring, Robert Wardlow "Oxo"* May 22nd, 1919
† August 8th, 1989

Packe, Michael St. John "Mike"* August 21st, 1916
† December 20th, 1978

Palliser, Arthur Francis Eric* July 20th, 1890
† February 22nd, 1956

Pangman, George Francis Case* January 4th, 1920
† February 13th, 1994

Paquita-Mawson, Francisca Adriana* August 19th, 1891
† May 26th, 1974

Pearson, William Oliver* November 20th, 1897
† September 10th, 1964

Peirse, Richard Edmund Charles* September 30th, 1892
† August 5th, 1970

Pelly, Peter Douglas Herbert Raymond* September 24th, 1904
† February 13th, 1980

Peppiatt, Kennet* March 25th, 1893
† May 12th, 1983

Petrie, David* September 9th, 1879
† August 7th, 1961

Phillimore, Stephen Henry* December 14th, 1881
† April 16th, 1956

Phillips, Cecil Farndale* September 11th, 1905
† February 25th, 1961

Pickford, Alfred Donald "Pickie"* May 20th, 1872
† October 7th, 1947

Plow, Edward Chester* September 28th, 1904
† April 25th, 1988

Plunkett-Ernle-Erle-Drax, Reginald Aylmer R.* August 28th, 1880
† October 16th, 1967

Poole, Oliver Brian Sanderson, 1st Baron Poole* August 11th, 1911
† January 28th, 1993

Pope, Sidney Leo Gregory* March 27th, 1898
† November 5th, 1980

Portal, Charles Frederick Algernon "Peter"* May 21st, 1893
† April 22nd, 1971

Power, Arthur John* April 12th, 1889
† January 28th, 1960

Poynton, Joseph William* April 4th, 1921

Prowd, Keith* January 2nd, 1922

Rawlins, Stuart Blundell* August 18th, 1897
† April 2nd, 1955

Rayne, Geoffrey Middleton Randall* August 20th, 1881
† July 16th, 1973

Read, Eric Estberg* 1895
† 1979

Reinhold, Gordon George* September 17th, 1917
† October 14th, 2011

Renaud, Ernest James* 1890
† 1967

Reynolds, Bryan Vernon* June 4th, 1902
† December 6th, 1965

Ritchie, Neil Methuen* July 28th, 1897
† December 11th, 1983

Roberts, James Alan* August 19th, 1907
† 1990

Robertson, Struan Manwaring* August 5th, 1913

Robinson, George William* December 7th, 1907
† 1971

Robinson, Henry Basil Oswin* March 3rd, 1919
† December 21st, 2012

Rodger, Norman Elliott* November 30th, 1907

Roelants, Gamble Leo Louis* June 29th, 1915
† December 3rd, 2006

Rook, William James* May 20th, 1885
† November 29th, 1958

Roper, James Gregson* February 25th, 1901
† July 19th, 1945
Plot: 2Z Row: BB Grave: 7

Ropner, John Raymond "Jock"* May 8th, 1903
† November 10th, 1996

Rothschild, Robert Phineas* December 22nd, 1914
† 2000

Rowell, Peter Jim Ernest* February 8th, 1916

Rowland, Kenneth Edward* June 19th, 1924

Rowlandson, Michael Alan Wethered* January 1609
† September 1969

Roy, Joseph Octave Maurice Legendre* January 25th, 1905
† October 24th, 1985

Royle, Guy Charles Cecil* August 17th, 1885
† January 4th, 1954

Rundvall, Leonard Paul* October 3rd, 1920
† September 30th, 1982

Russel, Blair Dalzell* December 9th, 1917
† November 20th, 2007

Ruttledge, Alfred John DeLaune† December 15th, 1944

Ryan, Frank* May 23rd, 1917

Rylaarsdam, Pleun Adrian* March 29th, 1918
† July 28th, 1971

Ryneveld, van, Hesperus Andrias "Pierre"* May 2nd, 1891
† December 2nd, 1972

Sainsbury, Geoffrey Harrington* November 22nd, 1893

Scarfe, Claxon Alexander Frederick George* May 1st, 1867
† March 18th, 1961

Scragg, Colin* September 8th, 1908
† April 5th, 1989

Simeon, Charles Edward Barrington* December 24th, 1889
† November 6th, 1955

Simonds, Guy Granville* April 23rd, 1903
† May 15th, 1974

Simpson, Frank Ernest Wallace* March 21st, 1899
† July 28th, 1986

Smith, Aubrey Clare Hugh* September 22nd, 1872
† October 6th, 1957

Smuts, Jan Christiaan* May 24th, 1870
† September 11th, 1950

Somerville, James Fownes* July 17th, 1882
† March 19th, 1949

Sparks, Thomas Ashley* March 23rd, 1877
† May 21st, 1964

Spencer-Churchill, Winston Leonard* November 30th, 1874
† January 24th, 1965

Sproule, John Alexander* November 23rd, 1917
† June 7th, 1995

Stack, Charles Maurice* March 17th, 1888

Stapleton, Basil Gerald "Stapme"* May 12th, 1920
† April 13th, 2010

Stayt, Ralph Marcus* September 21st, 1919
† January 29th, 2015

Steele, James Stuart* October 26th, 1894
† July 24th, 1975

Stephens, William Derek* March 5th, 1898
† July 25th, 1983

Stevenson, John Champion† November 24th, 1998

Stevenson, John Rowlstone* October 7th, 1908

Stewart, William Paul* September 1920

Streat, Edward Raymond* February 7th, 1897
† September 13th, 1979

Street, Arthur William* May 16th, 1892
† February 24th, 1951

Surplice, Wilfred Edward† November 3rd, 1944
Plot: 1 Row: C Grave: 6

Suttie, Earl Ritchie* February 26th, 1909
† January 25th, 1979

Swinscow, Thomas Douglas Victor* July 10th, 1917
† September 24th, 1992

Tait, William Eric Campbell* August 12th, 1886
† July 17th, 1946

Taite, Richard Hamish* April 5th, 1911

Talbot, Cecil Ponsonby* August 31st, 1884
† March 17th, 1970

Templer, Gerald Walter Robert "Tiger of Malaya"* September 11th, 1898
† October 25th, 1979

Tennant, Thomas Cameron* August 23rd, 1918

Thomas, Gwilym Ivor "Butcher Thomas"* July 23rd, 1893
† August 29th, 1972

Thompson, William Francis Kynaston "Sheriff"* November 12th, 1909
† June 6th, 1980

Thomson, Francis Vernon, 1st Baronet* February 10th, 1881
† February 8th, 1953

Thornton, John Augustus* March 13th, 1896

Tidy, Henry Letheby "Harry"* October 28th, 1877
† June 3rd, 1960